Your April 2013 Astrology Forecast

Your April Astrology Guide

Spring is all about new beginnings. Do you have the courage to launch a project (or relationship) you’re passionate about? Fiery Aries influences during the first half of April can give you the audaciousness to do just that. Thereafter, Taurus and Saturn influences will help you take some practical steps towards making your dream a reality. All you need is the vision, knowledge and perseverance to make it happen.

Transit Tales

The Venus-Mars conjunction in Aries from the 6th through the 9th joins the Sun and Uranus in Aries to energize passionate trysts and creative ventures. Mercury enters Aries on the 13th to ignite daring/pioneering ideas. However, because this fire sign is known to be brash and selfish at times, remember to be mindful of the ideas and feelings of others.

Next, Venus, the Sun and Mars entering Taurus on the 14th, 19th and 20th, respectively, can evoke your practical (or pleasure-seeking) side, while bringing some stability (or stagnation) to whatever you’re trying to achieve.

Planets in Motion

Pluto will be retrograde from April 12 through September 20, which turns this planet inward. It’s time to dig deep into your psyche to excavate and release any emotional issues/wounds that are holding you back.

What issues and old wounds are holding you back? It could be something from a past life. Confront and release those issues with Tajah.

Saturn continues its retrograde travels through July 7 and 8, which can motivate you to reassess your goals and commitments, in every aspect of your life.

Lunar Magic

The New Moon in Aries on the 10th can help motivate you to start something you’ve always wanted to do.

Get motivated to pursue your dreams with help from Psychic Rogers.

The Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio connects with Saturn and Neptune, which can create a conflict between being practical and following your dream (or intuitive guidance). On the upside, it can help keep you grounded and organized while pursuing your dream and/or spiritual goals.

Planetary Highlights

April 6 – 9: Venus conjunct Mars in Aries can ignite a love-at-first-sight scenario or a spontaneous, sexy rendezvous with your current partner.

April 10: The New Moon in Aries brings a burst of fresh energy in the area of your chart ruled by Aries.

April 12 – September 20: Retrograde Pluto encourages the healing/release of negative emotions that hinder your progress.

April 13 – 30: Mercury in Aries favors ideas and discussions that are daring or trailblazing.

April 15 – May 8: Venus in Taurus may evoke your need for physical pleasure and comfort, especially within a relationship.

April 17: Sun conjunct Mars in Aries heightens your desire and daring to take action.

April 19 – May 19: Sun in Taurus focuses on practicalities and physical needs, such as money, comfort, security and the environment.

April 20: Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries can ignite an idea or discussion that’s brilliant, unconventional or innovative.

April 20 – May 30: Mars in Taurus helps heighten your perseverance while energizing practical or physical endeavors.

April 21: Mercury square Pluto adds an extreme or transformational element to communications, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

April 22: Venus opposing Saturn favors a realistic analysis of your relationships but may also evoke a fear of commitment or loneliness, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

April 22: Venus trine Pluto can intensify/deepen relationship interactions, especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and to a lesser extent for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

April 25: The Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio connects with Saturn and Neptune, challenging us to create a balance between idealism/spirituality and practicality, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

April 28: Sun opposing Saturn can bring up a fear of revealing/sharing your individuality, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

April 30: Mars opposing Saturn can bring up a fear of moving forward, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

“You are born with fears. You become fearful through experience.” – Psychic Venus ext. 9463

10 thoughts on “Your April 2013 Astrology Forecast

  1. bella

    Dear EVE,

    PLEASE DO YOUR SELF A FAVOR AND CHECK 1st 2 SEE if An ARIES is YOUR BEST MATCH !! From 1 Capricorn female TO ANOTHER 1, & I DO wish you many blessing AND MY best wishes 2 YOU 2 !! Bella 🙂

  2. Tahereh

    please pry for me because i wish to win in lottory
    my dream is leaving my country Iran fo ever because of Iran’s government . I hate them….

  3. bevery

    My horscope in april is mostly all about romance for me well during the holiday i got a reading also stating that i was going to have anew man walk in to my life an we would fit perfectly an happily spendin tjhe holidays together! Not try to be meanbut that an any other horscopeor reading has come even close to what comes out in my my future!! years ago i did get a reading an it was very close but since then nothing an for once i would like one that turns out at least some what. An if its because im not getting the ful reading an paying for it, why in the world would i cuz the 3min or 10 min one dont tell me nothing an aint even close. Im sorry an im just saying this has been mt experance with alot thank you for listening>

  4. Rivers ext. 5273Rivers

    Totally agree…spring is the time to look forward to new beginnings as nature begins to blossom. Love the monthly reports.

  5. Bob

    Gee and I always thought you were born without fears and your horoscope to me says you are born with fears maybe it should be called a horrorscope instead

  6. eleanor freeman

    looking for info from other culture’s astrology chinese, celtic vedic. can you send me articles about their take on my natal sign and planets remember oct 26, 1963 time unknown. please. eleanor freeman

  7. yvette

    Everyone in my family seems to hate me I onlhave me one dollar a minute is a lot for if real a God given gift my fortune for you is that you will stop playing God

  8. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Cortney,

    This is THE astrology guide I wait for each month, I find your knowledge of Western astrology invaluable.


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