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January 17, 2022
She will give you the fastest, most honest and most accurate reading you’ve ever had. She saves you allot of time.
January 16, 2022
Very straightforward. I found she read better the less specifics I told. Very informative though.
Omer, Los Angeles
January 15, 2022
Asia's readings, abilities, and skills are in a category of their own! Nothing but the best.
January 15, 2022
She’s my consoling and honest reader. I love her reading technique!! Wonderful.
Vicki, hampton
January 13, 2022
Asia eased my fears about my POI. I look forward to her prediction being accurate.
January 13, 2022
Asia is so fast and gives it all to you so straight but in such a compassionate funny way. I love her. -
January 13, 2022
Asia is so good at knowing where peoples' heads are at. Very perceptive. I enjoy reading with her.
January 11, 2022
Asia picks up and goes immediately. She’s quick with her answers and is spot on. Well worth the time and money. She’s definitely talented.
January 11, 2022
Ok, I am not a person who writes review but I had to mention about Asia’s reading today. My friend was going nuts about a meeting with his manager, he was expecting to be laid off today. I called Asia for 4 min or so she told me what I need to hear. She said she just didn’t feel it. She said, he will survive, maybe the manager will mention about him dropping balls here and there but she didn’t see a job loss. The call went exactly how she said!
D.P., Wyckoff
January 10, 2022
Unbelievable first reading with Asia!!! She was so on-target with my guy, and literally read him like a book. Honest and reassuring, without spinning a fairytale. Looking forward to timelines unfolding very soon. Will definitely be calling her back!