• relationship advice

10 Signs of a Good Match

signs of a good match
We all know what it's like to go shopping and try on loads of different clothes to no avail, but when that one special piece fits like it was made for you, you snatch it up! Finding the right love match ... read more

Venus Enters Aries

It's going to be an interesting ride when Venus (the planet of love) enters impulsive and fiery Aries for an interrupted, but longer-than-usual stay from February 4 - April 11, 2009. Look for this to ... read more

Cut Your Losses in Love

We all want to believe in love, in the idea that love can last forever. The truth is - it can. But, not every relationship is meant to last forever. So how do you know when it's right to break up? Usually ... read more
  • Uncategorized

Battle Bedroom Boredom

The fact that couples have to work at maintaining their sexual bond is rarely mentioned. The simple
truth is, like most things that are worth having, a saucy sex life doesn't magically maintain ... read more

Attraction by Element

Why does one person get your heart racing and another make you want to run? How can the same person cause you to melt while leaving your best friend cold? Attraction is a complicated thing - unless you ... read more

The Other Woman

Remember that hotty who poached your boyfriend or girlfriend way back when? Now that the years have eased the pain, have you ever wondered what went on in their mind when they knowingly went after someone ... read more
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