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April 24, 2022
Every time I read with her she is so clear, concise, straightforward and extremely on target with what’s going on in your situation. Remarkable!
Sasha Lanita, Mulberry
April 23, 2022
Just like the other reviews says, she's lighting fast! Not a time waster and straightforward. Not sure about the prediction yet, however, it's definitely in alignment with what some of my other favorites has said. So, I shall report back soon with positive news!
April 23, 2022
Asia is one of my top CPs. Hands down she is one of the best!!!! She is accurate with timing and energies.
April 23, 2022
Always a pleasure to read with Asia. I've read with her for a few years and continue to come back for her insight, guidance and support. Thank you for being you, You're an amazing lady.
April 23, 2022
Asia is angel sent for me! Very very straightforward (don't call her if you're not prepared to hear the truth). She will tell you what she intuits but gently, and believe it or not, she is very accurate. That's why I keep gong back to her. She keeps it real, no fairy tales here.
April 23, 2022
Asia cleared something up immediately about a family member, something I knew to be true. She's excellent at her work, not to mention her integrity. She will never string you along to complete the call. Almost all my conversations (and I do call her frequently) never lasts more that 3-4 min, she's that good. Love you to bits Asia- your friend from London.
April 22, 2022
Went back for more. What I love about Ms Asia is that her confidence with her responses makes you feel confident in her predictions. She gives you timelines… waiting to see if they unfold!
April 22, 2022
Thank you Asia for your honest and direct reading! You were spot on when it came to reading my situation. You also answered my questions, in a way that gave me a lot of hope..
Y. R., New York City
April 22, 2022
She deals with me. I call at least twice a week about the same person. Thank you for being patient with me.
April 21, 2022
4/12-I did hear from poi within time frame and actually on Good Friday. Saw that he would resurface and a job coming his way in May. I would much rather spend 5 min on the phone cos you get so much more than sending a message for $75. I would hope for more insight for that kinda money. Thanks!