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Testimonials (250)

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February 11, 2022
Great reading everytime. She's always on point. My favorite reader. She very knowledgeable and professional. I look forward to reading with you again and again. Thank you for all the clarity on my life.
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January 25, 2020
I love Elaine! Feels like home talking about serious matters and makes me feel more centered and focused on positive real things not fairy tale this is magical because very few are gifted - ELAINE IS GREAT.
January 13, 2020
Elaine was great! She told me something I didn’t want to hear but she gave me hope. I followed her advice and I am much happier now.
January 13, 2020
Elaine told me of my family & friends that have passed on, with accurate information. Also when asked about someone that I have a crush on, she hit the nail in the head. I will be calling back to speak to her again.
Don, Santa Fe
January 9, 2020
Elaine was right on about things in my relationship, that I didn't have to tell her. She mentioned it before I could tell her about our status. I recommend Elaine highly!
January 2, 2020
Great insight and gave the truth even though it was hard to hear. I received closure and am hopeful for the future.
December 21, 2019
Straight to the point, and direct. She answered my questions in a timely matter. Didn’t waste my time by writing long paragraphs. If the predictions come true then I will give 5 stars. For now just 4.
December 20, 2019
Elaine was amazing!! Able to tune into my POI immediately and helped me understand him and set my heart at ease. Will definitely read with her again.
December 6, 2019
Loved her! Ran out of funds but will be back for sure! Definitely resonated!
October 31, 2019
Great, she was phenomenal, she was right on the head and she told me things enlighten me. Things that I wasn't aware of and I feel like she helped me connect on a different level.
October 11, 2019
Excellent reading that pinpointed some areas that have unfolded in the past few days that she mentioned. But the end was accurate and I am pleased. I would read with her again.