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The Praying Mantis naturally attracts attention. Its beautiful color and graceful form command us to look and ponder. Encountering these remarkable insects may indicate that Spirit is speaking to you in an important way. Are you willing to listen? Watch the video below, then read on for more details about the meaning a of praying mantis sighting.
What Is a Praying Mantis?
Praying mantises are carnivorous insects that, as adults, are about the size of a teacup. They get their name from the shape and position of their front legs, which resemble the arms and hands of a person at prayer. The praying mantis enjoys a diet of live insects, including grasshoppers, flies, and moths.
Because of their unusual and human-like appearance, some people opt to keep praying mantises as pets. Since keeping an insect as a pet is relatively unusual, the attraction that some people have to these creatures is itself a sign that a praying mantis sighting is not something that should be dismissed.
Anyone who is fortunate enough to experience a praying mantis sighting finds their unique appearance mesmerizing; however, spotting a praying mantis isn’t an easy thing to do. That’s because they are masters of camouflage. If you do spy a praying mantis as you are going about your everyday business, you should consider whether you are experiencing heightened levels of awareness.
Oddly, their stillness and contemplative state seem to affect those who spot them in a similar way. When we spot a praying mantis, we stare at and observe them just as much as they stare at and observe us.
What does a praying mantis know that you don’t? Get a reading with alife path psychic and find out!
Spiritually speaking, the praying mantis is the symbol of peaceful meditation, silence in prayer, and mindfulness. This could be an indication that you need to incorporate one or more spiritual practices into your daily schedule.
According to, the praying mantis is known for its pre-strike pose. This is a popular symbol of balance and patience. Therefore, a praying mantis sighting can often be the Universe’s way of telling us to slow down. They’re here to remind us to get in touch with our spiritual, thoughtful side again.
The praying mantis has a large appetite for other insects that grows as it gets older; however, they always wait for the perfect moment to strike. They are both patient and precise when on the hunt for food. In fact, they will wait to attack their prey only when they are 100% sure of achieving their goal. They intellectually know that being too anxious or moving too fast will cause them to lose the object of their desire.
In turn, they teach us to be patient and to wait. As the old adage says, “Good things come to those who wait.” This is the very essence of good luck. If you have spotted a praying mantis, encounter one in a dream, or are exposed to a picture of a praying mantis online or in a book, this may be a sign that good luck will come to you when you are able to observe an opportunity and are ready to take it.
Praying Mantis Meaning Within Cultures
In China and Japan, the praying mantis is revered for its graceful movements and contemplative ways. In fact, the praying mantis’ movements have actually inspired at least two known styles of ancient Chinese martial arts.
According to the South African National Biodiversity Institute, if you find a praying mantis inside your house, it indicates the presence of ancestors. It’s also a symbol of good luck. However, due to its cunning skills in hunting and its razor-like precision, (with legs that look like razors or saws), some cultures view him as a sign that the enemy is near. The praying mantis may also be a reminder to act more mindfully. This makes a praying mantis sighting a double-edged sword.
The word “mantis” comes from the Greek language, and its meaning is “prophet” or “seer.” It is also related to the word “menos” which means, “spirit” and “passion.” Therefore, the praying mantis is often seen as a symbol of someone with clairvoyant abilities as well as someone who is a master at meditation.
Even in the healing arts, it’s not unusual for the spirit of the praying mantis to be summoned and channeled. However, in order for this to happen, the healer must first enter a quiet, contemplative state where they can get in touch with their higher knowing. Then like the mantis, they must pinpoint the precise area on which to concentrate their focus. Once that meditative connection occurs, it allows them to focus on the subject at hand and achieve the desired effect.
Like many insects and small animals, Spirit will often use the praying mantis to send a message to whoever it chooses. Should you be the recipient of such a message in the form of a praying mantis sighting, the likely meaning is to remind you to slow down and enjoy each moment of each day and the connections you make with other people. Someone who can’t focus or who’s constantly running around mindlessly doing a million things at once is a likely recipient of such a message.
Although it is an insect, we refer to the praying mantis and all other forms of non-human spirits as animal spirits or totems. As you may have learned in previous articles about spirit animals, they tend to choose us rather than the other way around.
If you identify with the praying mantis as one of your totem animals, then you have likely achieved a real place of peace and understanding within yourself and it guides all of your actions. You are not one who quickly rushes to action or judgment without first thinking it out and envisioning the outcome of any forward movement. Like the praying mantis, this will make all of your endeavors decisive and focused, and you are likely to achieve your goals with a little thought and precise action.
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67 thoughts on “The Meaning of a Praying Mantis Sighting”
Ruben leonard
I’ve have four praying mantises land on me within the last 12 days I’m in rehab and have been trying g to get better I’m not sure but I feel like this means something
I have two praying mantis in my patio last few days. One is above the door laying eggs (so far two spots with eggs) and another one in front of patio on the top of the bush. Like it’s keeping an eye on the eggs. Was wondering if anyone can tell me what it means. Is anything I should do? Thank you
I had a praying mantus on my front door fir 3 days. I have been asking fir a hiking friend today,as im starting out to hike,i came in contact with this lady i had seen i dont think this waa a coincidence,but we ended talking and i do believe thus mantis had something to do with it,yet im still a littlr skeptical????
I have been dealing with a lot, death in the family for every year for the past 4 years, depression. Emotional healing practicing I starting about 2 months ago. I’m trying to pick up the broken pieces and put myself back together one piece at a time.
I recently have been trying to get a job.
Today October 4 2023, I was minding my own business outside, touching nature, admiring how life is reslisent, strong and wonderful. Then I put my hand into my evergreen bush and I felt something stuck on me. Without even looking , I thought it was a twig and tried to shake it off but IT STAYED ON ME . So I looked at my hand and I was surprised. Maybe have screamed haha (reaction of not knowing what it was at first) . It let go of me and went slowly into my garden.
I am amazed.
Is it a sign of goodluck ? I love nature and meditation, I believe there is a spiritual meaning behind this, especially how it didn’t let go me till I noticed.
