Chinese Astrology: Your Birth Date Destiny

Of Emperors and Astrologers: What’s Your Chinese Astrology?

Once a luxury enjoyed only by Emperors, Chinese Astrology determines one’s destiny using an intricate study of what is known as the Four Pillars of Destiny.

The Four Pillars of Destiny

The Four Pillars of Destiny is a term used in some Asian cultures to describe the four components of your birth date that can determine your destiny or fate.

The Four Pillars are comprised of the year, month, day and hour of your birth and knowing this information can predict your life’s path from birth to death and every detail in between. The Four Pillars of your chart actually consists of eight total characters representing four heavenly stems and four earthly branches.

Without knowing more, you can get an idea of the intricacies involved in calculating ones chart, so it’s no wonder that during the Age of Emperors, astrologers were revered as important people in the royal court. Since the fate of an emperor would directly affect his kingdom, astrological charts were considered a necessity and not a luxury.

If you’re familiar with basic Chinese Astrology, you are probably already aware of your zodiac sign based on the year you were born. We can tell a lot about you by just that one component. However, if you’re seeking a more in-depth look at your life and if you want to know more about your destiny, then consulting a Chinese astrologer armed with all of your birth date information would be your best course of action.

Chinese Astrology incorporates 12 signs, five elements, and the dualities of negative/positive, male/female and much, much more. And as mentioned earlier, Chinese Astrology is a labyrinth of information from the most general to most minute detail.

Destiny and Planning

While I can’t use this article to predict your individual destiny (since there are literally thousands of you and all of your charts would read very differently), I can offer something in the way of timing, as a sample of how Chinese Astrology can help you plan your future with someone else—namely, the best time to plan the big day. So if you’re planning a wedding, use the following seasonal and Moon phase guide to determine the best time to plan the happy union.

What does Chinese astrology say about your compatibility with your partner? Talk to Psychic Quinn ext. 5484 and find out.

Marriage Destiny by Season and Moon Phase

• Boar (Pig), Rat, Ox: Winter is your most auspicious season and the last Quarter Moon (between the second half of the 22nd through the 29th) is the best time to wed.

• Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon: Spring is a lovely time to plan your wedding, especially during the New Moon phase, between the 1st and first-half of the 7th day of the month.

• Snake, Horse, Sheep: Summer is your season for marriage. Book the date during the first Quarter Moon, between the second-half of the 7th through the 15th.

• Monkey, Rooster, Dog: Autumn will give your wedding an astrological boost, especially during the phase of the Full Moon between the 15th and the first half of the 22nd day of the month.

Astrology can open doors you didn’t know existed. Get an in-depth look at your future with William ext. 5131.

37 thoughts on “Chinese Astrology: Your Birth Date Destiny

  1. cheryl bloomfield

    My birthdate is 12/12/1962 ad I was born 0.2.20am (GMT) Can you give me more information please. Thanks. Love and peace

  2. amon

    these articles you provide were so educational and interesting and been reading them regularly.. I was born 8/20/30, married for 45 years, may I know what’s up for me.

  3. Ravi Prakash Singh

    My Date of birth – 02-10-1974.
    Country- India
    State – Bihar .
    Openly tell me about my future and some tell me about my past time.

  4. Margaret

    My birthday is 21-12-1955 as I am on the cusp and was born at 11-25pm
    what star sign does this make me.

  5. jackie

    Today is my birthday and I was wondering if you could tell me what this year has in store for me in the way of love and work?

  6. ReikiGirl

    There are a lot of folks here looking for direction and peace. May all you you find what you need and receive the peace, comfort and protection you are seeking. Sometimes the answers we seek are right inside of us. Spend time in solitude and contemplation. Ask you Guides to point you in the right direction and to come in contact with those that can provide us with guidance. Angels are always nearby to help, but you must ask!! Ask and help will be given immediately. May you are find all Peace, Light, Comfort, Security, Protection and Love.

  7. jennifer

    aug 15 1961 London England, what is my destiny
    will I get the inheritance I was cheated out of
    will I return to work
    will I get married

  8. KC Bentley

    This is the most ridiculous article you have ever published on here. It starts out with:
    “Once a luxury enjoyed by emperors, Chinese Astrology can determine one’s destiny using what is known as the Four Pillars of Destiny. What’s your destiny?Read more »”…. I am pretty confident that everyone not just myself were expecting a break down of how to figure out our personal destinies….and most everyone is concerned with the economy nowadays and you put in a brief example for the best times to get married based on our Chinese astrological signs. Why even go into the whole complexity of the Four Pillars of Destiny!?!?!

  9. chris weisgerer

    Snce Jan. 19th I have had broken bones. I’m still in a care facility and it is Going to e Oct. in a
    couple of days. Why such a screwed up year ??. What gives ? Sorry I am not happy, right side partial- poralysys., car wreck 73. Did pretty god until this year………CW.

  10. Tammie

    October 24, 1967 at 11:08 pm in Anchorage, Alaska. I know that I am the sheep. Scorpio sheep born in a fire year I think. I also think I was born in a rat hour, but you have to calculate GMT so it might be different due to the time difference.

  11. Shannon

    i’m 30 yrs of age m bday is 8-20-83 leo virgo born at 2:45 am…im lost! have no direction! no on! kids no husband.. clearly struggling! we all are! I’ve came n lived a hard life.. I want better… can u help me w a free gaudiness of my destiny.. my spirit guide r just as los as I am.. I do no know what path n when that path s going to arrive for me… HELP?!!!!

  12. Leonard Morgan

    June 11, 1932 Auburn, N.Y.: In USAF 1951 to 1955, Morse Code Radio OP., ON DUTY when a U.S. Navy Ship sinking SET UP Morse Code To Me….”S.O.S., ENEMY CONTACT,” and I took their S.O.S. message & Saved Their Lives 1953. But Injured Inner EARS badly, Tinnitu s ears ringing noise, HEARING DISABILITY, Vertigo and ASTHMA condition too…Andrews A.F.base CHANGED me from Morse Code To Admin. CLERK Sept. 1953 BECAUSE OF HEARING DISABILITY CONDITION, I HAVE DOCUMENTED USAF PROVE THIS. But after I applied to the V.A. Board for USAF connected Disability benefits and Compensation, Robert J. Dolan, Chief of the V.A. Board got involved Against Me, made 4 important documents Disappear, to CHEAT ME OUT OF MY USAF Connected Disability Compensation, for at least Half MIllion Dollars. He also went into the V.A.Medical Center and eliminated that Inner Ears Specialist Report OFF their Computer ILLEGALLY DONE TOO….CHEATING ME OUT OF MY USAF connected Funds. QUESTION: WHY IS DOLAN ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH SO VERY MUCH DISHONESTY AGAINST ME LIKE THIS, WITH MISCONDUCT, DECEPTION AND CORRUPTION? WILL I RECEIVE THE HALF MILLION DOLLARS OWED TO ME, AND I DID SAVE THOSE U.S. NAVY MENS LIVES WHEN THEIR SHIP SUNK THAT DAY TOO, AND ROBERT J. DOLAN KNOWS IT TOO.

  13. Victoria L Gates

    Please take note of the correct spelling of my first name. You have it misspelled. My birthday is September 29, l946. According to my birth certificate I was born at 9:00am.

  14. Lynne Sherrell Varela

    I’m so enjoying & benifitting from yor readings for all the signs but I can’t seem to reach the chinese signs I hope you send a message that cold help me!


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