Getting to Know Archangel Uriel

Know Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel: The Angel of Wisdom

I wanted to do another article on the archangels. This time I chose Archangel Uriel.

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Truth in the Darkness of Confusion

Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom. He shines the light of God’s truth into the darkness of confusion. We sometimes can ask Uriel for his help in seeking God before making decisions, to come up with fresh ideas, solve problems and resolve conflicts. He can help us with letting go of destructive emotions, most importantly, the ones that cause us anxiety and anger. Uriel is considered one of the wisest archangels because of his intellectual information and creative insight, but he is very subtle. You may not even realize he has answered your prayer until you’ve suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.

The Angel of Repentance

Uriel’s energy colors are red, purple and gold. He is also sometimes depicted as carrying a book or scroll which represents wisdom. Uriel is the angel who watches over thunder and terror. As the Angel of Repentance, he can help us to understand the laws of karma, which, put very simply, mean that we reap what we sow. Uriel also helps us understand how Divine mercy works and brings us awareness that we are all cherished by God’s love.

New Insights About the Best Decisions

There are ways of knowing Uriel is near. He can be around you when you are gaining new insights about the best decisions to make in certain situations. Uriel directs your focus to the one he serves which is God. He will help your focus on God with gratitude and appreciation for your divine plan of life. Uriel will also help you with your intuition. Since Uriel is an angel of prophecies, he will be willing to help you develop your psychic powers and intuition. He can give you visions (clairvoyance) and dreams. When he is aware that this is an area you are truly interested in developing, he will provide you with ongoing assistance. Be ready! It comes on like a freight train! But remember, you are only given what you can handle.

A Confidence Boost

Uriel can also help your confidence levels. He will give you doses of wisdom. He will heal any loss of self-respect. He can also shine light on your values and help you find the strength and empowerment in yourself.

Help Those in Need

Uriel also wants you to take the wisdom he gives you, put it into action and help those that need your help. Serve whomever is in need as God leads you. Sometimes you have that urge to help. Follow that gut. Let the words flow through you. I, at an early age, gave God my life to serve him in any capacity that I could. I try to help many people every day, with love, compassion and humor! Try to turn the other cheek once in a while too. You may feel angry and not want to, but be better than the other person—you will be rewarded for it. Anything you can do to benefit humanity or the world, Uriel will help and support you.

How to Speak to Uriel

Here is a prayer that may help you speak with Uriel: “Uriel, I thank God for making you so wise. Please shine the light of God’s wisdom into my life whenever I’m facing an important decision, so I can decide in light of what’s best. Please help me seek God’s will in all situations. Give me the inspiration I need to come up with fresh, creative ideas. Help me learn new information well. Guide me toward solutions to the problems I face. Empower me to resolve conflicts with other people, and to let go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger that can prevent me from discerning divine wisdom. Amen.”

I hope this helps you and maybe even empowers your psychic intuition.

Love and Light!

Psychic Asia ext. 5486

35 thoughts on “Getting to Know Archangel Uriel

  1. Patricia Hamm

    Asia am at loss due to the death of my only child a year ago at the age of 27. He left behind a wife and two young babies. Life seemed great on the outside but wasn’t on the inside for him. I wished I could have helped more. I need my archangels. Can you tell me who it is and if my son is happy now? Patricia Hamm 1-16-1959.

  2. Rosemarie

    Thank you for the article. I have been reading about AA Uriel. I feel chills, increased energy, and a tender sweet love in my heart. I hope to learn how to communicate and be aware of his signs and messages more. I already feel like the energy for ideas is flowing. Blessings.

  3. Amy

    This article was so beneficial to me and broken down in an easy to understand way. Thank you, Asia. It was really great that you included the prayer as a way to apply and utilize Uriel’s gifts. Loved it!

  4. Marc from the UK

    It was good to read this article and put it into practice! I recently had an awkward situation at work, I asked Uriel for help and protection, not only did I receive a positive redress, I also had great feedback from a client. It is times like these that I feel an affirmation can be the only answer.

  5. Marisol

    After reading this article, I feel so much better. Whenever I am in trouble I find prayer comforting, but sometimes things are too much to handle and I become discouraged. I will definitely pray to Archangel Uriel for wisdom and guidance.

    Thank you for the article!!

