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Tara Customer Testimonials


Testimonials (2603)

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December 28, 2023
I’ve been reading with Tara for many years and she has never steered me wrong. Countless predictions have manifested. She is my all time favorite psychic & advisor. He gifts astonish me every time I read with her. Tara’s unique style and quickness with which she is able to dig deep into the delicate details of a persons emotion or situation is second to none. I feel very blessed to have her in my life as someone I can always go to for the truth.
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Zach, Kaysville
March 29, 2021
I love reading with her, she has been such a great support and good energy for me, and helps me see my path in life. Zach
March 28, 2021
She is my go to counselor... in 3 years has never been wrong and always honest and patient! She should have a 5 star rating! Tara gives a client what they are calling for .. answers to their questions and guidance to help navigate their trials! She is top notch! Tara, he FaceTimed last night and was shocked! Offered to come see me! Love you! xo
March 28, 2021
Tera gave me a good rating and I felt like she was conscious about my time and money. I would call her again.
March 27, 2021
Thank you Tara! My very first reading here! Tara was great! Seemed accurate with my situation! I will definitely be back!
Tara, Mechanicsburg
March 27, 2021
Tara is amazing!!! She knew exactly what was going on with me and everything she told me was spot on! When I called back I made sure I was talking to her. And when I call back again, I’ll be talking to her again!
D.S., Atlanta
March 24, 2021
Accuracy! I was told that there may be some sort of challenge re an interview and the next morning the interviewer had to reschedule due to conflict in schedule.
March 21, 2021
This advisor has been a blessing with for me! She reads me so well and is always accurate while describing my poi’s emotions! You will not be sorry trying a reading with her!! Tara, I am sorry I didn’t say goodbye! Thank you for calming my anxiety and for helping me see things with a clear head! Xo
A.D., Chula Vista
March 20, 2021
Thank You! I texted him on his birthday today and he send me an apology with hearts because his son got sick. I’ll be in touch and taking your suggestion to take it slow.
Daniel, Miramar
March 18, 2021
Thanks Tara! I will definitely take your advice on the two POI’s we talked about. Thank you for being real and honest and telling me like it is.
March 18, 2021
She has given me some very good advice and I will definitely be taking her advice. She knew things about my situation before I even mentioned it. She is very good at what she does and I very much appreciate all of her help.