Your Crescent Moon Horoscope for June 2013

Deep Insight From the World of Dreams

June’s crescent moon will first appear on the 9th or 10th, depending on your viewing site. The first sighting will be in Northern Australia (where the solar eclipse was visible), so this is a particularly powerful crescent moon everywhere, but for those of you in Northern Australia it will be especially potent in your lives. Look for special events from the land of “dreamtime” and view this special crescent moon just after sunset anywhere in the world. Be sure to make a wish, as this is a time of happiness and new beginnings.

Venus, goddess of love and beauty, is blessing this newborn moon, as she does throughout the summer months since last month’s solar eclipse. She is nearby the newborn moon these months and sends her beams of light or blessings. She is joined by Mercury this month, so beautiful, loving and magical communications are being reborn at this time.

Enchanting (even mystical) communications come to you full of wonderful surprises. Any writing or speaking efforts will be especially beneficial during this time so apply yourself and take advantage of these efforts. You could also be receiving flowers, sweet scents, candies a personally written poem or other romantic gifts from someone special.


Those surprise endings in your career and home life around this June crescent moon are actually breakthroughs in your life that you’ll be grateful for in the near future. Someone powerful is looking after your interests and a new, satisfying life is on its way.


Travel, educational and spiritual gifts flow into your life through snail mail and email and from siblings and partners. You’ll enjoy wonderful comments about how great you look, so take a chance on the latest fashion, or new makeup or hairstyle. You could attract the attention of someone very special.


You are fearless with brilliant new ideas during the June crescent moon. This can bring some special gifts, or a raise or bonus at this time. Take care with Internet communications, as you may be misunderstood. It will be easy to clear this up, but be sensitive to how others are hearing you.


This crescent moon is in your sun sign, along with Venus and Mercury, so you’ll feel particularly refreshed and alive at this time. Actually, the remainder of 2013 is a rebirth for you after so many surprises and challenges. Yes, the good news you sense in your life is real.


Those wonderful dreams you are having of a new life and new joy are in the process of materializing. Be especially alert, as someone from the past (possibly a soulmate) can arise with your June crescent moon. These new possibilities may take a month or two to really gain traction, so take a positive Leo approach to all your efforts.


This crescent moon brings perfect networking through social activities and the Internet, so pay attention to opportunities in these areas. You’ll see the future in what you find as you connect with others. You’ll find that it’s the wonderful improvement you’ve been wishing for.

Improve your current romantic or work situation with advice from Psychic Julia ext. 9131.


The June crescent moon highlights your career and public image. Partners and home responsibilities offer plenty of distractions, yet you can see that you are building new success for yourself. You’ll see financial gains over the next few months, so apply your famous balance to home life and work.


The inspiration flows during this crescent moon and you’ll love the results, both personally and creatively. Your love life will find easy, sexy moments with plenty of sweetness mixed with the passion—just the way you like it. There’s a bit of depth with the fun.


Word about your investments, including those in your career will offer new openings. Power struggles you’ve had to deal with will be resolved, as well. A partner will suddenly be filled with optimism and high-energy, so enjoy their efforts and generosity in your common pursuits.


A lover is feeling refreshed and happy during the June crescent moon on the 9th/10th, so enjoy the results! Use inspired thoughts in your communications along with social networking to get the results you want in life. This time can be really positive for breakthroughs in your life.

If you haven’t yet, get your chart done by an astrologer like Psychic Phillip ext. 9485.


Any health issues or problems at work will be clarified and either you take action or the problems disappear around the June 9th/10th crescent moon. As a result, finances will improve along with those career concerns you’ve been having. Feeling better physically helps your attitude and progress.


The crescent moon on June 9th/10th will be the time for you to “wow” everyone with your good looks, charm and inspired ideas. Children, playful lovemaking and that creative project you’ve had in your head will offer much joy during this time. You’ll love going with the flow.

Not sure if you’re ready to tackle that creative project? Talk it out with astrologer Psychic Shauna ext. 9010.

12 thoughts on “Your Crescent Moon Horoscope for June 2013

  1. Linda B.

    How does the evening look for a wedding on June 22…just curious, if anyone has a moment to let me know, I would appreciate it.
    My niece is getting married……Thank-you

  2. Cat

    What a fun and positive read for each sign! Just loving what you say for all my acquaintences, and myself (Pisces). Definately need some wowing going on right now. Hmmm, 9th and 10th, toss out my hopes and dreams to the universe. Will do.

  3. Steven Chand

    With the current situation, the Horoscope makes sense but I don’t know whether it works in everyones life.

  4. khan farrukh

    I like these predictions about new cresent,which effect on our lives in diffrent way but what about me , my date of birth is 12/31st/1963. Kuwait. want to know about my financial problems and marriage problems, my husband date of birth is 7/19/1957. He always lied to me in all matters, is he lives me or not.

  5. Pakaan

    Dear Psychic Phillip,

    I would like to know about my career this year whether i can get back my current position as operation manager after all my colleague advise my boss to down my position as branch office secretary. Also, my present relationships will last longer . about money and career will i have more clients this months onwards. Please help me and advise the best thing i can do

    Depressed Lady

  6. Farah

    Hello and thank you for your Free Horoscope for June 8 2013.
    I would like to know at what time is the sunset for June 9th 2013 or June 10th 2013?
    Thank you

  7. Htun Lynn

    Hi Guys! What I had seen on this month forecast for me starting from now on is really fine and pure gold matters! Is it the real or just for my dream boat? Never mind! Let’s see the enormous Improvements for my future aspects on the Screen was appear or not in right time!
    Hope, everything will come to me as really materialistic!!!


  8. vijay kumar sood

    my name is vijay kumar sood. dob 19th august,1951 at 4PM as per indian time. at sirhind, panjab, INDIA. vry recently i have lost my job. pl wrt me when will i get my new job. thanx.


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