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Have you noticed a familiar sequence of numbers showing up in your daily life? Whether that’s glancing at your watch to see it’s 11:11 a.m. or noticing that your grocery receipt came to $11.11, these repeating sequences are Angel Numbers. In spirituality, they are thought to contain unique messages for you from the Universe.
There are many different Angel Numbers — each with their own meanings, but all serve to offer you insight and clarity, and to reveal hidden meanings behind patterns or themes you’re experiencing throughout your life.
What Is Numerology?
To understand the significance of Angel Numbers, it’s important to look at numerology. Numerology is the study of how numbers and their unique energies can influence and determine human destiny. It is a divinatory art that is thought to provide insight into human character, enhancing our ability to understand, create, and grow. Numerology can be used to illuminate our relationships, careers, life paths, strengths, weaknesses, and even our karma and past lives.
Each number’s vibrational energy, its effect, and its meaning is revealed through the practice of numerology. Through numerology’s many branches, we can discover how numbers affect us and how to apply them spiritually.
What Are Angel Numbers?
Angel Numbers are messages from higher realms, from our guides, or from the Universe itself. Angel Numbers appear in special patterns and sequences in daily life to warn, assist, comfort, and guide people from all walks of life. When we know how to interpret what they mean and take the time to apply their messages to our current situations, they can offer deep insight and guidance.
Why Are Angel Numbers Significant?
Angel Numbers are significant because they are often believed to hold hidden messages and repeat themselves in several different ways to get our attention. You may find that they repeatedly appear in your surroundings in ways that are difficult to ignore. Their meanings and advice are thought to help with a variety problems, sparking inspiration and new ideas.
Where Do Angel Numbers Appear?
Angel Numbers can show up in all kinds of places. License plates, addresses, ID cards, billboards, slot machines, digital clocks and devices, phone numbers, and more are all common conduits for Angel Number messages.
When you notice that a certain number sequence catches your eye more than once, sit up and pay attention. Chances are high that you will see your number several more times during the next few weeks or so. This could come to you in various settings and in various ways.
Angel Numbers and Their Meanings
The first step in understanding Angel Numbers is to learn about their meanings. It is also important to simply let your intuition be your guide as you reflect on what your Angel Number is telling you. This will amplify its meaning for you. Ask your angels and guides to help you understand your number’s message. Each time you see an Angel Number, write it down along with any thoughts or feelings that you’re experiencing at that moment. Over time, this will help you in your journey to understanding the significance of that Angel Number for you.
It also helps to study the basic numerological meanings of numbers 0-9, as they will help you interpret your Angel Number combinations. Each individual number in the sequence will add to its special meaning.
Here are some common Angel Number examples and some of the messages they hold. If you’re seeing one or more of these number combinations, tap into your intuition and consider speaking to an expert Numerology Psychic for extra insight into what the Universe is trying to help you understand.
1111 (Master Number 11, Doubled)
1111 means that you are in touch with positive manifestation. Your desired future is within your reach. It will involve bringing wisdom to others. Leadership and responsibility are indicated. Take this opportunity to set a wish or intention.
1212 (Balance Between the Inner Self and Outside World)
1212 encourages you to stay focused and keep going until you reach your destination. You are supported by Spirit. Do not give up on a dream you previously held about your future.
999 (Hospitality, Overcoming Karma, Conclusions)
Your house may become a spiritual hub and your hospitality will be tripled in the near future. Let free ideas and open minds flourish. Create a space for yourself and others to explore higher realms of thought and experience. You may break the cycle of karma through doing so. You will be supported by others.
333 (Creativity, Expression, Entertainment)
333 suggests that creativity will abound as you express, communicate, and learn. Don’t refrain from being humorous, entertaining, and exciting in your expressions. Learning does not have to be dull.
4040 (Twin Purposes, New Projects, Beginner’s Mind)
A Twin Flame is calling your name. Spirit says you may meet this person in your line of work or vocation. There will be work for you to do together in line with your spiritual purpose in this lifetime. Your individual purposes merge. Let go and be observant. Meditate and express your willingness to welcome this change and to speed it along.
