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Ask Your Spirit Guide

Right now (like so many others) I am unemployed. I have no idea which way to turn. I'm not really sure in which direction of employment I need to go. Please, please help me with some direction. read more
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Why Good People Do Bad Things

Love can be scary. So scary that some of us will do whatever we can to get out of it! Sound crazy? It isn't! While we may not be conscious of our deeper motivations, when we do bad things in relationships ... read more

Fear Factor

From the time we are little, we experience fear ("Mommy, don't turn the lights out!"). Even before there are words to express it, fear is there. Take for instance a mother who jets out of the house for a ... read more

Quiz: Are You Happy?

What is happiness? If you're among the millions who find the concept elusive and hard to define, you're not alone. Life has its ups and downs after all, and as such, feeling miserable is ... read more

5 Ways to Get Unstuck

Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels, digging a hole deeper and deeper, because you're stuck in a rut? Perhaps life's demands or disappointments have led you into exhaustion, void of any energy read more

Dealing With Fear

There's that old acronym people love to use to define fear, which is "False Evidence Appearing Real." But that doesn't mean that fear should be approached as silly or unimportant just ... read more
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