The Meaning of a Donkey Sighting

Meaning of a Donkey Sighting | California Psychics

Misunderstood from the Beginning

The unique cousin of the horse, the donkey most likely got its nickname, the “ass,” from its Latin name, equus africanus asinus, and not as a critique of its skills or lack thereof.

This hoofed mammal is no fool. In fact, donkeys can be quite cunning, and some have even exhibited quite a sense of humor on occasion. Once you study this unique equine, you’ll begin to see that the character of Donkey in the movie, “Shrek,” was not too far off the mark as personality possibilities go.

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Donkey Symbolism and Spirituality

Often, the donkey is associated with less than flattering symbolism, such as being a beast of burden, a workhorse, being stubborn, or just an “ass.”  However, the donkey’s history and longevity go way beyond those limiting beliefs.

Some historians believe that donkeys were first domesticated nearly 4,500 years ago. Its history begins in the desert, a place that can hold many dangerous foes, as well as harsh terrain. This is where they honed some of the skills that are symbolically linked to the donkey, such as faith, fortitude, and intelligence. They are reported to have come to the Americas and Mexico around 1,500 A.D., and they were often used as “workhorses,” working in the mines either hauling equipment or the spoils of the dig.

Braying is the loud and distinct way in which donkeys communicate, sometimes as a warning or out of fear, which symbolizes one’s ability to speak up and be heard. They are also associated with those who stand their ground, shown by their unique intuition that causes them to stop dead in their tracks without moving a muscle when they sense movement or sounds that could mean danger. So, call them a stubborn ass if you want, but there’s no denying that the desert gave the donkey many useful and positive skills.

Spirit/Totem Animal

If the donkey is your totem animal, you are likely someone on the front lines of any situation. You like being of service to others, perhaps working as a soldier, fireman, or nurse for example. Whatever your profession, your personality is one that people consider a kind soul who finds joy in helping others.

As mentioned, donkeys possess intuitive powers that often keep them out of danger’s way. If the donkey is your spirit guide, he can heighten your senses and give you the gift of being cautious. When faced with a dilemma, the donkey spirit causes you to weigh all options before proceeding, rather than running headlong into trouble.

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Dreaming of a Donkey

If you’re dreaming of a donkey, it’s a sign of something going on in your waking life. It’s time to once and for all decide if you’re going to give in a little or be a stubborn stick in the mud.

If you have a dream where you are riding a donkey, it’s a symbol of your kindness and honesty. You’re too humble to prance around on an Arabian horse, your donkey works just fine.

If a donkey is loudly braying in your dreams, it’s lighting up your awareness, letting you know that someone you consider a friend may not be who they appear.

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Cultural and Religious Connections

Historically, the donkey has always been an invaluable part of life for many people in countries such as Ireland and China. In these vast and green landscapes, donkeys were, and sometimes still are, charged with the most invaluable jobs of clearing fields, carrying water, and basically being a lifeline to those without piped water or other modes of transportation.

In both the Old and New Testament of the Bible, there are many references to donkeys, as they played a huge part in the lives of people of those times. In the Old Testament, there is the story of “Balaam’s Ass,” which, for one, suggests that these beasts of burden are sensitive to the presence of God, even more so than the humans that command them. Also, Mary, mother of Jesus, rode a donkey into Bethlehem to start her life with Joseph.

The donkey was also the symbol of the Egyptian sun god, Ra, as well as the Greek god, Dionysus.

Literary Donkeys

While we can often find a multitude of references to donkeys in literature worldwide, many of the ancient writings depict them in a negative light. Shakespeare is most credited with using the word “ass” as a description of someone who is stupid or considered a joke in many of his plays.

In the twentieth century, in film and literature, the donkey remains a strong presence. In 1951, George Orwell published Animal Farm, where Benjamin the donkey proves to be a loyal friend to Boxer the horse. However, Benjamin has a cynical side and is very clear in his opposition to things in life having to change. And let’s not forget the loveable yet somewhat negative character, Eeyore, in Winnie the Pooh. And, of course, one of the most memorable movie donkeys, mentioned earlier, the boisterous, curious, sometimes annoying, and always hyperactive donkeys of all time, Donkey of the “Shrek” movies.

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One thought on “The Meaning of a Donkey Sighting

  1. Lee Elliott

    I had a dream about a donkey, it wasn’t doing anything but just looking at me? I’ve never dreamt of a donkey before, this was just a normal dream unlike my other dreams


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