Can You Handle Dating a Sagittarius?

Fasten your seat belts and get ready for an adventurous ride! Dating a Sagittarius can be one of the most exciting – and exhausting – experiences a person can have. They’re so thoughtful, and so much fun… now if only the idea of commitment didn’t scare them (okay, bore them) so much.

Here’s your guide to “Amor d’Archer…”

1. Active Pursuit

Sagittarius thrives on thrills – which is one of the reasons they’re so great at the dating game. Almost anyone would be wooed by their romantic overtures and endless conversation. So much so in fact, that you’ll probably miss the less-than-palatable truth that Sag is openly sharing – though possibly in subtext, as they’re not even always aware of it. This is not a sign that is keen to settle down.It’s not that the Archer is incapable of love; quite the contrary, in fact. The bottom line is that their passion is so fiery and fierce, it has a tendency to burn bright and then burn out, leaving the inadvertently brokenhearted in their wake as they ride off to search for something new to fan their flames. Still, while the fire is burning, it’s nothing short of intoxicating, which all too often can lead to a…

2. Love Hangover

Too much of a good thing can still be too much. And so it often is in life with Sag. Should you manage to tame one of these always-on-the-go adventure seekers, you may find yourself feeling spent… on a regular basis. After all, it’s hard to keep up with anyone who is always (and I do mean always) active. Whether it’s satisfying them in the bedroom (on the upside, they’ll be happy to satisfy you), or satisfying their thirst for endless entertainment, you will need to be eternally on your toes to keep them interested. And while this may make your feet hurt, it’s still not a guarantee that you’ll be successful. Meanwhile, you may think that it’s worth it, and you’re connecting courtesy of their proclivity toward engrossing philosophical conversation. Don’t be fooled. This characteristic belies a depth that isn’t always there with the Archer. Even when they are emotional explorers, the desire for self-understanding and connection pales in comparison to their need to trailblaze the outside world.

3. The Good News

All of that considered, anyone would be hard-pressed to find a kinder or sweeter-natured soul than a Sagittarius for a partner. As their nickname suggests, the Archer is supremely skilled at marking their target, and in romantic relationships that translates as an insatiable need to hit their mate’s bull’s eye. These partner-pleasers live to make their lovers feel good in every way imaginable (after all, they see it as an adventure). So, if you can handle the nonstop action, maintain your own life so that you’re always bringing something new to your relationship, and keep your ears open for what Sag is telling you their needs are (this way, you can meet them or move on yourself). Odds are, this will be one of the most satisfying pairings you’ll encounter.

Have you had any memorable romantic encounters with a Sagittarius?

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18 thoughts on “Can You Handle Dating a Sagittarius?

  1. Kelly

    I’m a sag, about to turn 47, female. I have so many irons in the fire and that’s the way I like it. I play music, sing, write songs, am very social. Last night I was at a big jam and a guy friend asked me toward the end of the night, “How do you know all these people. You seem to know everyone!” I said, “I know them from here. I mean how do I know YOU?” He looked kind of startled, like he was spellbound, and said, “You are very charming. It is your charm.” The funny thing is, I don’t feel charming. I think I’m just very down to earth and I don’t guard what I say, and so people I meet can open up more than they usually do to others, so I get to know people easily. He feels close to me. So do a lot of other people. It’s because I’m open and it’s easy to for me to connect to people. I admit that I may not connect as deeply as some, though. I do get bored easily. One of my ex’s told me one time I was a man eater. To me, I really do love my partners. I love lots o people. I just maybe don’t love them long enough? It feels to me like relationships are for learning and growing and if a relationship isn’t doing that for both parties, it may be time to move on. Who wants to have a stagnant life or mind? Having said this, I have never “cheated” in relationships and I have stayed friends with quite a few men I have been involved with. Several years ago, I entered a particular social circle and was surprised to learn that a group of women who didn’t know me, didn’t like me. One of my guy friends told me so! He also told me it was because I entered with such ease and I appear to be so comfortable in my own skin and made friends instantly with so many guys, and these women had nervously been trying to get close to some of these guys for years. Sorry! lol