I found a praying mantis when I was cleaning up my patio and it was on it’s back in the corner by the dirt I use for plants. It was almost dead. I researched the meaning, if it was rare to see, and how to revive it. After soaking paper towels in water so it could hydrate and pieces of banana it perked up and it’s eyes opened and I swear he was grateful. I took it as a sign that my neighbor who passed the day before was transitioning. His wife and him were married for 49 years. The same day I found him, The largest spider I’ve ever seen (terrifying) also made a web from the top of a two story home to the bottom and was as large as my palm. Normally I would’ve killed a spider but I sat with both insects and let them tell me what they needed to tell me. I gifted the praying mantis to my neighbor and said he wants to be in your backyard. I finally shooed the spider away and two days later I found her crawling up my stairs! Tonight, I was walking up the stairs and THE PRAYING MANTIS WAS ON THE WALL. NO JOKE. I don’t know how I even saw him. He was just hanging and looking at me like um hello?! I had a feeling he would be back and I kinda missed him. I already had a dead moth show up a couple days ago that wanted to be on my alter so I brought the praying mantis in and now he’s hanging out on the top of my dreamcatcher perched and chilling. I brought the moth in my bedroom so he’s safe. It’s like the nature channel around here. Both insects align with my life and the praying mantis is huge because I had just got off the phone with a company who facilitates healing through breathwork and committed to be a healer and head to bali after being in a toxic work environment and coming out of a depression. This world is wild and I love every second of it. Even the darkest crevices have beauty if you go through it, you’ll get to the best part.
My son Sam and I just took a walk outside to go downstairs for a minute and on the way, my son spotted a green praying mantis on the wall. He tilted his head and looked at my son. Sam went inside and got his camera. We went back out and he took a couple of pictures. We were hoping that the flash didn’t scare the mantis though, so afterwards I spoke softly to the little guy and told him not to worry, we won’t hurt him, and to have a safe evening. Sam and I both felt a very special feeling after seeing him. It felt like such a rare thing and it made us feel good. We went inside and out the photos on the computer to enlarge the . He’s looking directly at us and it really looks like he’s seriously thinking. Very Magical! We’re feeling like it was a good omen and that he visited us for good reasons. The information I have found online says the same. Thank you Jesus for the magical experience. It was something we needed right about now.
I recently lost my husband three weeks ago and I’ve been feeling really down. There has been some family drama. My husbands sister acts like I was not an important figure in my husbands life. I was married to my husband for 6 years and we literally spent everyday together including my 12 year old son. His sister only acknowledges herself and my husbands 25 year old son as important figures in my husbands life. I have been honest, compassionate and forthcoming with her on everything. I am his next of kin and have made things transparent for all of us. I took care of all the burial cremation cost and made all the arrangements to give him a proper cremation. Long story short. His sister has been hurtful to me. At his memorial she never acknowledged me as his wife and even invited my husbands ex gf who he has no kids with. I received dirty looks from his ex and her daughters. His sister requested to handle the memorial so I let her. I was surprised she would do that to me. I ended up having to leave as I was hurting real bad. Anyways after the awful experience at the memorial i was depleted from all my energy and spent the rest of the weekend in tears. I really missed my husband and I was feeling lost and alone. I went to work on Monday feeling really low and down. To my surprise there was a preying mantis on my work office front door. It came to me and crawled up my shoulder. I noticed it and let it be. It observed me and i thought it was really cute. Anyways i start walking down the hall where another door needed to be unlocked. To my surprise there is another preying mantis there near the door. It crawled onto my leg and stayed near my ankle all while I still had the other preying mantis on my shoulder. Now i has two preying mantis on me. It made my day. I eventually let them go and put them in the plants outside. Fast forward I find out I’m able to leave work early and head over to a retreat that my job sponsored for me. When I arrive at the retreat I check in and go near their patio area. To my surprise I find another preying mantis under my table. It crawls on my hand. What does this mean? I got the feeling that everything was going to be alright. They gave me comfort. Later that night I had another encounter with nature. There was a stray cat meowing at my window all night. I finally went out to see what the cat needed and it acted like it knew me. It was not hungry as I tried to feed it. It seemed that it wanted company. The cat was very affection with me. He rubbed his body against my leg and was wanting to be held and petted. I spent about an hour with the stray and by sunrise he left. It’s all a weird experience but whatever it meant it brought me great comfort.
Hi Adriana! Thank you for writing in. Wow, sounds like they are definitely trying to communicate with you. Perhaps it would be of benefit to speak with one of our psychics! Here are some of our current favorites:
Hello, I don’t know if this will get a response but I just had a crazy experience with a praying mantis. My life is pretty unstable right now, just moved out and got a new job and my ex got with one of my friends. I’m sitting at work overthinking and I tell myself I need to pray. I pray and ask god for a sign of which direction to go in life and how to understand why she would do that. I walked out of my detail shop at work and a praying mantis was on the wall, I have never seen one here before and I’m having a hard time believing this is just a coincidence. If you have any ideas to what it means, please leave a reply, thank you!
Not a coincidence, it’s a sign of good things to come for you, karma’s in your favor and these people just want your cash
Believe what’s in yourself, only you know the answers and it’s free
California Psychics
Hi Max! So sorry to hear that you are going through some tough challenges right now. It most definitely sounds like the praying mantis was a spiritual sign. We have hundreds of online psychics available 24/7 that will be able to help you interpret what exactly this could mean:
Noemi Z
Hi 3 days ago I started feeling like I was close to having a heart attack so when I got up I went to the hospital and while sitting there waiting my daughter told me just come back mom we can go to a clinic and when I got into my car I put my key and started the car to my surprise when I’m about to backup in my steering wheel is a green praying mantis just looking at my face rubbing it’s hands just looking at me I drove home and put it on a ayahuasca plant my daughter has just seems like it’s an ancestor telling me it will all be fine slow down blessings are coming ♥️♥️♥️
My daughter and I discovered a praying mantis on my kitchen wi dow blinds. I immediately told her that it means something special, because you hardly see them. Now, after reading this article, I know it has a special meaning. I lost my mom 2nd May 1992, one week after my 16th birthday. Our dog, Max, died 2 weeks ago…..seeing the PM just feels like a connection with the spiritual world. Thank you for a very informative article!
Last night my boyfriend told me he thought I was pregnant and this morning a praying mantis that was found 2 days ago by my pet cat laid a egg sac in my house tonight my boyfriend left me and I looked at the mantis and she was sleeping and caressing her egg sac, the pet mantis was freaking out whenever my now ex boyfriend went near her but after he left she calmed down and fell asleep and my 63 yr old father told me the mantis means something and he told me to be patient, does anyone have any ideas what this means?
