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Sexual Soulmates

Ah, chemistry. There is very little in this world as intense - or wonderful - as mind-blowing sex. When you physically connect with someone so deeply that it feels like getting into bed (or wherever), it's ... read more
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Stress and Your Sex Life

If your (lack of a) sex life has become one of the myriad of things you're stressed out about, stop beating yourself up for wondering what's wrong with you for having lost interest. For starters, you're ... read more

Sexuality 101

You are always a sexual being - no matter when, how, if, or with whom you choose to express that fact. Keeping that in mind, have you ever really taken the time to understand who you are sexually ... read more

Be Better in Bed

Astrology can make you better in bed! When we first look to the stars for insight into our sex lives, we tend to put the focus on our Sun Sign. But delve deeper into astrology and you'll find that the best ... read more

Attraction by Element

Why does one person get your heart racing and another make you want to run? How can the same person cause you to melt while leaving your best friend cold? Attraction is a complicated thing - unless you ... read more

Afraid of The Dark?

Fear of the dark is most often associated with childhood, because children are less likely to separate reality and imagination. More often than not, the intense fear of the dark we experience in childhood ... read more
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