217 (Others, Responsibility, Idealism)
Have a selfless devotion to a cause larger than yourself now. Use your dedication and don’t be afraid of hard work. Take on responsibility because in doing so you can make the world better. Waste no more time because the time is now.
329 (Faith, Trust, Action)
You are being guided in dreams to take action. Throw off anxieties. Have faith in yourself and trust in the Universe. Work with others. You will find that they are “old souls” at the end of an important cycle. Work to uplift everyone you can.
414 (Be Grounded, Be Practical, Work Hard)
You are ready to take the reins and really accomplish something through hands-on work. You will be led into the proper channels, and you will find the activity that brings you closer to your true life path.
717 (Reach For Excellence)
You are ready to connect with your Higher Purpose and start something new. You seek perfection, but don’t worry, simply reach for something higher and more aligned with your ideals. You are being guided by the Universe.
616 (Overcome Past Failures, Accept Help, Be Diligent)
The Universe knows that your past has been hard, but it is here to help you overcome what you believe are your failures. Through diligent effort, and constant mindfulness of those who need your help, you will merge onto a fresh and brilliant new pathway.
Looking for Angel Numbers
Pay close attention when you see your birthday month and year repeated frequently in your environment because this is likely to be Spirit shouting to get your attention. Sit with your Angel Number for a while each time it is shown to you, and its meaning will eventually reveal itself. When you fully receive your message, that number will stop reappearing, and a new one will take its place.
It’s important to remember that there are thousands of possible Angel Number sequences. There are, in fact, as many Angel Numbers as there are numbers themselves. If yours are different or unusual, don’t shrug them off. They are just for you, though they may strike you at first as meaningless or strange. Keep recording your thoughts and feelings as you see them and don’t be afraid to seek psychic or spiritual guidance if you need it. Eventually, the answers will become clear.
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22 thoughts on “What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean?”
I got to seeing these sets of numbers a lot recently. I mean every time I looked at the time, or random radio station, even the score on a video game that had been played but unchecked for months was 3333333333 the first time I even looked at my score . After talking to my Lord, and asked if this was from him to please let me know and I was simply told to look at my phone and there was 222, on the time.
A few days later I told my Lord I could sure use a boost to pick up my spirits on a certain subject I have been struggling with and would appreciate any angelic numbers right at that moment if he would be so kind, I was told ok its not quite time but I could just add 5 to it. I looked at my phone and it was 2:17 am which was 222 after I added the 5. I suggest everyone get to know our Lord God, he is the greatest friend you will ever have if you treat him as such and talk with him daily. He has put me through many trials and tribulations, but he has always left me a way out and taught me to always have faith and he will always give me what I need,, but not always what I want or how I thought it would turn out, but always for the better.
I am just waiting on his divine timing for things I am struggling with to happen, and they will , He lets me know with his signs like angelic numbers, seeing different animals, come up to me often, like opossums, red birds, even saw a peacock the other day, down the road from where I live. Never saw it before that. So have faith , do right by following God and talking with him, have a real relationship, and trust in him, and you honestly can ask him for help with anything,, and if its his will, you will always get it. Hope this helps everyone. Later J.T.
There was a time, i stayed in Vegas for a few months, and as i sat at the hairdressers waiting to get my hair done, i had an angelic exp. An old indian guy selling satan embroidered jackets asked to sell me one, i denied the offer and shook his hand andvthis is the freaky part. He wouldnt let go and blurted out that i needed to follow my feelings and my guardian will send the number 777 randomly with my vibe to guide or prepare for anything that was evil or bad. Then i asked who my guardian was and he said that it was Stan my father who passed when i was 10. That my gift needed more then angels but a familiar spirit for it would know how to handle the non chast but human responses. That my father felt that he needed to be there for all the times he wasnt. That this man and i resemble each other. Since then ive increased my gift as spiritual psychic to avisionary, writer, dreams and hear and see spirits from time to time i get premonitions once i got a premonition from my gma in her lates sta h es of dementia. She couldnt speak or move like a doll. Well she kept sending me thoughts and visions of butterflies. And the funny thing is i had no clue she collected them and left me her butterfly jewelry collection .so my story got off the path, the point is as i sat in vegas and casinos as long as my gift helped others all my needs got met. Have faith.