It definitely means to be patient, that good things are coming. It may be very hard right now, but this has all happened for a reason, and for the better. It’s opened a gateway to a much happier future. Good luck, and always stay positive, good things are coming.
Kal B
5 days ago I went out on my patio in the morning to smoke a cigarette as I usually do. I looked down and saw a praying mantis! I put my finger by it and it instantly went into defense mode and started hissing. I backed off and showed it my face, and it observed for quite some time. It calmed down and let me pick it up. At this point, ALL it wanted was me. It loves my face, and didn’t want to leave. I held it and let it crawl all over me for about an hour or so. I eventually put it in a tree quite a ways from my house. Well, tonight I went out to smoke a cigarette, and I heard a thud on the ground next to me. And guess who it was – The same exact Mantis! I put my finger by it and it started hissing, so I showed it my face and it instantly calmed down and crawled towards me. I held it and let it hang out with me for more than a few hours!. It just loved being around me for some reason. After being relocated and 5 whole days, this same Mantis came back to say hello!… I don’t know the significance of it, but it felt like much more than a coincidence…
It is definitely more than a coincidence!! Your subconscious will know what it means, try not to think logically, and just go eith your instinct about it. What a cool experience!
I once had a dream that I had squashed a brown praying mantis with a book. As I lifted the book up I noticed that the praying mantis changed into a little girls face that resembled an Angel ( I lost my baby girl about 10 years ago “still born”). The little girl introduced herself to me – to my surprise her name was the same as mine which fascinated me. I carried her to my sister and introduced them, then I went to over to my so to introduce this angelic little girl I was carrying. Before I could say anything the little girl revealed that she had met my son previously and protected him from someone who was trying to cause harm to him. I found that really fascinating. I still don’t know what the dream meant but I woke up with a heavy heart and happy at the same time.
My girlfriend and I keep spotting praying mantises everywhere we go. We are in a long distance relationship, she being from California and I being from Ontario. Everytime we go somewhere within our own region we see one, usually big and green and they are in plain sight like they want us to see them. I cant help but feel like they are trying to tell us something.
Definitely sounds like they are. The world is pretty cool. As says this article, maybe it means one of you will have a change in circumstance and finally get to be together (not long distance)? I’d be interested to know if anything major happens!
CJ Anderson
Early this morning I notice a small praying mantis on the railing of my front porch. He has been there all day and is still there this evening. I read that they are a symbol of peace and mindfulness and he comes to me at a time when I needed this spiritual nod/
Today was the second time in a week that I have had a visitation from a preying mantis. My garage which normally stays closed had one on the wall, a week ago and today, one flew on the car window, walked down onto the sideview mirror and turned its head directly to me as if it were going to say something. This is no coincidence, so I blessed its presence. I feel like their is a message but I do not know what it is. But after reading, I will begin being more mindful of silence and peace for the answers.
Today we found a Praying Mantis On our window. I suggested that we move the plant standing on our windowsill closer, so that the Mantis may sit on the plant and then we could carry the plant along with it outside, if the Mantis didn’t leave on its own. I thought that, for tonight, leaving the Mantis undisturbed was a perfectly good idea, and we left the room. We returned to find that “she” had laid a cocoon on the plant. Right now, she is sleeping with her head upside down and we are thinking of carrying the entire plant outdoors tomorrow, since we aren’t ready to look after the babies 🙂 A good sign received peace and love be with you
My husband left me while I was pregnant, I was so horrified that I fell to my knees letting out a loud painful scream. Just then, I noticed a green praying mantis on my kitchen floor. That was the only thing to snap me out of feeling like my world had ended.
I found one in my living too about 2 in the morning and I put it in a quart jar and it stayed in there until around 8 that morning and no air holes in the jar turned it out and it would come right back to the porch anyone know why
Well tonight I had an encounter where one flew onto my back…I didn’t know what it was and freaked out bc it flew after me when I got up & while swatting I ended up hitting myself pretty hard… after I collected myself, I saw it sitting on the table in front of my initial encounter, fluttered its wings and followed me to my door & landed on the threshold as I walked in… just went to let my dog out & he’s still there.
I have Nooo idea what any of that means, buuut I’m just glad that I ended up just hurting myself lol.
My father was dying. I’m 2000 miles away. The day before he died, I imagined a praying mantis in my window, but there was no mantis, it was a sixth of my mind at the time.
And the very next day, there was a mantis in my window. And my father died that night.
The mantis is gone somewhere once more ~
Omg! That is so strange that you mention your fathers death, my father passed away November 15th 2019 and here we are October 2020 almost exactly 1 year later and I spot a praying mantis first on my backyard wall then for the past few days the mantis has been feeding on my front porch 🙂
i had one land on me then jumped on my trousers,
i thought it was another insect and flipped it away
when i realized i felt bad and my friend went to put his hands out it didn’t want to know
i felt bad and put my hand out and it climbed onto my hand i said sorry
i put it onto a plant pot and it just looked around at me for a minute and silence peace and calm i felt with him or her
i lost my mother a month ago
i felt it was a spirit letting me know there is peace now
and earth needs peace
Last Monday evening, my husband saw a grey colored praying mantis on our back porch. Later that evening, he received a call that his mother passed away overseas. He was distraught that he would not be able to go to her funeral due to the border closing/quarantines. Anyway the memorial/funeral were virtual and it turned out beautiful. The day after the burial, we both went to to front porch and saw a dark green praying mantis in our front lawn. It has been there for 3 days now just staying still on the lamppost. We are trying to figure out what this may mean. We know that in different cultures there are several different meanings regarding the “Praying Mantis’.
I think your husband’s mom is letting him know she is still with him and not to worry that he didn’t get to say good-bye. She still sees and hears him and knows his heart.
I have them in my garden every year. Usually in late May Dozens of tiny babies will suddenly be all over the place. Usually 2 will hang around all summer into fall. I suppose they are mating which is why I have them every year. I currently have 4 that have made my deck flowers their home!! We love seeing and watching them. Not only are they mesmerizing They are also helpful with pests! It has been a trying year so I suppose I will take their advice and continue to look within for peace and calm. Lol!
