Astrology: the Signs and Qualities of a Father’s Love

Dad and You

Fathers, or father figures, play an important role in our development. If the mother represents the heart of parenting, the father represents the outstretched arms that provide love, encouragement, protection and support. If you’re wondering about your relationship with your father, or if you’ll be like him when you become a parent, take a look at your father’s sun sign. It will help you understand how he shows his love. There’s no better time than Father’s Day to take a look at the relationship you have with the first man in your life!

Want to reconnect with your father who has crossed over? Read with a deceased loved ones psychic today!


Perhaps it’s an excuse to relive their own childhoods, but Aries men genuinely enjoy fatherhood. There’s hardly ever an awkward moment of inaction or silence—especially when there’s always stuff to do. As a child grows in age and independence, they might view the Aries dad as a bit overprotective, but it’s just the way the Aries father shows his love.


The Taurus man can’t wait to impart his values and work ethic on his kids. First, he gives them all the finer things in life—a safe home, quality food and a sense of security. He’s a nurturing father who wants his children to grow up feeling like he’s prepared them for life. He can at times seem stubborn, but love is always the motivator.


The Gemini man welcomes fatherhood, and his approach to being a dad is unique. It may fall on the mother in the family to provide most of the boundaries and borders as the Gemini man prefers to be a friend to his kids. He loves spoiling his kids, and he can also be overly trusting in his kids.


Once the Cancer man becomes a father, it may be to the exclusion of all his other relationships—especially when his kids are young. He is devoted to spending every possible minute with his children. He wants to be involved in every moment of joy and growth, helping them to be well-rounded, upstanding citizens who become good people.


Leo men are devoted and affectionate with those they love in general, but that only grows deeper and stronger when they become fathers. Their children know that their Leo dad is large and in charge. He would like to teach his children to be social and outgoing while also appreciative of friendships, gifts or any form of attention.


The Virgo dad’s number one sense of responsibility is to provide his children with a sense of security. He works long hours, but when free, he is fully involved. His children’s personalities will hopefully show kindness and respect for others; their behavior is important to the Virgo dad. He can be strict, but getting his kids to do the right thing in life is important.


The Libra man will often try to be friends with his kids and he treasures their unique bond and balance. The Libra dad will impart the importance of having social contacts, a sense of fairness in relationships and an intuitive feel for healthy boundaries which hopefully his kids will follow all through life. Libra’s children are likely well-mannered and respectful.


The Scorpio dad is well aware of his responsibility as a father and will strive to provide leadership, set boundaries and discipline when necessary. The Scorpio dad is a great motivator who likes to lead by example and has a nurturing spirit. His children rarely disobey him, but more importantly they respect their Scorpio dad.


The Sagittarius father needs to warm up to fatherhood at first, but then he’s all in—showing his children the world at large. Life is an adventure, so chances are there will be many trips and outings. The Sag dad would like his kids to excel at what they do so they feel good about their accomplishments.


The Capricorn dad insists on instilling good core values into his children from early on. As a zodiac sign that values good money for hard work and respects and lives a code of honesty, his children hopefully will as well. Stern, but loving as well, the Capricorn dad loves affection from his children and rewards good manners and behavior with plenty of attention and even items of value.


The forward-thinking Aquarius dad will encourage his children to be freethinkers, like their father. With so much freedom in the mix, there may be a need for more boundaries in order to keep the parent/child balance in the parent’s control. The Aquarius father wants his children to use their brains, to be unique and to have a wide variety of friends.


Warmth, comfort and love emanate from the Pisces father, giving his children a safe, happy place to call home. The Pisces dad imparts his imaginative spirit and gentle nature on his kids, encouraging them to always keep their dreams alive. With his forgiving nature, you may not remember a time when your Pisces dad was angry or disappointed in you as a child.

Wondering why you can’t feel your father’s love? Whether he’s living or deceased, you can improve your relationship with him. All you have to do is get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can take a look at his chart and yours to see where the disconnect is coming from.

Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.

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One thought on “Astrology: the Signs and Qualities of a Father’s Love

  1. Gameimake

    Interesting blog. Thanks for informing all sunshine also know about the different people are reacting in a different way.


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