• relationship advice

Be Better in Bed

Astrology can make you better in bed! When we first look to the stars for insight into our sex lives, we tend to put the focus on our Sun Sign. But delve deeper into astrology and you'll find that the best ... read more
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Zen Gifts For Your Lover

With the pace of life as crazy as it is these days, it's easy to get disconnected - from yourself and your lover. Think about it. When many of us live our lives sitting at computer ... read more
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Write a Perfect Love Letter

Looking for a lovely way to say "I love you" this Valentine's Day? You don't need to break the bank - try an old fashioned art instead. Valentine's Day is a holiday where sentiment trumps all. So the best ... read more

10 Signs of a Good Match

signs of a good match
We all know what it's like to go shopping and try on loads of different clothes to no avail, but when that one special piece fits like it was made for you, you snatch it up! Finding the right love match ... read more
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