  6. Jay Schwark

    Hello. Thanks for the angel prayer. I’ve had some sort of spritual awakening in the last 6 months. I can’t explain it but it’s amazing! The angles speak to me all day and night. I’m soooo close to them. My life has totally changed for the better! I came from a dark place to a place of beauty, love , and pure light. This site has helped me greatly. You guys have helped me to gain my own abilitys. I’m very very intuitive. Thank you so much for helping people like me through your free horoscope and readings. Thanks again, Jay Schwark…..


    Thank you Asia for the article on getting to know URIEL!!! What a beautiful prayer. It encloses everything my heart desires for my connection with the Divine!!!

  8. elma martin

    Dear Asia,

    It’s been a wonderful year for me, life is so beautiful when we put God the center of our daily living and for the most part Archangel Uriel is the biggest help always for me. I thank you for sharing us the article of prayer. I am sure we are many that needed guidance and help. The name ‘ ASIA ‘ sounds great. I would like to name my child, when I am bless with one one day.

    Thank you so much from my heart,
    Elma <3

  9. Richard

    I love angel and God is mydream spirit to my life heart. Please help me to love are beautiful
    dream woman in my heart love bloned to see woman close to me outside and I see beautiful
    woman in heart I love woman in my heart spirit. Please help me. Thank you for love beautiful
    woman dream.

  10. jo thomas

    THANK YOU! Asia, I seemed BLOCKED! I’m at a stand-still! I’ve been saved and Redeemed,
    ….And I truly believe in GOD-jehovah! My Master,LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ! Is ALL I
    have.I read the previous article;RE: ALL of the ArcAngels! (I wrote them down).[Aria] I seem
    to THINK that;the ArcAngel{RAPHAEL} Is My Guide.D.O.B.:1/25/45.
    …..ArcAngel-Uriel Is AnotherOne!that I need on myside.
    Love & Light!{jo}

  11. Brenda I. Malacas

    Pls tell me who is my Angel? My full name is Brenda Chua Ibasco-Malacas birthdate is April 15,1969. I will be waiting for your answer, hope you do. Thanks much.

  12. Emma

    Hi Asia! I read your article, and truthfully, I enjoyed learning about this angel, because he was one of my late husbands favorite. In fact, I gave it to him for Christmas 2011. He passed away August 2012. He had told me about archangel,because he saw this beautiful sculpture of him on a catalog. So, I kept the catalog, and ordered it, and gave to him for that Christmas. I’m not catholic, but he was. So I was wondering why he liked this angel so much. Now I know.

    Thank you, and I may call you for advise for me, in the future.

  13. Beverly

    I am so glad that I took the time before bed to read about Uriel. There is a connection between us that I can feel. There is a slight chill and the hair is standing up on my body plus I feel joy.
    I am looking forward to working with Uriel .

    Thank you,

  14. Will FreemanJr

    Jesus Christ & Almighty father bless u w/so much wisdom i felt it as i read ur words u touch so many keep up the good word from Our Lords be bless & thxs again..

  15. Paula

    Thank you so much for this prayer, I will be making some important decisions in the near future,I do believe that this will be of great assistance!

  16. alicia adame

    hi asia,

    I know of san Miguel arcangel, and I would like too know if it’s the same angel. we pray to him when we have problems in the family and in the days following or weeks, we have our answer. but I myself believe that if the problem isn’t meant to be, it will not be. I also pray to God that whatever we ask for, it shall be his way and not ours. so please let me know if it’s the same angel. thanks for this report on this angel.

  17. mel

    Dear Asia ,
    This article of Archangel Uriel, you posted, was just what i needed , has been very help full .

    I will give you a call soon

  18. Kay wise

    Thank you for the information about Uriel. I am most grateful to know about him and to
    pray to him for wisdom and guidance!!!!!!!!! HE IS OBVIOUSLY A POWERFUL ARCHANGEL.

  19. cynthia

    Hi; Asia what a pretty name for such a pretty woman; 2014 wasn’t so good to me Asia especially fianancially 2010 was a very memorable and; wonderful and;lucky year seem like every thing I went at brought me big profits 2015 is kind of starting out lousy Im a saggittarius born on December07; should be pretty lucky on games of chance use to be I love playing scratch offs; lottery; casinos; entering contests and; sweepstakes Im a good person I deserve good.

  20. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Asia,

    Thank You for your article on Archangel Uriel…..really enjoyed it.

    Uriel is my Angel and has been since early childhood, he has even saved me from death.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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