It doesn’t work that way.
I had a oppossum sighting about 1 too 3 weeks ago..i had went outside to put food and water down for the outside cat..and i walk back in the house to the kitchen to put food away..went back to the door and their was oppossum eating the cat food..when he got done eatting he turned around and stared at me and stared back for a good 5 to 10 minutes with his tail pointed straight up in the air..then i look at my phone and reading my daily horoscope it said something about have a oppossum sighting…wried and wow
Got laid off my job in November and been tryi g to make tje best decision go back to school and make something better of myself or go bck to doing the job that cant push me forward in life to have some income so i wont end up homeless. Need help plzzzzzz.
Keep seeing my birthdate 212 everywhere and for a couple of years not sure what the spirits are trying to communicate to me or how to communicate to them as I would really appreciate their positive guidance.
Also what does it mean to constantly repeat someone’s name in my head or speak that persons name for no apparent reason. This person is someone I once cared for and it seems usually when things are not going well for me his name just slips off my tongue. I still care for him very much. I know this must sound weird but I would appreciate any advice, thank you.
My recurring number is 13.
Of course I get scared and turn my head unti the time changes.
My mother was born on the the 13th.
She has since left this world. She now is a Angel.
After reading this article I will ask my Angel Guide for the meaning.
Thank you!
Hi Their: Hmm this message is for Peggy—How dare you involve yourself with another man when you are still married—–watch out Peggy cause Lady Karma will come back and give you a good kick in the butt—-I have no problem when someone leaves their relationship–but to do this to a guy when you are still married—-shame on you—-like I said watch out for Lady Karma——TeHe TeHe====
I agree!! (This is also to Peggy)
Peggy… wow. Is all I can say. And after 23 years! You sound like you already know who u want. And to just string along the man you are married to….. ? That’s 100% Rotten! Shame on you! What 8f he were doing to you, what you are doing to him? You would probably flip out, be deeply hurt and think nothing but really wretched things about him.. It sounds like your husband deserves MUCH better..U DONT sound like a very good person at all. To be honest. .and really you probably do not deserve to still be married.. I dont think u should be doing what your doing. Not in any way is your actions acceptable or excusable. Grow up Peggy.. think of someone other then yourself maybe…and do the right thing! . If your unhappy, tell ur husband… Work on it! Marrriage needs work sometimes. Or if u dont want the very least you could do is packnur things and LEAVE. DONT be SHADY AND BE A CHEATER. That’s so effed up. I hate people that think like u.. sorry. I just dont like sneaky, cheating, lieing, terrible people with no regard for others feelings. So … my advice… be an adult. Talk to ur husband.. work on the marriage together… or leave that poor man (ur husband) alone and just get out of his life. Dont lead him on. That’s wrong.
I see these repeated numbers all the time – at first i used to be scared of them but got used to them because they appear EVERY DAY. at least four times every day. The popular ones are 14:44, 12:22, 13:33 and 11:11. I always take a screen shot whenever i see them. I wish i can get more information about this.. I am from South Africa – do you have Psychics this side that you recommend?
I’m suck between to men one I’m married to the other I can’t go a day without seeing….. I’m not happy with my marriage but we have been together for lil over 23 yrs. The other man gives me butterflies.
First, I am sorry you have been harshly judged by another’s subjective personal values, lack of empathy, when you were asking for help and being vulnerable. None of us are better/worse than another and Pain is subjective.