  2. rickey

    Hi, I’m not aware of all this free love that a sag can express having a giving heart.
    I’m dealing with a male sag. He is a true fire sign while I’m true water sign Pisces.
    We have been together for 8yrs. I had to learn to tolarate being burn so many times
    emotionally. While he moves around freely its all a show but he’s not interested in
    making sure that I’m apart of his life. I have invited him into my life to celebrate events
    in my family b-days, holidays, friends outtings. I’m believing that this relationship is base
    on convenience. Even at this stage I have yet to meet anyone who knows about us.
    I can’t be the only one who has experience this feeling of lonliness as if you are living
    in a shadow box. I have to be so strong as awkward as it may seem and tell him that I want to be free & love someone who can love me back just the same.
    Someone who wants to be apart and allow your voice to be heard, have heart to ask at
    the end of the day how are you? & mean it.

  3. Refiloe-hape Papie Letseka

    well its good that someone created this page, for it very much explains why some of us are experiencing what we are right now. i have dated and dated and still am dating a sag right now. we so love each other but all the tyme seem to be jinxed by somthing. we have dated for 8 month before, split and dated for 3months split and are currently in the first 2-3 months. one o the best things to have happened to me am so greateful for it but oh my god, its like being in the project that has an ever changing specification. wiith this provided information i hope to be able to have her for a longer time this tyme cos i love her so much. thank you once again for the information.

  4. Lovelle Pangilinan

    I’m an Aquarius and has my moon sign in Sag. My bestfriend is a Sag and I have an extremely awesome relationship with a Gemini whose bestfriend is also a Sag. After reading this article, I now realize that I carry many characteristics of a Sag when it comes to relationships. I get bored easily with people who couldn’t keep up with me. Now I know why. Thank you for this article.

  5. Annette Cinquemani Falbo

    My best friend Vickie Lynn of 46 yrs. now was born on this date,and Jayson too. I have so many memories of the fun and adventures we have had since we were in 2nd. grade. We laugh and laugh whenever we talk or get together. Also I met a Sag. that was born on this same date almost 3 yrs. ago and he is quite a bit younger than I am. We began to live together almost immediately after we first met and were inseperable for almost 6 mos., until like you said, he had to blow with the wind. His arrow hit the bulls eye dead on and I haven’t been the same since. No one have I ever met or since my short relationship with Jayson has been as fun , exciting, thrilling, adventurous, or mentally stimulating as that one brief period in my adult life. I still miss him to this day and laugh out loud sometimes when I think of all the fun we had together. It wasn’t that we spent a lot of money to have fun …it was going on a bike ride flying down the highway in the Hill Country to watch the bats fly out of their cave at dusk. Or under a full moon digging for arrow heads. It was cooking together and sitting down to a candlelit dinner just the 2 of us. It was dancing and singing, or making love under the stars. Just going and experiencing so many wonderful places together. I am a young 52 yr. old and it was so refreshing to meet a younger man that could keep up with my energy and the desires of my heart. He is a precious soul and I will never forget him. Happy Birthday to you today Jayboy, where ever you are, Love Always , Annette

  6. joanne

    A mature Sag….an oxymoron which boggles the mind! Sag’s are great friends, lots of fun, sometimes alcoholics and very sensitive, but NEVER mature. My best friend of 33 years is a double Sag…tried and true need I say more??

  7. katkel61

    OMG! This is soooo true! I have had one other Sag and it was the same exciting, thrilling ride of a relationship. But the Sag that I am involved with now is older and so am I. I have never in my life had such a deeply satisfying sex life as I have with him in the last 2+ years! He is also fun! He told me after a year that he had good news and bad news, which did I want to hear first? I told him to give me the bad news first. He told me he can’t have sex with me anymore and I was shocked and crushed! Then he told me the good news, that he can only make love to me from now on! I knew I had been punk’d! But I was so relieved! We both try to keep it fun and delve deeper with conversations and revealing fantasies that we explore. As a mature Sag I think they are more enduring and deeply loving, thoughtful and experienced lovers than a younger Sag would be! But it is true, they need to be stimulated on a regular basis with new adventures! I am up for the challenge, as I am an adventure seeker too! I look forward to a long, fun, happy and thrilling relationship with this one! He is a keeper!