Many years ago I had a dream in which I was driving in my car & when I looked to my right, there was a man in the passenger seat. I was shocked to see him. He was wearing a 1930’s type coat & a hat. I asked him if he was my guardian angel & he didn’t speak, but shook his head yes. He looked like Harry Truman, so after that, every time I get into my car, I ask him to look after me.
Well, today I got into my car, and in the passenger seat was a praying mantis. I’ve been very upset lately and I guess I needed to hear the message to be calm. I have lived here for 30 years & never seen a praying mantis before.
I was camping in the woods. Washing with the hose and a praying mantis ran up my bare leg..Strangest feeling ..guess they like water?!
tuesday night i poured my heart and cried because of extreme self-guilt and condemnation and then when I woke up the next morning I saw a green praying mantis on the uppermost part of our window. and somehow i knew that it was “mama”. But this morning i haven’t seen it but while I was typing in my laptop I thought I heard something near me fell but I did not saw anything then i really wondered then some minutes again there it goes – i look to my right and then I saw the green praying mantis. and I just let it crawl all over me.
I had a praying mantis sitting on top of my head and I was scared cos I’m afraid of insects then my husband told me to carry on doing what I was doing it will eventually move and he said it was good luck but I still don’t have an idea why did it sit on my head like for a minute
The first time I saw a Praying Mantist, i killed it I thought it brings bad luck because of it’s slow motions.
On the Friday 17th January, 2020.
While we were praying with my three children in de evening at around 11:00pm. My second born saw Praying Mantist, he got scared and I was about to kill like I did 2yrs ago.
However, I got my phone and I started searching about this creature. Most comments i show with my children show dat the creature was a good sign if it is seen. We continued praying and we left it near the TV since we even didn’t now how it came.
I had a praying mantis on my living roon window. the first day i saw it; It was sitting up like they are supposed to. The second day i saw it it was sideways on my window I didn/t know the symbolosm behind them until i looked it up I was totally suprised about what i read about them. I hope it is a sign of good things to come.
Went to open my sliding glass doors to my deck early morning and huge praying mantis was on the screen. We came seriously close like eye to eye. Lol. I went out to my deck via another door and came up to him catching him in a plastic container. Showed him to my elderly neighbor an ex nurse. He was seriously looking at her then me then back to her. He was clearly looking back & forth at the two of our faces while we checked him out. We were laughing & smiling and he seemed interested in us.
I poked holes in the plastic container so he could breathe. Then lay on my yoga mat & meditated about all the things he represents like, STILLNESS, BALANCE, CALMNESS, INTUITION, PATIENCE, CREATIVITY, AWARENESS & MEDIATION.
I believe it is my mother who was a nurse who passed away connecting with me from the world of spirit. I thought about keeping it but, didn’t want to hurt it so I released it on the backyard wall. Am sad that it is gone and hoping it will return.
Hi i was busy outside with electricity and there was nothing in front of me but the electricity box all then i bent down to pick up my screw driver all of a sudden i see a pray mantis this one is unusual the call it an empusa from italy then at night iy moved to my door nd the next morning another one came different tyoe but usual one and im feeling different all i do is thank the lord above for communicating with me in different ways amen
I saw a praying mantis one night at work, at the time did not know what it was so I brushed it away. As I got up to go back in the building after smoking, it was still there! I was afraid of it, told my husband what I saw and he told me what it was. I have been looking for every night, never saw it again. Hope it will continue to watch over me.
I had one in the car looking at me I said hey and then it jumped on me and I killed it out of fear and reaction, as it flutterd dying it was transmitting through the raidio, it scared the shit out of me, I started to think i was hallucinating but my dad found it later on the back floor board. I also had a dream with a human sized one just staring at me when i was a kid. The car incident just recently happened.
Frank Thomas
It’s a simple message from God who created the Praying Mantis for his good purpose…
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
14. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Pray, for prayer has always been Gods method of communication and a Praying Mantis, couldn’t make that any more
Yesterday I smudged my house with sage and today I had a praying mantis crawl up my back door and he/she is now perched in hiding at the top of the door frame. Coincidence?
I have had a praying mantis perched on top of my door frame for 4 days now… it came out of no where and won’t leave… it’s bizarre
I had one in my bedroom in the window that was open and the screen was down and it was in my room on my bday on November2 I didn’t think they should be around in November. It was just looking at me and my granddaughter it didn’t spit it just jumped on my clothes so I left out the room and ask my brother to get it out and he put it out in the backyard. It was very different to see one but it was my bday maybe someone love me and came to say hello lol
Hi so I just want to know something?
For the past few days I have had at least three different looking praying mantis outside
Two that have been sitting on my kids trampoline and the other was on my rubbish bin I just want to know what that means because in my culture if a praying mantis is hanging around doesn’t matter how much it means someone’s pregnant and I am not ready to have more kids just yet so what else could that mean please
I saw a praying mantis on the wall of an apartment we were renting. It was around 10pm, we came back from my sister house also the day we buried my father. The sight of it looking at me freaked me out. It’s a relatively new unit and we were on the 10th floor. Next day I googled on appearance of praying mantis- says it’s time for meditation. Hope my dad is in a calm and peaceful place.
Ummm….. i bought my mantis (African green) in a local pet shop (UK). Ive considered mantis in the past and now suddenly time was right and go get it. Been fascinated ever since, making her better and bigger enclosures. She has such interesting behaviours.
She sure is mediative…. but just as much she is a cunning predator.
I saw a slogan carrying a mantis message. It was: Hold fast and bite hard.
I so much need that message in my life but I didnt know it. I thing my mantis came to teach me it, and many other things. May I be a good keeper to her!
Found a corner of a piece of paper beside the lint filter while drying laundry. Only the typed word praying mantis. So, I’ll be sitting still for a minute. Everything in this article is relevant to my current situation. Thank you for the read.
To meet this beautifully skilled form was my delight I paused and took notice of the shape, brightness of color and sharpness of the legs. I knew this was to be a revered moment. I lowered to meet the gaze and listen. We met outside near the dog park he was just there on the pavement near the entrance to the recycling and refuse room. He climbed upon my hand and I set him on a ledge so he wouldn’t be stepped on. I saw him several times over the week how marvelous as with each meeting I took measure of the serendipities of our life paths crossing and heard the silence of peace.
