Everything Lucky About Aries

Everything Lucky About Aries | California Psychics

The Stars Can Change Your Luck

There are few people who would turn down a bit of extra good luck. No doubt, you have your own rituals and personal charms for attracting positive vibes, luck, karma, etc. But have you ever considered trying to attract luck based on your zodiac sign? Each member of the zodiac has plenty of luck to bestow on those who are born under their sign. This month let’s look at everything lucky about Aries.

The Luck of the Ram

Aries is the go-getter of the zodiac. They’re extremely ambitious beings who love to set high-flying goals for themselves. They’re not afraid of the hard work it will take to accomplish them, however, and they’re always so charming and personable, that it’s impossible to dislike the fiery Ram. Because they always seem to have five to six projects going at once though, Aries can take every ounce of luck they can get, so what do they need to increase their luck?

Lucky Number

6, 9

Lucky Day

Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday

Lucky Color

Aries is ruled by Mars, the red planet, making red an extremely lucky color for them. They’re also ruled by the element of Fire, usually associated with both red and yellow, making the golden hue an equally lucky color for the Ram.

Lucky Tarot Card

  • The Emperor
  • The Tower
  • Ace of Staffs

Lucky Gemstone

Red Coral is both Aries’ Life Stone and ruled by Mars. It removes most of Mars’ more negative effects from Aries and is said to attract happiness, intelligence, and success. Amethyst helps to balance out Aries’ impulsive traits while also clearing away stress. Ruby bestows confidence and Garnet brings hope and courage, which Aries can always use more of.

Lucky Charm/Symbol

  • Key
  • Star
  • Sun
  • Pepper
  • Owl

Lucky Element


Things for Aries to Stay Away from

  • Emerald
  • Snakes
  • Friday the 13th

The Luckiest Thing About Aries

Aries is a natural leader, so they’re extremely effective in any type of group setting. Their infectious charisma and charm allow them to initiate change when they see that it’s needed, especially within a work setting. Aries is also fantastic at working in teams, even when they’re not the team leader, essentially making them a walking lucky charm.

How Aries Can Improve Their Luck

  • Have a piece of carnelian on you.
  • Stay open-minded.

Give Yourself a Break

Being a Fire sign, Aries walks the line between acceptance and skepticism when it comes to what may or may not improve their luck, but overall, they prefer to trust in their own hard work. And who can blame them, when they certainly put in enough time and effort to earn everything they’ve worked so hard for? However, Aries, there’s no shame in accepting a little help now and then, even if it comes in the form of wearing a red shirt to a meeting or slipping a piece of red coral into your pocket on the way to an important interview. You’ve done the legwork, don’t be ashamed to let the Universe give you a tiny boost in return.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

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One thought on “Everything Lucky About Aries

  1. Michael

    I luke to say good morning and thank you for your time and patience with me and have a nice day and night sincerely Michael Lukuz……


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