Dating a Gemini Man

Getting to Know Astrology’s Natural-Born Flirt

If you want to get to know a Gemini man, it doesn’t matter who approaches who first. It’s all about being with someone who matches his vibe and intensity and has as many varying interests as he does. You should have plenty to share and energy to spare. Your first meeting may feel like speed dating since you’ll cover so much in a short time. But it’s a great way for you to know if you should take things to the next phase and start dating a Gemini man.

Wondering if dating a Gemini man is right for you? Read with a love psychic and find out!

Hello There, Mr. Gemini

You may learn, that being an adaptable creature is a plus when dating a Gemini man. He’s a completely changeable person who jumps from one project or conversation to the next with ease as the mood strikes him. He’s rarely, if ever, boring.

Like the twins which represent his sign, the Gemini man can be two people (or more). He can be someone who lives in the vast realms of his imagination or the constricting boundaries of reality. Given a choice, he would choose the limitless and expansive world of imagination. This would be great for Mr. Gemini, allowing him to be the free spirit he is while you tend to the more practical side of life.

The Gemini man definitely needs someone who matches his temperament and hopefully has some interests similar to his—all of which could change at a moment’s notice. His best match is usually another air sign like himself. However, no matter your sign or element, if you’re having trouble figuring out what makes the Gemini man tick, you’re not alone. He’s definitely hard to keep up with and even harder to explain because he’s into so many different things at different times.

Convincing, endearing, and a bit eccentric, the Gemini man is a die-hard optimist and his mind works at lightning speeds. Occasionally he can get moody and a darker side of the Gemini man will appear, but he never stays this way for long. He’s quick to shake off a bad mood and even quicker to forget it. When experiencing emotions or feelings he can’t explain, he’s quick to rationalize his resulting behavior.

Dating a Gemini Man

If you’re dating a Gemini man, don’t expect him to be overly romantic in the traditional sense, but absolutely expect to have lots of fun. The Gemini man has an energy that’s palpable whether he’s chatting with friends, speaking to a group of investors or even if you’ve caught him in a rare quiet moment. When first dating, he’s anxious to share his world with you and show you who he is.

He’s got plenty to say about plenty of subjects. His mind jumps from subject to subject like a Mexican jumping bean. Some will find this fascinating. Others will find him to be a little self-centered. He’s not actually bragging though when he tells you about all of his accomplishment and acquisitions. He’s just trying to share a bit of who he is in the hopes that you’ll do the same.

What the Gemini Man Really Wants When Dating

With Mercury as the ruling planet of Gemini, good communication is number one. What the Gemini man really wants is to have someone to talk to who is also a great listener. Of course, it’s also important to be with someone who is as lively and active as he is, and someone who is able to match his level of intensity. But, communication comes first. What every Gemini man needs to remain interested is to be with someone who is mentally engaging and expressive. And if you’re creative, that’s a plus.

It may sound like a tall order to fill, but if you’re naturally like this, it’s quite possible that you and the Gemini man are a match. And if he can find all of this in someone he’s dating, he’ll never feel the need to seek a connection elsewhere.

Sex With a Gemini Man

For the Gemini man, conversation is often the prelude to touch, connection and even sex. The bedtime chats may not always center on sex though. They’ll more likely center around something that happened that day. A Gemini man was probably responsible for the term “pillow talk,” although there’s no hard evidence to prove it.

In the act of sex, you’ll find he communicates just as well non-verbally as he does verbally (and he’ll probably be just as random), often changing positions like he changes subjects. Try reading him a salacious paragraph from one of the latest romance novels you’re enjoying. He’ll listen intently and then try to recreate the scene with you afterward. He’s not averse to experimenting with different fetishes and engaging in a little role-playing—anything to keep it exciting.

After sex, you’ll find the Gemini man’s more warm, relaxed and deeply connected side. It’s at this time that the Gemini man seems to glow, having purged any pent-up energy and tension. He’s practically in a dream state, and likely you will be too.

What He’s Looking for Long Term

Despite a reputation for not being able to settle down, when he’s involved with someone who mentally stimulates him, he remains focused on the relationship. However, no matter how dedicated he is to his other half, the Gemini man still needs a degree of freedom in order to maintain his natural buoyancy. He’s random and spontaneous, so if he decides on a whim to hop on his bicycle and take a 10-mile tour de neighborhood, he will. Rather than wondering where he’s gone, you’d be better off just doing something yourself.

If you’re in a long-term relationship with a Gemini, he expects comfort and stability. But he also wants the freedom to be an individual. He is who he is, and he’s not likely to change for any reason or anyone.

With all you now know, do you think you would like dating a Gemini man?

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