My brother was the smartest person I knew and we were very close. Before he died I asked him what he thought he would come back as. He couldn’t say. 2 years after he passed i went to visit his grave with my 11 yr old daughter who is autistic. A praying mantis was on the stone and followed her as she laughed and circled the stone. I knew it was my brother telling me he is watching over her.
I also saw a praying Mantis and my daughter said it means Good Luck! I believe it also It’s odd and rare to see this insect in everyday life.It’s a beautiful sign and omen from God!
Richard martino
friday night oct 26 there was a mantis on my stoop, i thought it was a grasshopper, so i pushed it and it went up this stairs, then sat it came back so i put it in a container and took it in the house, then a friend told me it was a preying mantis and to let it go. so i did and it came right back. hes out there now. what could this be,
I had a one outside my bedroom window just looking at me , I called my son in to see it , he was so amazed to see one. It’s not the first time a had a (Praying Mantis ) visit me. I had a ex-boyfriend tell me ,that I looked like one too.
I feel off kklter and like I’m being back stabbed at work. On my break I saw a mantis on the wall outside. Is this a sign that my gut feeling is correct and that I have an enemy trying to thwart my success?
I have one who comes to see me every morning for the past 2 week same spot I have named her Kay’Lee after my daughter who passed away 2 months ago I think it her way of telling her mommy she is still here with me gonna order some matis food online for her
I had a praying mantis on my windshield when I got off of work and it stayed on there during the ride home (work is like 2 minutes away)! It came to and from work with me for 2 or 3 days! I was actually really sad when he was gone!
I had one on my drivers side mirror on the way to work this morning. Poor lil guy/gal had to be clinging to life on that mirror the whole way this morning. It’s so representational of life (or maybe just mine in particular), everything goes so fast, and we just need to hang on, and hope the “driver” gets us to our next stop safely. Blessed with the spirit animal’s presence today. 🙂 <3
Wanda Vila
I have seen them a hand full of times, even had one fly into my hair.
Dear Eileen: Thanks for sharing your praying mantis story. I think they’re so awesome looking. We love that you love this kind of stuff – so do we!
67 thoughts on “The Meaning of a Praying Mantis Sighting”
I’ve have four praying mantises land on me within the last 12 days I’m in rehab and have been trying g to get better I’m not sure but I feel like this means something
I have two praying mantis in my patio last few days. One is above the door laying eggs (so far two spots with eggs) and another one in front of patio on the top of the bush. Like it’s keeping an eye on the eggs. Was wondering if anyone can tell me what it means. Is anything I should do? Thank you
I had a praying mantus on my front door fir 3 days. I have been asking fir a hiking friend today,as im starting out to hike,i came in contact with this lady i had seen i dont think this waa a coincidence,but we ended talking and i do believe thus mantis had something to do with it,yet im still a littlr skeptical????
I have been dealing with a lot, death in the family for every year for the past 4 years, depression. Emotional healing practicing I starting about 2 months ago. I’m trying to pick up the broken pieces and put myself back together one piece at a time.
I recently have been trying to get a job.
Today October 4 2023, I was minding my own business outside, touching nature, admiring how life is reslisent, strong and wonderful. Then I put my hand into my evergreen bush and I felt something stuck on me. Without even looking , I thought it was a twig and tried to shake it off but IT STAYED ON ME . So I looked at my hand and I was surprised. Maybe have screamed haha (reaction of not knowing what it was at first) . It let go of me and went slowly into my garden.
I am amazed.
Is it a sign of goodluck ? I love nature and meditation, I believe there is a spiritual meaning behind this, especially how it didn’t let go me till I noticed.
I found a praying mantis when I was cleaning up my patio and it was on it’s back in the corner by the dirt I use for plants. It was almost dead. I researched the meaning, if it was rare to see, and how to revive it. After soaking paper towels in water so it could hydrate and pieces of banana it perked up and it’s eyes opened and I swear he was grateful. I took it as a sign that my neighbor who passed the day before was transitioning. His wife and him were married for 49 years. The same day I found him, The largest spider I’ve ever seen (terrifying) also made a web from the top of a two story home to the bottom and was as large as my palm. Normally I would’ve killed a spider but I sat with both insects and let them tell me what they needed to tell me. I gifted the praying mantis to my neighbor and said he wants to be in your backyard. I finally shooed the spider away and two days later I found her crawling up my stairs! Tonight, I was walking up the stairs and THE PRAYING MANTIS WAS ON THE WALL. NO JOKE. I don’t know how I even saw him. He was just hanging and looking at me like um hello?! I had a feeling he would be back and I kinda missed him. I already had a dead moth show up a couple days ago that wanted to be on my alter so I brought the praying mantis in and now he’s hanging out on the top of my dreamcatcher perched and chilling. I brought the moth in my bedroom so he’s safe. It’s like the nature channel around here. Both insects align with my life and the praying mantis is huge because I had just got off the phone with a company who facilitates healing through breathwork and committed to be a healer and head to bali after being in a toxic work environment and coming out of a depression. This world is wild and I love every second of it. Even the darkest crevices have beauty if you go through it, you’ll get to the best part.
My son Sam and I just took a walk outside to go downstairs for a minute and on the way, my son spotted a green praying mantis on the wall. He tilted his head and looked at my son. Sam went inside and got his camera. We went back out and he took a couple of pictures. We were hoping that the flash didn’t scare the mantis though, so afterwards I spoke softly to the little guy and told him not to worry, we won’t hurt him, and to have a safe evening. Sam and I both felt a very special feeling after seeing him. It felt like such a rare thing and it made us feel good. We went inside and out the photos on the computer to enlarge the . He’s looking directly at us and it really looks like he’s seriously thinking. Very Magical! We’re feeling like it was a good omen and that he visited us for good reasons. The information I have found online says the same. Thank you Jesus for the magical experience. It was something we needed right about now.
