Your Career Horoscope for Fall 2013

A Season of Career Revelations

This is your career horoscope for fall—the period that begins with the Autumn Equinox on September 22 and ends with the Winter Solstice on December 21.

An Active Astrological Season

Fall is active for most of the signs in one way or another—Aquarius and Pisces will especially benefit from this season’s offerings. There will be a Mercury retrograde from October 21 through November 10, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18, a New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 10, the last Uranus-Pluto square of 2013 (but not the last in the series) and a few other astrological highlights that will make your career the focus of fall, either directly or indirectly.

The beauty of astrology is that knowing what lies ahead can often give you a heads-up, enabling you to ride a good wave or navigate through difficult waters. Knowledge is power in the world of free will.

What does your fall career horoscope have in store for your Sun Sign (or Rising Sign)? Let’s take a look at the highlights:


After October 15, the pace at work picks up, but the Aries Full Moon Lunar Eclipse gives you added energy to get things done. Any minor misunderstanding with coworkers can be cleared up when Mercury goes direct on November 10. In December the need for change may be pointed to your career—explore possibilities and think through all of your options.


The October 4 New Moon lands in your house of daily work and reputation. At work, avoid conflict and fight the urge to lash out during Mercury’s retrograde through November 10. In December, your house of “other people’s money” is highlighted—a raise for you or your spouse is possible.


In October work will be a pain, but think carefully before making an irrevocable move. During Mercury’s retrograde period (October 21 – November 10) it’s good to check facts and figures before presentations. November’s Solar Eclipse could bring a busy time ahead or just give you thoughts of changing jobs altogether.


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in your career house and the spotlight is on you. December’s New Moon and Mercury will both be in Sagittarius, your house of daily work and reputation. It’s a busy career horoscope, but a fruitful one if you stay on top of your game.


During the October New Moon, Uranus and Pluto will be charged up, causing conflict with coworkers. The first two weeks of November will test your resolve. Remain cool. Venus moves to your “daily work” house on November 5, steadily making work more pleasant throughout the fall, but it could also trigger jealousy in coworkers when it retrogrades beginning December 21.


As one of the hardest working signs in the zodiac, often your career horoscope has little to say because you’re very consistent in your determination. The December 17 Full Moon in your career house, however, is the highlight of your career horoscope. Enjoy the notoriety.


On September 29, Mercury moves into your second house of money in and out. Your working life is status quo, but during the Mercury retrograde expenses could equal earnings. In November, thank the New and Full Moons for a possible raise for you or your spouse.

“Astrology reveals your aspirations and goals, talents, hopes and wishes, as well as your challenges en route to your goals.” – Psychic Sonja ext. 5071


Through October 15, Mars will be in your career house, making you a powerhouse at work. Be careful because it will be easy to overdo it. Balance your time with non-work activities especially since the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be in your daily work house, making the next few months a busy time. The gym relieves stress.


Mars is in your career house from October 15 through December 7, and you’ll be busy and loving it—just avoid arguments with coworkers. Venus enters your 2nd house on October 7, where she’ll remain through the rest of fall. You’ll be getting praise for a job well done.


While Venus is in Libra, your career house through October 7, your success is eminent. However, a New Moon on October 4 may make for a few tense moments. Poise and patience are key words. Mars enters your career house on December 7, revving up your momentum.

“To see yourself as a success, think about your strengths and the things you are good at.” – Psychic Leo ext. 5265


Your career horoscope for fall is an active one. Your career house lies in Scorpio and it will be a busy sign. Both Mercury and Venus will be together in your career house, but Venus will leave on October 7, while Mercury remains. This is good news for your career, except during the retrograde (October 21 through November 10) when career plans may be delayed. November’s Solar Eclipse is a stellar day for your career.


Between October 7 and November 5 Venus will be in your career house. You’re in demand. Avoid the temptation to goof off. Also, on November 21 the Sun will shine on your career, as does the New Moon on December 2. Your career will benefit during the fall—financially, contact-wise or both.

Need to find clarity in your career or financial future? Call Caralatta ext. 5871 to get a career or financial reading.

13 thoughts on “Your Career Horoscope for Fall 2013

  1. muhammad iftikhar aleem

    I am much impress about your opinion and observation and try my best to act upon your advice which you sent in the shape of i am a poor person and cannot call on your cell may kindly some way for this issue thanks and oblige

  2. Madan Pal singh

    now a days , I am looking new job & mr. Sachin is offering good offer to me. But I m confused.
    Kindly, give suggestion.

  3. G Tripati Rao

    Since Jan’13, I am in confused with my professional like, when it will be cleared.
    Secondly, please advise me whether I will continue with present job or to be changed.

  4. Lorraine Treybig

    Hi, my only comment is that the reading didnt really fit me as it focused on job and I retired in 1993 from Verizon w/40 yrs. Finanaces: My husband and I are focusing on being very frugal at this time as he has been diagnosed with Melanoma cancer. So, what the future outlook is for us at this time, is left up to God. I hope you agree with this comment.

    Thanks for your comments and time. Please remove me from the psychics until further notice.

    Lorraine treybig

  5. Lorraine Treybig

    My only comment is that you focused on job and I am retired from Verizon w/40 yrs. So the horoscope reading didnt really fit me.As far as finances, we are very frugal at this time as my husband has been diagnosed with Melanoma cancer.

    I’d like to be removed from the Psychics at this time.


    Lorraine Treybig

  6. Rock

    I would like to know if someone can see what I should in life ?
    Stay in the motorcycle business or have my own Esoterique boutik ?
    If so, where sould I have the business, I’m at this moment I’m living in Nova Scotia…


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