The grass is greener epidemic, especially with social media, plus the addition of brain chemicals like dopamine can really trick you & are very convincing that you’ve found, “the one,” missing from your life. If you’re unhappy in your marriage, and truly feel its unsalvagable with counseling etc, & felt this way BEFORE Mr Butterflies came into picture, perhaps ask yourself what is keeping you in the marriage? Is there any real love left, passion, intimacy, trust, friendship, common goals/interests or is there only anger, resentment, indifference, contempt, hostility, & a roommate type of arrangement remaining? Do you have children together, asking simply because the urban legend argument, “staying together for the kids,” has been disproven decades ago & counselors/family therapists can tell you children are resilient, even if there’s not open conflict in household, kids also pick up tension, lack of affection between parents, avoidance or silent treatment of each other, which can be equally damaging as overt conflicts. All research at this time for kids, points to 2 parents happy apart is more healthy that 2 parents unhappy together.
Change is difficult, however can be positively transformative. I would encourage you also to
closely examine the circumstances related to how long you’ve been seeing Mr B, how you met, what do you have in common, does he have a spouse/children? Is he seeing anyone else that you know of, or on other dating sites? Is there trust, emotional/spiritual intimacy as well? Do you engage in additional activities outside sexual intimacies, which can be heightened due to dopamine of newness & excitement related to,”forbidden fruit,” engaging in secret affair during marriage & all the energy that goes into maintaining the ruse can be exhilarating & contribute to excitement & butterflies. It’s when all that energy going toward hiding an affair & maintaining secrecy is freed up, all is out in open & you can be a legitimate couple that the true test of your connection is revealed
Living day to day life together, sharing space, dealing with triggers, family of origin issues that come up, any addiction, mental health or trauma history, budgeting, blending families, “real life,” vs the fantasy & escape an affair offers …that the truth reveals itself. Please take care of yourself, be honest with yourself & indicidual counseling, coaching or even a personal psychic, which I feel is worth mentioning due to this site, can be very beneficial & assist with decision making, personal accountability & support.
Hey, try this put your heart & mind on the same path and leave your hormones out of it. Sounds weird but try it and see where your true feelings lead you. That should be the man you end up with!!! #bestwishes
Here in the last two months I keep receiving from people I barely know or don’t even know calling me… An Angel. They will say… Your An Angel! Or Tell someone… She’s an Angel! I have also had dreams that I have a spine that has wing bones attached to it and I have these beautiful feathery angel wings that come out of my skin and unfold, but one of my wings is broken and I need a doctor to fix it and thats why I’m stuck on Earth in this human form, but I haven’t found the doctor yet that I can trust that will not exspose me as an angel, or will not die of a heart attack when he sees my wings, and then I don’t know if he will be able to even fix my small things wing bones, my feathers are ok. Now on the real side… I have been working in an hospital for the last two months, since Feb 21, 2018!!!
I have played my local lotteries and sweepstakes contests forever. I am in a place in my life where I am ready to handle and take on the winner of a HUGE lottery and or sweepstakes contests . I’m curious as to whether or not my opportunity is going to happen in this lifetime.
Please help me wirh this matter. Thank you!
22 thoughts on “What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean?”
hey there thanks for the advice
I got to seeing these sets of numbers a lot recently. I mean every time I looked at the time, or random radio station, even the score on a video game that had been played but unchecked for months was 3333333333 the first time I even looked at my score . After talking to my Lord, and asked if this was from him to please let me know and I was simply told to look at my phone and there was 222, on the time.
A few days later I told my Lord I could sure use a boost to pick up my spirits on a certain subject I have been struggling with and would appreciate any angelic numbers right at that moment if he would be so kind, I was told ok its not quite time but I could just add 5 to it. I looked at my phone and it was 2:17 am which was 222 after I added the 5. I suggest everyone get to know our Lord God, he is the greatest friend you will ever have if you treat him as such and talk with him daily. He has put me through many trials and tribulations, but he has always left me a way out and taught me to always have faith and he will always give me what I need,, but not always what I want or how I thought it would turn out, but always for the better.
I am just waiting on his divine timing for things I am struggling with to happen, and they will , He lets me know with his signs like angelic numbers, seeing different animals, come up to me often, like opossums, red birds, even saw a peacock the other day, down the road from where I live. Never saw it before that. So have faith , do right by following God and talking with him, have a real relationship, and trust in him, and you honestly can ask him for help with anything,, and if its his will, you will always get it. Hope this helps everyone. Later J.T.
