Your Autumnal Equinox Horoscope

Falling for Autumn on the Equinox

Of all the seasons that give us reasons to celebrate, fall (as they say in North America) is a fabulous time of year. While some might dread the heat of summer, feel frigid about venturing outside in winter, or get a twitch when their noses itch from spring blossoms, no one can resist the beauty of fall—colorful leaves, crisp, clean air and the beginning of longer, cozier nights.

Seasons, Equinoxes and Cardinal Signs

Speaking of beginnings, when the Sun enters Libra it signals the Autumnal Equinox and fall begins. Libra is a cardinal sign, which means that it stands at the head of autumn just like Aries, Cancer and Capricorn lead the way to spring, summer and winter. The Vernal Equinox (the start of spring) and the Autumnal Equinox (the start of fall) are the only two times during the year when we can enjoy both night and day in equal measure.

This Autumnal Equinox falls between a glorious Full Moon in Pisces and a lovely Venus trine to lucky Jupiter, making the first day of autumn a good time to snuggle up, get cozy and, if you’re single, maybe even fall in love.


You’re a cardinal sign so you know the joys of new beginnings. If you’re feeling a little vexed lately, put your troubles aside and try to recreate the magic. Everyone benefits when you’re happy.


You have Venus in your partnership house, so if anyone should plan on having a romantic weekend during the Autumnal Equinox, it’s you, Taurus—and you just love getting cozy.


Thanks to your ruler, Mercury, in your house of love and creativity, the Autumnal Equinox fills your mind with plenty of reasons to gather those closest to you and bid summer farewell.


Soft-hearted Cancer, rejoice. Venus is in your house of romance, love and self-expression, and about to form a lovely angle to Jupiter in your sign. Single or attached, love is in the autumn air.


With Venus in your house of home and the influence of the recent Full Moon, you’ll have the urge to cozy-up your den. Try to spend more time with your honey as opposed to spending money.

You are not your possessions. Learn to look at money differently with tips from Psychic Karmystic ext. 9457. 


The recent Full Moon touched your partnership house and you and your honey just seem to click— even better than ever. You’ll both be happy to get some alone time and renew that falling-in-love feeling.


While some outer planets pull you between your houses of home and partnership, summon up your deep need to be with someone you love and let the Libra Sun shine in.


Thank the recent Full Moon for more time to spend with your nearest and dearest. Romance, family and fun are on the agenda in your Autumnal Equinox horoscope.

“A true love partner is possible. Together you and your psychic can seek the required groundwork.” – Psychic TeriLynn ext. 9625


With Venus in Scorpio and the recent Full Moon, both friends and your nearest and dearest are your focus. Get outside, have a party and have some fun!


The recent Full Moon landed in your house of friends and neighbors. Drop everything and invite everyone over for a “Farewell Summer, Hello Fall” party. You’ll enjoy it.


During the Autumnal Equinox it’s your weekend to get busy with your honey. If you’re single, this may be the weekend you meet someone, so go party!


If you’re not reading your Autumnal Equinox horoscope on an island somewhere, then you’re probably getting ready for some end-of-summer soirée with your honey.

“If your love life is not alive with support, happiness and appreciation, seek the ‘why’ and ask your psychic.” – Psychic TeriLynn ext. 9625

8 thoughts on “Your Autumnal Equinox Horoscope

  1. Maria

    I begging god 4 work once again I’m very afraid because of my age although I’m ready willing and able thanks to god please pray for me 12/8/60 is my date of birth I want work more than anything please god and you all I need ur help… Thanks for reading my MSG …love maria Plz give me a chance!! Please

  2. Maria

    I begging god 4 work once again I’m very afraid because of my age although I’m ready willing and able thanks to god please pray for me 12/8/60 is my date of birth I want work more than anything please god and you all I need ur help… Thanks for reading my MSG …love maria

  3. PatRuss

    Ida, stop shouting and calm down. Nobody wants to deal with that. Feels like you could focus on yourself and what good things you do have in your life. Nameste

  4. Sherita Monique

    When will I ever be truly happy with someone? I’m 26 single educated with no kids. Waiting for that special someone who wants real love just like I do. Why haven’t I found that special guy yet?? Please tell me what I’m doing wrong or what I need to do differently!

  5. juan r. moreira

    Dear Ida:

    The gift of life and health are in-
    credible. Please see only the bright side of moon. I’m only 80.
    Ciao Ida !!!



  7. Lani

    I am a Cancer, I think a double Cancer, born 7/16/52 at about 6:30 am. I am complicated, just got bilked out of alot of money by a man or group of international scammers. Now am in damage control, trying to get job to pay debts. I also am taking little medication to calm emotions. I want advice re love (haven’t been too successful in past), financial future and security and lifestyle (should I retreat back to Hawaii and just create more), how to I lead most “authentic” life in relation to my personality. This Western, American, greedy world just seems directly opposed to who I am. But I also like to lead, am dramatic, love people; a benevolent dictator? But no one appreciates my gifts? Why? and if not here, where? Do I need to be single forever? Can’t I find someone to have fun with for the rest of my life? My given name is Barbara Kanoelani Kiyoe Kauhini (Haase) my divorced last name. Thanks you.

  8. Dave Eisenman

    I need some help, Other than God, which I trust. I have a situation as I am employed looking for work, I had an interview with no call back at the Hilton and the Marriott west loop is talking to me now. Witch one is the right home for me?


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