I recently lost my husband three weeks ago and I’ve been feeling really down. There has been some family drama. My husbands sister acts like I was not an important figure in my husbands life. I was married to my husband for 6 years and we literally spent everyday together including my 12 year old son. His sister only acknowledges herself and my husbands 25 year old son as important figures in my husbands life. I have been honest, compassionate and forthcoming with her on everything. I am his next of kin and have made things transparent for all of us. I took care of all the burial cremation cost and made all the arrangements to give him a proper cremation. Long story short. His sister has been hurtful to me. At his memorial she never acknowledged me as his wife and even invited my husbands ex gf who he has no kids with. I received dirty looks from his ex and her daughters. His sister requested to handle the memorial so I let her. I was surprised she would do that to me. I ended up having to leave as I was hurting real bad. Anyways after the awful experience at the memorial i was depleted from all my energy and spent the rest of the weekend in tears. I really missed my husband and I was feeling lost and alone. I went to work on Monday feeling really low and down. To my surprise there was a preying mantis on my work office front door. It came to me and crawled up my shoulder. I noticed it and let it be. It observed me and i thought it was really cute. Anyways i start walking down the hall where another door needed to be unlocked. To my surprise there is another preying mantis there near the door. It crawled onto my leg and stayed near my ankle all while I still had the other preying mantis on my shoulder. Now i has two preying mantis on me. It made my day. I eventually let them go and put them in the plants outside. Fast forward I find out I’m able to leave work early and head over to a retreat that my job sponsored for me. When I arrive at the retreat I check in and go near their patio area. To my surprise I find another preying mantis under my table. It crawls on my hand. What does this mean? I got the feeling that everything was going to be alright. They gave me comfort. Later that night I had another encounter with nature. There was a stray cat meowing at my window all night. I finally went out to see what the cat needed and it acted like it knew me. It was not hungry as I tried to feed it. It seemed that it wanted company. The cat was very affection with me. He rubbed his body against my leg and was wanting to be held and petted. I spent about an hour with the stray and by sunrise he left. It’s all a weird experience but whatever it meant it brought me great comfort.
Hi Adriana! Thank you for writing in. Wow, sounds like they are definitely trying to communicate with you. Perhaps it would be of benefit to speak with one of our psychics! Here are some of our current favorites:
Hello, I don’t know if this will get a response but I just had a crazy experience with a praying mantis. My life is pretty unstable right now, just moved out and got a new job and my ex got with one of my friends. I’m sitting at work overthinking and I tell myself I need to pray. I pray and ask god for a sign of which direction to go in life and how to understand why she would do that. I walked out of my detail shop at work and a praying mantis was on the wall, I have never seen one here before and I’m having a hard time believing this is just a coincidence. If you have any ideas to what it means, please leave a reply, thank you!
My comment is for Max
Not a coincidence, it’s a sign of good things to come for you, karma’s in your favor and these people just want your cash
Believe what’s in yourself, only you know the answers and it’s free
Hi Max! So sorry to hear that you are going through some tough challenges right now. It most definitely sounds like the praying mantis was a spiritual sign. We have hundreds of online psychics available 24/7 that will be able to help you interpret what exactly this could mean:
Hi 3 days ago I started feeling like I was close to having a heart attack so when I got up I went to the hospital and while sitting there waiting my daughter told me just come back mom we can go to a clinic and when I got into my car I put my key and started the car to my surprise when I’m about to backup in my steering wheel is a green praying mantis just looking at my face rubbing it’s hands just looking at me I drove home and put it on a ayahuasca plant my daughter has just seems like it’s an ancestor telling me it will all be fine slow down blessings are coming ♥️♥️♥️
My daughter and I discovered a praying mantis on my kitchen wi dow blinds. I immediately told her that it means something special, because you hardly see them. Now, after reading this article, I know it has a special meaning. I lost my mom 2nd May 1992, one week after my 16th birthday. Our dog, Max, died 2 weeks ago…..seeing the PM just feels like a connection with the spiritual world. Thank you for a very informative article!
Last night my boyfriend told me he thought I was pregnant and this morning a praying mantis that was found 2 days ago by my pet cat laid a egg sac in my house tonight my boyfriend left me and I looked at the mantis and she was sleeping and caressing her egg sac, the pet mantis was freaking out whenever my now ex boyfriend went near her but after he left she calmed down and fell asleep and my 63 yr old father told me the mantis means something and he told me to be patient, does anyone have any ideas what this means?
It definitely means to be patient, that good things are coming. It may be very hard right now, but this has all happened for a reason, and for the better. It’s opened a gateway to a much happier future. Good luck, and always stay positive, good things are coming.
5 days ago I went out on my patio in the morning to smoke a cigarette as I usually do. I looked down and saw a praying mantis! I put my finger by it and it instantly went into defense mode and started hissing. I backed off and showed it my face, and it observed for quite some time. It calmed down and let me pick it up. At this point, ALL it wanted was me. It loves my face, and didn’t want to leave. I held it and let it crawl all over me for about an hour or so. I eventually put it in a tree quite a ways from my house. Well, tonight I went out to smoke a cigarette, and I heard a thud on the ground next to me. And guess who it was – The same exact Mantis! I put my finger by it and it started hissing, so I showed it my face and it instantly calmed down and crawled towards me. I held it and let it hang out with me for more than a few hours!. It just loved being around me for some reason. After being relocated and 5 whole days, this same Mantis came back to say hello!… I don’t know the significance of it, but it felt like much more than a coincidence…
It is definitely more than a coincidence!! Your subconscious will know what it means, try not to think logically, and just go eith your instinct about it. What a cool experience!
I once had a dream that I had squashed a brown praying mantis with a book. As I lifted the book up I noticed that the praying mantis changed into a little girls face that resembled an Angel ( I lost my baby girl about 10 years ago “still born”). The little girl introduced herself to me – to my surprise her name was the same as mine which fascinated me. I carried her to my sister and introduced them, then I went to over to my so to introduce this angelic little girl I was carrying. Before I could say anything the little girl revealed that she had met my son previously and protected him from someone who was trying to cause harm to him. I found that really fascinating. I still don’t know what the dream meant but I woke up with a heavy heart and happy at the same time.
My girlfriend and I keep spotting praying mantises everywhere we go. We are in a long distance relationship, she being from California and I being from Ontario. Everytime we go somewhere within our own region we see one, usually big and green and they are in plain sight like they want us to see them. I cant help but feel like they are trying to tell us something.
Definitely sounds like they are. The world is pretty cool. As says this article, maybe it means one of you will have a change in circumstance and finally get to be together (not long distance)? I’d be interested to know if anything major happens!