I am struggling financially and i am unemployed.i would like to recieve angelic numbers to try and play the lottery
There was a time, i stayed in Vegas for a few months, and as i sat at the hairdressers waiting to get my hair done, i had an angelic exp. An old indian guy selling satan embroidered jackets asked to sell me one, i denied the offer and shook his hand andvthis is the freaky part. He wouldnt let go and blurted out that i needed to follow my feelings and my guardian will send the number 777 randomly with my vibe to guide or prepare for anything that was evil or bad. Then i asked who my guardian was and he said that it was Stan my father who passed when i was 10. That my gift needed more then angels but a familiar spirit for it would know how to handle the non chast but human responses. That my father felt that he needed to be there for all the times he wasnt. That this man and i resemble each other. Since then ive increased my gift as spiritual psychic to avisionary, writer, dreams and hear and see spirits from time to time i get premonitions once i got a premonition from my gma in her lates sta h es of dementia. She couldnt speak or move like a doll. Well she kept sending me thoughts and visions of butterflies. And the funny thing is i had no clue she collected them and left me her butterfly jewelry collection .so my story got off the path, the point is as i sat in vegas and casinos as long as my gift helped others all my needs got met. Have faith.
It doesn’t work that way.
I had a oppossum sighting about 1 too 3 weeks ago..i had went outside to put food and water down for the outside cat..and i walk back in the house to the kitchen to put food away..went back to the door and their was oppossum eating the cat food..when he got done eatting he turned around and stared at me and stared back for a good 5 to 10 minutes with his tail pointed straight up in the air..then i look at my phone and reading my daily horoscope it said something about have a oppossum sighting…wried and wow
Got laid off my job in November and been tryi g to make tje best decision go back to school and make something better of myself or go bck to doing the job that cant push me forward in life to have some income so i wont end up homeless. Need help plzzzzzz.
Keep seeing my birthdate 212 everywhere and for a couple of years not sure what the spirits are trying to communicate to me or how to communicate to them as I would really appreciate their positive guidance.
Also what does it mean to constantly repeat someone’s name in my head or speak that persons name for no apparent reason. This person is someone I once cared for and it seems usually when things are not going well for me his name just slips off my tongue. I still care for him very much. I know this must sound weird but I would appreciate any advice, thank you.
My recurring number is 13.
Of course I get scared and turn my head unti the time changes.
My mother was born on the the 13th.
She has since left this world. She now is a Angel.
After reading this article I will ask my Angel Guide for the meaning.
Thank you!
Hi Their: Hmm this message is for Peggy—How dare you involve yourself with another man when you are still married—–watch out Peggy cause Lady Karma will come back and give you a good kick in the butt—-I have no problem when someone leaves their relationship–but to do this to a guy when you are still married—-shame on you—-like I said watch out for Lady Karma——TeHe TeHe====
I agree!! (This is also to Peggy)
Peggy… wow. Is all I can say. And after 23 years! You sound like you already know who u want. And to just string along the man you are married to….. ? That’s 100% Rotten! Shame on you! What 8f he were doing to you, what you are doing to him? You would probably flip out, be deeply hurt and think nothing but really wretched things about him.. It sounds like your husband deserves MUCH better..U DONT sound like a very good person at all. To be honest. .and really you probably do not deserve to still be married.. I dont think u should be doing what your doing. Not in any way is your actions acceptable or excusable. Grow up Peggy.. think of someone other then yourself maybe…and do the right thing! . If your unhappy, tell ur husband… Work on it! Marrriage needs work sometimes. Or if u dont want the very least you could do is packnur things and LEAVE. DONT be SHADY AND BE A CHEATER. That’s so effed up. I hate people that think like u.. sorry. I just dont like sneaky, cheating, lieing, terrible people with no regard for others feelings. So … my advice… be an adult. Talk to ur husband.. work on the marriage together… or leave that poor man (ur husband) alone and just get out of his life. Dont lead him on. That’s wrong.
