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Asia Customer Testimonials


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July 6, 2021
Asia’s timelines have been spot on in the past. Just waiting on one more timeline.
July 5, 2021
Asia is always on point and quick with the information. She has been there for me.
July 5, 2021
Asia is a great person to speak with. She connects right away and tells you what she sees not what she thinks you want to hear.
Crystal, Cambridge Central
July 4, 2021
Always love talking to Asia. Hoping timelines come true. Thank you.
July 4, 2021
Wow Asia! She’s so fast and gives so much information. We were able to talk about work and relationships all under 7 minutes. She doesn’t waste your time. Was in line with other CPs.
July 4, 2021
I love Asia. Her predictions came true many times. Now waiting for this one sometime this summer. Thank you Asia.
July 3, 2021
This was my first time reading with Asia. It was short and to the point. She did not waste my time and she made me laugh. I’m looking forward to her prediction.
July 2, 2021
Asia is a quick firing stream of information. She told me things about my poi and stated things that make sense and how things will change.
H.M., Clinton township
July 1, 2021
6/16-Timing prediction occurred and she said things that he's said to me as to why he's like he is right now. She reassured me that things are dead with the other situation. Although me and Asia speak often and she's familiar with my case, she reassured me that she's not just saying it but he will be back. I'm sure she wants to tell me to RUN away from this guy but she never makes it personal and I appreciate that. Thanks Girlfriend!
H.M., Clinton township
July 1, 2021
6/15-Asia is so spot on and her timing is usually impeccable! My go to for contact because she sees things so clearly. Like right into your poi's head. She saw lots of 2's for communication and he started texting again on the 22nd. Said we would be ok by end of June and before 7/4. But as of 7/1, we're not but I'm still hopeful that things will turn around. Thank you.