Sun in Libra

Yin and yang. Bogie and Bacall. Peanut butter and jelly. The importance of balance in relationships seems pretty evident. Yet why do so many of us seem to get balance all wrong? ... read more

Different Dates

Dating can be fun. It can be wonderful in fact, but it's always a bit nerve-wracking. Sometimes in all the effort to make an ideal impression you can forget to really examine your suitor. Who is he or she ... read more

Long Distance Love

Love is such a powerful thing, it can convince you that there's a way to "be" with someone without actually being in the same place as them. If you're considering such a relationship, take a long, hard ... read more

The Birds and the Bees

Ah, Spring. The time of year when a young man's fancy turns to hissing, wing-beating, face-rubbing and primal mating dances. Okay, perhaps not every human man. But it's hard to deny that love is in the air ... read more

Dating Do’s

Sometimes when you're dating, you get so caught up in the desire to meet someone, that you forget what you should really be focusing on. So consider these very important indicators that you're onto ... read more

Dating Don’ts

Sometimes, when we're dating, it's super easy to turn a blind eye to certain things we don't like. Especially if you're like many daters who are actively looking for "the one." One thing to keep in mind is ... read more
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