Amazing!!! One of my top favorites. Very nice and detailed. Compassionate and great reading. Very recommended
Showing Top 10 Relevant Results:
Please know that as far as the man is concerned, I'm in a way better place. It's frustrating to watch someone you love struggle so much and not be able to do anything about it, because they won't let you in. I'm listening to my guides and finding more peace in the situation. It's still hard. I'm slowly moving forward, you say he'll catch up. I believe he will too. It sucks "knowing," but not having. Nothing great comes easy. A heartfelt thank you for the support.
She was amazing. She was honest and straightforward. There was no reading between the lines. She told me things that I already knew, but didn't want admit. She also told me that I would hear from my new special person the next day and I did. I loved my reading with her and I can't wait for my next one. She is worth every penny.
My experience with Scarlet was amazing. Her ability to see situations in your life and most importantly to explain your thoughts, feelings, actions, and concerns regarding those situations makes it easy to know that she has truly been blessed with a gift. I absolutely love her direct approach and honesty. And my gut tells me she will be spot on with her predictions for the future. I will most definitely call her again. Thank you so very much!
Scarlet was a blessing to talk to. She is able to give perfect analogies to situations. She's like the teacher who makes you feel like Einstein when you ask her a question about whether or not you did your homework correctly. Great spiritual advisor who can tap into what's simply going on in a way you probably didn't think of before.
Just read with her and she immediately connected to all the people involved in a complex relationship. Will definitely take her guidance and see where this goes since she knew who I felt I should be with and confirmed. Will read with her again!
After we spoke about work I had an epiphany. All the moments that man has "tried" rolled out in a vision like a newsreel,some I knew he was trying, but I was so unsure of my abilities. Some I didn't know and some I wasn't in a place to respond to his efforts. Wow. It's taking me forever to "get my shine on" like you tell me to. I'm so grateful and blessed. You are my greatest cheerleader. A kindred spirit. You are for sure. Blessings!
Scarlet,I truly hope this journey is worth all the loneliness. My guides say to keep hanging in there,you confirm that for me. The endless advice, encouragement and support you provide is appreciated, respected and never taken for granted.I hope for positive physical results to quiet my brain. You've always said this would be slow. A major understatement,but a greatly respected truth. As I struggle, your words help me to try to keep moving forward. Blessings.
I have read with a lot of psychics on CP, but Scarlet is GREAT! Always a pleasure to talk to her and what she sees is always right on! She has given me a lot of hope. Call her today, you will love what she sees for you!
Scarlet, seriously, she is amazing! She completely understands what I'm going through and understands my situation. I want to thank her for just giving me reassurance, whether it really happens or not, but I do believe it will. I thank you so so much!
Scarlet, I'm not sure what it was exactly that you said to me the other day, but something finally "clicked" with me. I've found a great sense of peace inside myself since that day. I'm trying to work with my guides and establish some trust with them. You've been firm and consistent with me. I'm sure you have been annoyed but you've always provided great support and guidance on this crazy journey. The best big sister I never had. A HEARTFELT thank you!