Create Your Future By Harnessing The Power of Your Sun Sign

The Power of Emotions to Create Your Future

2011 and 2012 will be an amazing time to begin to address buried emotional issues, and turn them into a powerhouse for creating your future. The “end of time” predicted for 2012 will also be the beginning of a new life for everyone with the courage to face their fears and their buried emotional pain… scary? You bet! Worth it…? Absolutely!

You full moon (opposite sign) Children born in the late Spring/Summer are particularly powerful, as you represent the “Bringing Down of the Moon” that was considered to give the ancient Wiccans power. In modern astrology, these powerful people use the power of emotion to drive their most powerful expression, and many do it well and successfully. Even if you don’t have this special moon power, if you know your Moon sign, you know the “home” of your emotional powerhouse for the future. If you don’t know, your Sun sign will give you a feeling for your expression of your emotions:

Aries: You are on the cutting edge of emotional power. While considering others, step forward with your feeling and you will create the breakthrough in your life.

Taurus: Your emotions are well-grounded in a time of upheaval, and expansive Jupiter is coming to your sign to offer comfort to all whom you love and the associated results.

Gemini: Your emotions are expressed in a quick and light manner, and that is your power. You are always in the position to express and observe others’ reaction to motivate any situation!

Cancer: You are the sign of emotional experience, and “bringing down of the Moon” is strongest in your domain. The Moon is at home in Cancer and is a truly natural expression of our fundamental needs and maternal feelings. You hold the power!

Leo: Self-expression is what you are all about. Digging into the uncomfortable parts of your emotions is your challenge. You will blow others away when you accomplish this!

Virgo: Your emotions are somewhat difficult for others to understand, although they are simple. You are here to express your love by serving others—and those you love are lucky to have you in this powerful mix.

Libra: Your emotions are always tied to considering others and their needs. Don’t be afraid to tell them what you need and want—it’s time.

Scorpio: Your emotions run deep and have tremendous power. You can naturally lead others in addressing their depths of feeling, healing and using these energies.

Sagittarius: Your emotions are expansive and their expression is based on your generosity—it is your nature. Your power is in your inspiring emotional energy.

Capricorn: Getting in touch with, and expressing emotions is one of your challenges. Take the time to let go of your ambitions for a moment and your emotional power will fuel your creative endeavors.

Aquarius: Your emotions are, well, all over the place. Pulling all of your feelings together and focusing them will bring you magical new experiences.

Pisces: Your emotions are an expression of overall compassion. With Neptune in your sign, defining your feelings will be the beginning of using their powers.

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2 thoughts on “Create Your Future By Harnessing The Power of Your Sun Sign

  1. Debbie

    I read your advise columns. Think they r very helpful.I’m a sagittius, I’m full of energy, but that get me in trouble sometime because I’m disable an I put to much into things,projected. An often. hurt myself.then I end up in bed.An can’t finish what I start.That’s with, work& can I learn to slow down the pace an be able to finish what I start.Debbie. P.S.I’ve got a bone disease in my back that limits me from doing what i want to do.frustrated & alone.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Nice article, Debbie !!!!!

    I really enjoy your astrology articles…..they are always different and interesting and you really do know your astrology !!!!!

    ……my Moon & Mars are in Pisces…..and I’m a Cancer Rising


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