2018 Numerology and Your Birth Number

2018 Numerology and Your Birth Number

A 2 Year With a Master Number

In Numerology, your Birth Number is reduced down to the vibration of a single digit. For example, 2018 is a 2 year. How did I figure that out? Well, 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2. But before I get into what a 2 year means, we need to take a look at the number 11 (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11). 11 is a Master Number. Master Numbers possess more potential than other numbers because both numbers are the same. They are also highly charged. That means that whatever your 2 year focus is (see below), it’s going to be exponentially stronger.

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Sensitivity and Illumination

The 11 year is going to make us all more sensitive, with clearer energy in all areas of our relationships. Negotiation skills will also see improvement. Look out for a lot of opportunities. In conjunction with a 2 year, we will be given the ability and drive to research the logistics, with more sensitivity and illumination. We will have an amazing year to balance things between our heads and our hearts.

Partnership and Balance

As a 2 year, 2018 is all about partnership and balance on every level. A 2 year is a gentler year and allows us to consolidate what we started in 2017 (a 1 year). A 2 year demands cooperation, diplomacy, understanding, and patience. Ultimately, 2018 is about peace. Because 2018 also has a Master Number, all our relationships (romantic, familial, plutonic, and business) are illuminated. The motto for 2018 is “I was seen and heard, with illuminated clarity.”

Mysteries and Ideas in 2018

Throughout 2017 (which was a 1 year), we were asked to plant our seeds among the universal changes that were going on. Now in this 2 year, we have to remember not to push too fast or too hard. The mysteries will come to light and the ideas will come to fruition when they are meant to.

Your Calculation

If you want to know how the 2 and 11 energies of 2018 will impact you, I’ll need you to do a little math. Just add up the numbers of your birth year, as I’ve done with the year 2018. For example, if you were born in 1970, your birth number would be 8 (1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8). Here’s a brief synopsis of what to expect in your personal year:

Birth Number 1

2018 is “go time” for you but that doesn’t mean it’s time to go crazy. Instead, go with patience and be sure to find your balance when it comes to partnerships and maintaining your independence. A green light is not an invitation to speed!

Birth Number 2

2018 doubles the intensity for everyone with its Master Number. However, it’s also a 2 year and those of you with a 2 birth number are sure to feel even stronger vibrations. As a result, you need to learn to control your emotions as soon as possible. The spotlight will be on your long-term relationships.

Birth Number 3

2018 is going to be a highly creative year for you because of that sensitive energy. You’ll feel it most in all of your partnerships, including work, family, and romance. This kind of energy can be a good or bad thing depending on how you apply it so be mindful.

Birth Number 4

You have a lot of large projects you’ve been trying to accomplish, but something has been holding you back. Is it a lack of time or a lack of funds? Perhaps it’s also a lack of patience. The good news is that you’ll have the necessary patience this year to get those projects accomplished.

Birth Number 5

For those of you with a 5 birth number, expect the unexpected in 2018! This is the year of diplomacy and patience. Know that delays are likely—that’s where the patience comes in. And, you’ll need to broaden your perception so you can see both sides. That’s where the diplomacy comes in.

Birth Number 6

2018 brings balance to your domestic realm. Sure, there will be drama in your partnerships but the energy of this 2 year/11 Master Number helps you deal with whatever drama may come your way. It’s nice to have that kind of balancing energy on your side.

Birth Number 7

If your birth number is 7, 2018 will make you see all of your relationships in a different light. It gives you the power of reflection coupled with charged sensitivity. What’s the purpose of this? Well, it’s to help you find the balance in your personal relationships.

Birth Number 8

For those of you with birth number 8, 2018 is a year of cooperation. This is especially good for any business opportunities that come your way this year. Whether you’re looking to strike out on your own or partner up and become a dynamic duo, it’s important to focus on cooperation.

Birth Number 9

2018 is the year of discernment and clarity. This is especially important when it comes to your relationships. You’ll be deciding which friendships are worth keeping and investing in, and which friendships are worth letting go of. You’ll have all the information you’ll need to make these decisions.

Amazing Clarity for All

No matter your birth number, this is certainly going to be an amazing year! It will have its challenges and difficulties, but the Master Number of 11 will give us all such amazing clarity and that clarity will lead to balance in all of our relationships.

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2 thoughts on “2018 Numerology and Your Birth Number

  1. Cassandra

    Yes i like my horoscope it seems so real. It got me wondering yes i need to to to a psychic .my horoscopes is right .i do believe someone need to get in touch with me.


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