Early this morning I notice a small praying mantis on the railing of my front porch. He has been there all day and is still there this evening. I read that they are a symbol of peace and mindfulness and he comes to me at a time when I needed this spiritual nod/
Today was the second time in a week that I have had a visitation from a preying mantis. My garage which normally stays closed had one on the wall, a week ago and today, one flew on the car window, walked down onto the sideview mirror and turned its head directly to me as if it were going to say something. This is no coincidence, so I blessed its presence. I feel like their is a message but I do not know what it is. But after reading, I will begin being more mindful of silence and peace for the answers.
Today we found a Praying Mantis On our window. I suggested that we move the plant standing on our windowsill closer, so that the Mantis may sit on the plant and then we could carry the plant along with it outside, if the Mantis didn’t leave on its own. I thought that, for tonight, leaving the Mantis undisturbed was a perfectly good idea, and we left the room. We returned to find that “she” had laid a cocoon on the plant. Right now, she is sleeping with her head upside down and we are thinking of carrying the entire plant outdoors tomorrow, since we aren’t ready to look after the babies 🙂 A good sign received peace and love be with you
My husband left me while I was pregnant, I was so horrified that I fell to my knees letting out a loud painful scream. Just then, I noticed a green praying mantis on my kitchen floor. That was the only thing to snap me out of feeling like my world had ended.
I found one in my living too about 2 in the morning and I put it in a quart jar and it stayed in there until around 8 that morning and no air holes in the jar turned it out and it would come right back to the porch anyone know why
Well tonight I had an encounter where one flew onto my back…I didn’t know what it was and freaked out bc it flew after me when I got up & while swatting I ended up hitting myself pretty hard… after I collected myself, I saw it sitting on the table in front of my initial encounter, fluttered its wings and followed me to my door & landed on the threshold as I walked in… just went to let my dog out & he’s still there.
I have Nooo idea what any of that means, buuut I’m just glad that I ended up just hurting myself lol.
My father was dying. I’m 2000 miles away. The day before he died, I imagined a praying mantis in my window, but there was no mantis, it was a sixth of my mind at the time.
And the very next day, there was a mantis in my window. And my father died that night.
The mantis is gone somewhere once more ~
Omg! That is so strange that you mention your fathers death, my father passed away November 15th 2019 and here we are October 2020 almost exactly 1 year later and I spot a praying mantis first on my backyard wall then for the past few days the mantis has been feeding on my front porch 🙂
i had one land on me then jumped on my trousers,
i thought it was another insect and flipped it away
when i realized i felt bad and my friend went to put his hands out it didn’t want to know
i felt bad and put my hand out and it climbed onto my hand i said sorry
i put it onto a plant pot and it just looked around at me for a minute and silence peace and calm i felt with him or her
i lost my mother a month ago
i felt it was a spirit letting me know there is peace now
and earth needs peace
Last Monday evening, my husband saw a grey colored praying mantis on our back porch. Later that evening, he received a call that his mother passed away overseas. He was distraught that he would not be able to go to her funeral due to the border closing/quarantines. Anyway the memorial/funeral were virtual and it turned out beautiful. The day after the burial, we both went to to front porch and saw a dark green praying mantis in our front lawn. It has been there for 3 days now just staying still on the lamppost. We are trying to figure out what this may mean. We know that in different cultures there are several different meanings regarding the “Praying Mantis’.
I think your husband’s mom is letting him know she is still with him and not to worry that he didn’t get to say good-bye. She still sees and hears him and knows his heart.
I have them in my garden every year. Usually in late May Dozens of tiny babies will suddenly be all over the place. Usually 2 will hang around all summer into fall. I suppose they are mating which is why I have them every year. I currently have 4 that have made my deck flowers their home!! We love seeing and watching them. Not only are they mesmerizing They are also helpful with pests! It has been a trying year so I suppose I will take their advice and continue to look within for peace and calm. Lol!
Many years ago I had a dream in which I was driving in my car & when I looked to my right, there was a man in the passenger seat. I was shocked to see him. He was wearing a 1930’s type coat & a hat. I asked him if he was my guardian angel & he didn’t speak, but shook his head yes. He looked like Harry Truman, so after that, every time I get into my car, I ask him to look after me.
Well, today I got into my car, and in the passenger seat was a praying mantis. I’ve been very upset lately and I guess I needed to hear the message to be calm. I have lived here for 30 years & never seen a praying mantis before.
I was camping in the woods. Washing with the hose and a praying mantis ran up my bare leg..Strangest feeling ..guess they like water?!
tuesday night i poured my heart and cried because of extreme self-guilt and condemnation and then when I woke up the next morning I saw a green praying mantis on the uppermost part of our window. and somehow i knew that it was “mama”. But this morning i haven’t seen it but while I was typing in my laptop I thought I heard something near me fell but I did not saw anything then i really wondered then some minutes again there it goes – i look to my right and then I saw the green praying mantis. and I just let it crawl all over me.
I had a praying mantis sitting on top of my head and I was scared cos I’m afraid of insects then my husband told me to carry on doing what I was doing it will eventually move and he said it was good luck but I still don’t have an idea why did it sit on my head like for a minute
The first time I saw a Praying Mantist, i killed it I thought it brings bad luck because of it’s slow motions.
On the Friday 17th January, 2020.
While we were praying with my three children in de evening at around 11:00pm. My second born saw Praying Mantist, he got scared and I was about to kill like I did 2yrs ago.
However, I got my phone and I started searching about this creature. Most comments i show with my children show dat the creature was a good sign if it is seen. We continued praying and we left it near the TV since we even didn’t now how it came.
I saw it and killed it on Friday, is it bad
I had a praying mantis on my living roon window. the first day i saw it; It was sitting up like they are supposed to. The second day i saw it it was sideways on my window I didn/t know the symbolosm behind them until i looked it up I was totally suprised about what i read about them. I hope it is a sign of good things to come.
Went to open my sliding glass doors to my deck early morning and huge praying mantis was on the screen. We came seriously close like eye to eye. Lol. I went out to my deck via another door and came up to him catching him in a plastic container. Showed him to my elderly neighbor an ex nurse. He was seriously looking at her then me then back to her. He was clearly looking back & forth at the two of our faces while we checked him out. We were laughing & smiling and he seemed interested in us.
