Still Have Issues?

An issue is something that interrupts your thoughts constantly, that's waiting to drive you nuts when you open your eyes in the morning, that makes you feel wounded or inadequate, that sits in the middle ... read more

Mainstream Mysticism

For most of us, it isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to believe in psychics and other mystical forces that help guide and enhance our lives. Yet it wasn't that long ago, that our beliefs were ... read more

Venus Enters Pisces

If you find yourself longing for someone who isn't just a compatible partner, but aligned with your soul's purpose as well, it may be Venus in Pisces at work. That's because this influence, which takes ... read more
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My Life as an Astrologer

Astrology is like a second skin for me. And life as an astrologer can be a bit, well, strange. Having studied planetary influences since the age of 10, I'm intuitively aware of what the planets ... read more
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