I see these repeated numbers all the time – at first i used to be scared of them but got used to them because they appear EVERY DAY. at least four times every day. The popular ones are 14:44, 12:22, 13:33 and 11:11. I always take a screen shot whenever i see them. I wish i can get more information about this.. I am from South Africa – do you have Psychics this side that you recommend?
Hey !!! 11:11 I see it all the time since my dad died ! It means that is the closest you can get to the spirit world,!! Your blessed
Will I win the lottery one day me and my husband in Texas
I would love the numbets to lottiety on fri 13
I would love the numbets to lottiety on fri 13
I’m suck between to men one I’m married to the other I can’t go a day without seeing….. I’m not happy with my marriage but we have been together for lil over 23 yrs. The other man gives me butterflies.
First, I am sorry you have been harshly judged by another’s subjective personal values, lack of empathy, when you were asking for help and being vulnerable. None of us are better/worse than another and Pain is subjective.
The grass is greener epidemic, especially with social media, plus the addition of brain chemicals like dopamine can really trick you & are very convincing that you’ve found, “the one,” missing from your life. If you’re unhappy in your marriage, and truly feel its unsalvagable with counseling etc, & felt this way BEFORE Mr Butterflies came into picture, perhaps ask yourself what is keeping you in the marriage? Is there any real love left, passion, intimacy, trust, friendship, common goals/interests or is there only anger, resentment, indifference, contempt, hostility, & a roommate type of arrangement remaining? Do you have children together, asking simply because the urban legend argument, “staying together for the kids,” has been disproven decades ago & counselors/family therapists can tell you children are resilient, even if there’s not open conflict in household, kids also pick up tension, lack of affection between parents, avoidance or silent treatment of each other, which can be equally damaging as overt conflicts. All research at this time for kids, points to 2 parents happy apart is more healthy that 2 parents unhappy together.
Change is difficult, however can be positively transformative. I would encourage you also to
closely examine the circumstances related to how long you’ve been seeing Mr B, how you met, what do you have in common, does he have a spouse/children? Is he seeing anyone else that you know of, or on other dating sites? Is there trust, emotional/spiritual intimacy as well? Do you engage in additional activities outside sexual intimacies, which can be heightened due to dopamine of newness & excitement related to,”forbidden fruit,” engaging in secret affair during marriage & all the energy that goes into maintaining the ruse can be exhilarating & contribute to excitement & butterflies. It’s when all that energy going toward hiding an affair & maintaining secrecy is freed up, all is out in open & you can be a legitimate couple that the true test of your connection is revealed
Living day to day life together, sharing space, dealing with triggers, family of origin issues that come up, any addiction, mental health or trauma history, budgeting, blending families, “real life,” vs the fantasy & escape an affair offers …that the truth reveals itself. Please take care of yourself, be honest with yourself & indicidual counseling, coaching or even a personal psychic, which I feel is worth mentioning due to this site, can be very beneficial & assist with decision making, personal accountability & support.
Hey, try this put your heart & mind on the same path and leave your hormones out of it. Sounds weird but try it and see where your true feelings lead you. That should be the man you end up with!!! #bestwishes
Here in the last two months I keep receiving from people I barely know or don’t even know calling me… An Angel. They will say… Your An Angel! Or Tell someone… She’s an Angel! I have also had dreams that I have a spine that has wing bones attached to it and I have these beautiful feathery angel wings that come out of my skin and unfold, but one of my wings is broken and I need a doctor to fix it and thats why I’m stuck on Earth in this human form, but I haven’t found the doctor yet that I can trust that will not exspose me as an angel, or will not die of a heart attack when he sees my wings, and then I don’t know if he will be able to even fix my small things wing bones, my feathers are ok. Now on the real side… I have been working in an hospital for the last two months, since Feb 21, 2018!!!
I have played my local lotteries and sweepstakes contests forever. I am in a place in my life where I am ready to handle and take on the winner of a HUGE lottery and or sweepstakes contests . I’m curious as to whether or not my opportunity is going to happen in this lifetime.
Please help me wirh this matter. Thank you!
Money I need dearly