• feeling good

5 Ways to Be Happy

Happiness can be so elusive. After all, one day something great may happen - and the next, we could be down on our luck. So how do we stay on that even keel despite our external circumstances? And what ... read more

Your Day, Your Choice

You wake up on the crabby side of the bed, you bump into the ex that dumped you on Facebook, and your mailbox is overstuffed with past due bills. On the surface any or all of this could make for a bad ... read more

Manage Your Moods

Are your friends as stressed out as you are lately? Well, you're not alone. Web M.D. reports that 30% of Americans are losing sleep because of personal finances, job fears and the economy. CNN cited a ... read more

Change Your Body Image

At this moment, how do you feel about your body? If you are like many people, your mind jumps to that one thing you would like to change. What if you were asked, "so - that one thing you want to change: ... read more

Your Natural Sexiness

The secret to a new and improved sex life - believe it or not, is within you! And while we all know being sexy does have some external factors involved - namely your appearance - tapping into your natural ... read more

Enhance Your Creativity

Why not plan to take 20 minutes at a gallery or at a coffee shop every week to enhance your creative mind? Treating yourself like an artist - not just a taskmaster - can add so much joy to your life, no ... read more

Maintain Your Motivation

Things had been going just fine, percolating along... and then they're not! Suddenly, you're feeling like your couch has grown its own gravitational field, and you just can't move. What do you do? ... read more

Alternative Measures

If you're like most people, you want to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. This is the ideal of a New Age lifestyle: balance. Where there is yin, there is yang, where there is hot there is cold and so ... read more
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