Your October Chinese Horoscope

Your Chinese Horoscope

Your Chinese Horoscope: Feel Connected Even When Apart

Sharing the Moon is the theme for September and October 2014 as the Harvest Moon continues with the October 8 Full Moon eclipse! You will be more aware of your connection with a loved one even if you are apart. Your soulmate is thinking of you too. The unfailingly loyal/protective Guard Dog energy stays strong through November, symbolizing eternal love. Your Chinese Horoscope has even more to reveal.

Get a detailed soulmate reading today! Click here to get started. 

Both your soulmate and your creative self speak to you on your personal animal days in October, so let this loving expression be your guide. Just search for your birth year on the chart below to determine your animal. Here’s your Chinese Horoscope!



The lunar eclipse on October 8 is a truly powerful day when you’ll see love in a whole new light as the Rat on the Mountain. This overview guides your path. Don’t take rash action on October 20 as you are in the process of building something important. You should use focus and balance as the Rat on the Roof, according to your Chinese Horoscope.


You begin to plan your course and work toward a new future on October 9 as the Ox by the Gate. There is a strong sense of destiny on October 21 as you feel an important change coming as the Sea Ox. You are sensing a future destiny, so use love and self-nourishment as your guide.

Psychic Quinn ext. 5484 wants to tell you about your destiny. Call her for an astrology reading!


Don’t let sudden insecurities deter you on October 10 as the Tiger Standing Firm. You can heal old wounds in relationships if you lovingly discuss these issues with your partner to create a wonderful future. Continue to communicate carefully in your relationships on October 22 as the Tiger in the Forest and important realizations come.


You are in action mode on October 11 and truly want to communicate clearly, according to your Chinese Horoscope. As the Enlightened Rabbit you have a lot to offer, so share your wisdom. The powerful solar eclipse day  on October 23 is all yours as the Rabbit Dreaming of the Moon. Your intuitive sense about new beginnings in your life is absolutely true.


Use cooperation rather than confrontation when you communicate on October 12 as you are the Dragon in the Sky and careful words can lead to real success. New ideas and new love bring the birth of something perfect on October 24 as you are the Dragon of Pure Virtue.

Your new love is coming! Don’t you want to know everything about them? Psychic Winter ext. 9002 has all the details!


On October 1 as the Snake Leaving a Hole you are alert to your surroundings, according to your Chinese Horoscope. See the massive opportunities in today’s surprises. Use art and political correctness on the morning of October 13, deferring action to late afternoon/evening. You prevail over challenges to your confidence on October 25 as the Snake of Happiness.


Use kindness as the Traveling Horse on October 2 and the day is yours. Follow your gut to deal with surprising feelings or communications on October 14 as you are the Horse in the Stable. You are clear about your purpose on October 26 as the Palace Horse, so use the misty quality of the day for an enchanting self-presentation.


Communicate through beauty and cooperative efforts on October 3 as the Lost Sheep and you’ll love the progress you make. October 15 is an important time to consider all aspects of your relationships and take a long-term view as the Sheep in the Pasture. You are the Lucky Sheep on October 27. Go with your strong, positive feelings.


Your Chinese Horoscope says a lazy start on October 4 gives way to wonderful fun with friends as the Independent Monkey. October 16 is a day to begin to develop your presentation to show your stuff as the Monkey Eating Fruit. Take charge as your sexy, clever self on October 28 in your career and relationship commitments as the Elegant Monkey.


Spiritual and artistic communications are incredibly powerful on October 5 as you are the Cock Pecking for Food. You feel powerful and brilliant on October 17 as the Caged Rooster. Save those great ideas for future success. October 29 is a pivotal day for you, so stay true to your goals as the Barnyard Rooster.

Turn your great ideas into future success. Psychic Winston ext. 6226 can help you get started!


Emotional events on October 6 build a strong, loving relationship as the Temple Dog. Your natural flow is beautiful and empathetic. That positive stream makes you unstoppable on October 18 as it’s your Guard Dog month and your day of the Watch Dog. Inspiring ideas bring brilliant results on the evening of October 30, the month/day of the Guard Dog.


Your Chinese Horoscope reminds you to balance your feelings and desires as the Farmer Pig on October 7 and you’ll create breakthroughs. Mystical inspiration on October 19 as the Pig in the Forest brings wonderful opportunities. Your natural agility in coping with changes will make October 31 a perfect day as you are the Traveling Pig.

14 thoughts on “Your October Chinese Horoscope

  1. Mary Kate Dozier

    Please tell me what my finance will be looking like for the month of October also my love life with the Sagittarius born on December 5 or third


    nnnnf this thing dont exist now a day..60% the marrige now a day end before 5yrs..way before and 40% the marrigement fron old school 40yrs ago still TOGETHAR.. NOW REAL LOVE IS BY LUCK OR BY CHANCE OF DEVIL..IS EAZY TO WIN AT LOTTERY?? IS THE SAME TO FIND A SOULMATE..I KEEP TRY BUT I LOST HOPE ,GOOD LUCK TO U..

  3. erika

    thank you for my chine see horoscope it put a warm spot in my hear i need some type of message from a departed love one I’m lost with no clue whats so ever people tell me i need to let go but i think that will never happen, then i ask myself dumb questions like did he love me, did he love our family is he with us does he see my hurts struggles does he even care I’m broken and need some type of needing his love his self being a smile a ilove you or is it all a memory of missing him I’m sorry but when i got your email really made me feel comforted and secure I’m still crying missing him so much . thank you my friend erika gallegos i wish i had money to pay to receive more unanswered questionsl

  4. C.Wright.Thru.

    Most Highest Divine blessings of gratitude/appreciation/love/light/peace/prosperity/wellness to you Debbie and ALL,

  5. Patricia Hanson

    I pray my soulmate is at my side as I launch into the task of selling our home which brought us much joy and prepare for a quieter life with his pet cat “Blue”.


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