I poked holes in the plastic container so he could breathe. Then lay on my yoga mat & meditated about all the things he represents like, STILLNESS, BALANCE, CALMNESS, INTUITION, PATIENCE, CREATIVITY, AWARENESS & MEDIATION.
I believe it is my mother who was a nurse who passed away connecting with me from the world of spirit. I thought about keeping it but, didn’t want to hurt it so I released it on the backyard wall. Am sad that it is gone and hoping it will return.
What an experience. I feel very lucky.
Hi i was busy outside with electricity and there was nothing in front of me but the electricity box all then i bent down to pick up my screw driver all of a sudden i see a pray mantis this one is unusual the call it an empusa from italy then at night iy moved to my door nd the next morning another one came different tyoe but usual one and im feeling different all i do is thank the lord above for communicating with me in different ways amen
I saw a praying mantis one night at work, at the time did not know what it was so I brushed it away. As I got up to go back in the building after smoking, it was still there! I was afraid of it, told my husband what I saw and he told me what it was. I have been looking for every night, never saw it again. Hope it will continue to watch over me.
One large landed on my shoulder yesterday – I’m fascinated.
I had one in the car looking at me I said hey and then it jumped on me and I killed it out of fear and reaction, as it flutterd dying it was transmitting through the raidio, it scared the shit out of me, I started to think i was hallucinating but my dad found it later on the back floor board. I also had a dream with a human sized one just staring at me when i was a kid. The car incident just recently happened.
It’s a simple message from God who created the Praying Mantis for his good purpose…
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
14. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Pray, for prayer has always been Gods method of communication and a Praying Mantis, couldn’t make that any more
Yesterday I smudged my house with sage and today I had a praying mantis crawl up my back door and he/she is now perched in hiding at the top of the door frame. Coincidence?
I have had a praying mantis perched on top of my door frame for 4 days now… it came out of no where and won’t leave… it’s bizarre
I had one in my bedroom in the window that was open and the screen was down and it was in my room on my bday on November2 I didn’t think they should be around in November. It was just looking at me and my granddaughter it didn’t spit it just jumped on my clothes so I left out the room and ask my brother to get it out and he put it out in the backyard. It was very different to see one but it was my bday maybe someone love me and came to say hello lol
Hi so I just want to know something?
For the past few days I have had at least three different looking praying mantis outside
Two that have been sitting on my kids trampoline and the other was on my rubbish bin I just want to know what that means because in my culture if a praying mantis is hanging around doesn’t matter how much it means someone’s pregnant and I am not ready to have more kids just yet so what else could that mean please
I saw a praying mantis on the wall of an apartment we were renting. It was around 10pm, we came back from my sister house also the day we buried my father. The sight of it looking at me freaked me out. It’s a relatively new unit and we were on the 10th floor. Next day I googled on appearance of praying mantis- says it’s time for meditation. Hope my dad is in a calm and peaceful place.
Ummm….. i bought my mantis (African green) in a local pet shop (UK). Ive considered mantis in the past and now suddenly time was right and go get it. Been fascinated ever since, making her better and bigger enclosures. She has such interesting behaviours.
She sure is mediative…. but just as much she is a cunning predator.
I saw a slogan carrying a mantis message. It was: Hold fast and bite hard.
I so much need that message in my life but I didnt know it. I thing my mantis came to teach me it, and many other things. May I be a good keeper to her!
Found a corner of a piece of paper beside the lint filter while drying laundry. Only the typed word praying mantis. So, I’ll be sitting still for a minute. Everything in this article is relevant to my current situation. Thank you for the read.
To meet this beautifully skilled form was my delight I paused and took notice of the shape, brightness of color and sharpness of the legs. I knew this was to be a revered moment. I lowered to meet the gaze and listen. We met outside near the dog park he was just there on the pavement near the entrance to the recycling and refuse room. He climbed upon my hand and I set him on a ledge so he wouldn’t be stepped on. I saw him several times over the week how marvelous as with each meeting I took measure of the serendipities of our life paths crossing and heard the silence of peace.
My brother was the smartest person I knew and we were very close. Before he died I asked him what he thought he would come back as. He couldn’t say. 2 years after he passed i went to visit his grave with my 11 yr old daughter who is autistic. A praying mantis was on the stone and followed her as she laughed and circled the stone. I knew it was my brother telling me he is watching over her.
I also saw a praying Mantis and my daughter said it means Good Luck! I believe it also It’s odd and rare to see this insect in everyday life.It’s a beautiful sign and omen from God!
friday night oct 26 there was a mantis on my stoop, i thought it was a grasshopper, so i pushed it and it went up this stairs, then sat it came back so i put it in a container and took it in the house, then a friend told me it was a preying mantis and to let it go. so i did and it came right back. hes out there now. what could this be,
I had a one outside my bedroom window just looking at me , I called my son in to see it , he was so amazed to see one. It’s not the first time a had a (Praying Mantis ) visit me. I had a ex-boyfriend tell me ,that I looked like one too.
I feel off kklter and like I’m being back stabbed at work. On my break I saw a mantis on the wall outside. Is this a sign that my gut feeling is correct and that I have an enemy trying to thwart my success?
I have one who comes to see me every morning for the past 2 week same spot I have named her Kay’Lee after my daughter who passed away 2 months ago I think it her way of telling her mommy she is still here with me gonna order some matis food online for her
Was about to enter bathroom and there it was on my window curtain.It just stood there still and did not move.
I had a praying mantis on my windshield when I got off of work and it stayed on there during the ride home (work is like 2 minutes away)! It came to and from work with me for 2 or 3 days! I was actually really sad when he was gone!
I had one on my drivers side mirror on the way to work this morning. Poor lil guy/gal had to be clinging to life on that mirror the whole way this morning. It’s so representational of life (or maybe just mine in particular), everything goes so fast, and we just need to hang on, and hope the “driver” gets us to our next stop safely. Blessed with the spirit animal’s presence today. 🙂 <3
I have seen them a hand full of times, even had one fly into my hair.
I have someone I use to be close with we stop been friends
I have seen them a few times, and I looked it up and this was true to me at the time. Love this kind of stuff.
Dear Eileen: Thanks for sharing your praying mantis story. I think they’re so awesome looking. We love that you love this kind of stuff – so do we!