  8. Marci Glenn

    Hi Stephanie,
    Thank you for the interesting article. I am also a Sag, (11-29-60) and found that you have some good information that I can share with my husband of 11 years, who is having a hard time understanding my needs!
    I personally enjoy the comfort of a long term relationship to that of a short lived fast passed one. Even though I have had many others interested in me over then years I have not been tempted to stray. However, it does seem very difficult for my partners to keep up with my wants and desires.
    I always thought that they were getting bored with me! So, I also want to thank you for the insight into the fact that it could be that I simply wear them out!
    I have always thought that I was a very giving person who puts the needs of others before my own, but I did have one partner say that I was too needy. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding? Or do our insatiable needs make us appear as such?
    Love and Light to you and yours, Marci

  9. misskrystal

    My mother is a sag-Successful marriage to my father (a gemini)-I did not get her athletic ability-I always admired my mom for being an athlete…But she did teach me how to play tennis, even though I would rather do ballet 😉 which she still let me do…
    My mother has always been independent…I love my mom for pushing me and encouraging me to try new things…I praise my mom for teaching me that it doesn’t matter what or where a person comes from, we show respect to all people, no matter what background they have. I praise my mother for teaching me to be different-to stand up for the underdog. Teaching me the joys of traveling and going abroad. But most of all, I praise my mother for teaching me to have faith and introducing me to God. Sag’s are strong, open minded and full of spirituality and diversity…I am so glad my mom is a sag 😉
    Miss Krystal

  10. Andrew Karstaedt

    the only part you gotta worry about with sagittarius is when their drunk thats the only challenge dealing with them because they could get alittle wicked since there a fire sign. Im sure i can handle one because im a air sign and air signs are a powerful force also im a aquarius.

  11. jessica

    Dear Stephanie,

    I’m a Sag, and the very best relationship I’ve had, has been with a Sag man, and it was tender, affectionate, and committed. Our no longer being together is related to external circumstances.

    No one is all Sag, although my rising is Sag, and I have Jupiter at home in Sag.
    But I also Venus at home in Libra, Saturn at home in Capricorn, and a Capricorn moon
    I’m deeply loyal and willing to commit, and stick it out even if I feel some boredom, because I can look within for the answers instead of expecting someone else to take care of all my needs.

    It’s a bit difficult to get me to stop moving long enough to get a date or two, but commitment isn’t an issue…with the right person!

    : )

  12. stareia

    I’m a single female Sag and the wheels in my brain are always turning. I’m always taking in information (daily basis) and love to learn and grow. I love to help others. I don’t know if I could handle being in a romantic relationship with another Sag. People think we don’t get depressed but we do. I need my private time/time-out from the world sometimes too. When life is good, I LOVE to entertain and pamper loved ones and it seems like I have a story for so many things people are going through because I’ve met so many wonderful and different people in various stages of my life. I always look for the good in people before the bad. I ADORE most animals and if I could, would probably have a house full of spoiled pets too, not to mention orphaned/foster children! Best date would be somewhere we can be active like a sports club, gym, amusement park, hiking, picnic in a park, etc…………I can clean up nice for nice outings like a dinner at an exclusive restaurant as long as it doesn’t become a normal occurrence. I prefer low-key moments of getting to know one another in casual clothing in the beginning. Can be casual or elegant at any given moment and love to help others (in a way, I am getting help too). I love being a Sag, most of the time. 🙂

  13. thelimelight

    Today is my birthday! I’m 31 and have the biggest grin on my face! I think with time the mature Sag is a loyal keeper. 🙂 Just be prepared to hear anything come out of our mouths! I don’t think we easily embarrassed. LOL

  14. Jacqueline

    Hi Stephanie,
    Very interesting, I know several sag, they are in successful relationships, I have known them to be very nurturing, driven people, I enjoy there friendship as well as company.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  15. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    I’ve known some very happily married Sags… gal I know who is a Sag has been happily married to the same Virgo guy for well over 35 years. This particular Sag housewife is known for throwing very elegant dinner parties.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

    Sags also make for very fine teachers as well.


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