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Tara Customer Testimonials


Testimonials (2603)

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December 28, 2023
I’ve been reading with Tara for many years and she has never steered me wrong. Countless predictions have manifested. She is my all time favorite psychic & advisor. He gifts astonish me every time I read with her. Tara’s unique style and quickness with which she is able to dig deep into the delicate details of a persons emotion or situation is second to none. I feel very blessed to have her in my life as someone I can always go to for the truth.
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Showing Top 10 Relevant Results:
Thomas, Marana
May 6, 2021
Awesome and accurate readings as always! Thank you for your reference to Caleb as he provided me with a different perspective today. You and he are now my top 2 Psychics. I am very much at peace from my reading with you last night as well as Caleb's today from a different perspective. Thank you Tara!
May 6, 2021
Tara, straight forward to the point does not sugar coat reading. Accurate about my significant other and our relationship and current issues. Looking forward to seeing her predictions occur.
May 4, 2021
Texted with Tara today and it was awesome! Her reply was detailed and realistic! I hope her prediction of a future discussion w/my poi will be a positive one and I can finally get some closure in which direction this relationship will go towards in my future! Thank you Tara! XO
Imani, Desoto
May 2, 2021
This was my first time speaking with Tara and she was amazing. She was very easy to talk to and brought me a lot of clarity that I am moving towards a right path. I do look forward to her predictions for a future relationship! And will look into guidance with talking to a counselor. I can’t wait to speak to you again Tara!
Katrina, Phoenix
May 2, 2021
It was helpful to touch base about a significant relationship. Tara not only gives timelines but also deep soulful questions.
Katrina, Phoenix
May 1, 2021
I called Tara during the new moon to help set an intention. I had no idea how versed she was in astrology! It was enormously helpful as I also have studied astrology for 26 years. She just drove right in and I could follow her thought process. It was an exciting reading.
Katrina, Phoenix
April 30, 2021
Tara I gave a clear and quick reading of a significant relationship. The reading was a combination of practical advice and intuitive sight. She gave a nice blend of honest caution and while also sharing the wonderful parts of our connection.
April 30, 2021
She sees people and relationships so clearly. Truly gifted and had great advice to match what she sees. I always leave with the answers I need to know, even if I don’t like them.
Jeremiah, Puyallup
April 28, 2021
Thank You Tara for your wonderful,accurate and honest advice. She was very kind, and extremely detailed. I would suggest her if you are in need of clarity, guidance and or reassurance she would be the one to reach out too. ??
April 27, 2021
Tara is great she just ask for your name and date of birth and tell you what she see.. shes honest and that is important to me :) give her a call