• relationship advice

DreamCast: A Funeral

My friend (who I want to marry) and I were at a funeral, sitting in the pews. We were talking, along with everyone else, but we didn't know anyone there. The casket was brown and closed. I remember feeling ... read more

Why We Need Love

Love. Countless songs are written about it, thousands of books have explored its meaning, and millions pay monthly fees to cyber-cupids with the hope of finding a true one. From our earliest moments on ... read more

Duplicity in Love

Relationships are hard enough to navigate when the partners involved are open and communicative with each other. But add a chameleon into the mix - you know the type, friendly and warm one second, cold and ... read more
  • Uncategorized

Ask Your Spirit Guide

I come from a very traditional background but I'm also quite an unconventional person and an artist at heart. I think most of my life I've followed my heart but it's always been hindered by my head and ... read more
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