Gratitude to the Elders for Their Wisdom

Gratitude to the Elders for Their Wisdom | California Psychics

Celebrating Our Ancestors

The end of October through the beginning of November is considered by many cultures to be a time when the living and spirit worlds are very close. Throughout the centuries, each culture created their own holidays to celebrate this event and connect with their ancestors. Though they’ve had many names, we know them today by such names as Halloween, All Souls Day, and Day of the Dead, just to name a few.

Celebrating Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, celebrated on November 1 and 2, takes place in Latinx communities. During early celebrations, the Aztecs honored the cycle of life and death as a part of nature to be honored. In modern celebrations of Day of the Dead, it is believed that the souls of those who have passed on can return to earth, so families create alters in their homes or in cemeteries in order to welcome their loved ones back home. These alters are adorned with family pictures, food, water, flowers, and a candle for each loved one who has passed away. Flowers and incense are also used to transmit prayers back and forth between the realms of the living and the dead. It is a specific time each year to ensure that the memories of those who have gone before us are not lost, a time to reconnect with our loved ones who have passed on, and to keep their memories alive by sharing their stories and their wisdom.

Showing Gratitude to Our Elders

We can learn deeper truths from our elders if we are willing to listen. So today, on the celebration of our loved ones who are gone, show your gratitude to them, and to the ones who are still here by listening to their stories and their words of wisdom.

Celebrating by Zodiac

There are different ways that we can honor our elders. Here are a few ideas based on your zodiac sign.


The power of the recent New Moon brings you the opportunity for breakthroughs if you listen to the wisdom you’ve received from grandparents and elders. The skies echo the ancients’ vision of guidance from the stars. The stars encourage us to face life’s changes with courage.


Do you feel like you need to move forward with something? Set the stage for the future by thanking your elders for your internal revelations shared with your partner. Stand firm on the bountiful foot of Virgo to enjoy the creativity evolving from your sense of freedom.


Investments call for your attention, as do work demands. Remember the wisdom you’ve been given and integrate it into creative action. Thank family elders who offer wisdom from experience. Don’t forget to express gratitude for your gift of language in your preferred form – writing/music/drama/politics.


You’re inspired and full of energy after the New Moon through what you’ve learned from your elders. Your innate love for ancestors and family and your culinary talents carry you through this holiday with a celebratory feast of shared wealth.


Ground yourself in your ancestors’ accomplishments, particularly notable in Vedic astrology. The energy from the New Moon allows you to honor each with your inherited talents. The Day of the Dead is the perfect time to connect with ancestors.


The recent New Moon surprises you with your innovative view of what’s good for your spirit. There may be a desire to reconsider how best to invest what you’ve received from your elders. Use your holiday period to meditate and give thanks. Have a spiritual celebration for more enlightenment on what should be honored and what has passed.


You may have a sense that your entire foundation in life is on shaky ground after the New Moon. Remembering and thanking your ancestors allows you to find your footing in the bounty of life. Let go of what seems no longer useful with kindness of spirit and you’ll soon discover that what is valuable will return to you.


The energy from the recent New Moon provides energy for gracious rituals that seek ancient wisdom during Day of the Dead. The sun and moon join at the foot of Virgo and you sense that generous presence. If partners and family seem erratic, the power of your inner strength from beloved people who have passed through the gates can get you through the day.


Apply the wisdom you’ve gained from listening to your elders. This prepares you for changes and your dreams for the future. The sacredness of Day of the Dead will bring different types of people and ideas to you. You’ll likely meditate and celebrate in a completely new way, always offering thanks.


You’re feeling an amazing sense of flight and joy through inner changes. Home life brings challenges after the recent New Moon. Know that you can guide others by expressing gratitude for the bounty you’ve received from those before you. This works in your career as well. Reach others through your insights during the holiday.


The recent New Moon is particularly tied to ancestors and life’s cycles of change. You have a fiery spirit within that wants to break free. All the while, it’s hard to determine how to do that without undermining yourself. Use this period of celebration to say thank you for the wisdom you’ve received from elders; giving thanks both for what to maintain and what to release.


Your spiritual side wishes to speak out in the wake of the New Moon. Your personal dreams are undergoing a transformation, so listen to what your ancestors have to say by honoring them through ritual, stargazing, drama, or music. The Day of the Dead holiday offers you an opportunity to celebrate the past loved ones and all that life means.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

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One thought on “Gratitude to the Elders for Their Wisdom

  1. Kathy

    Can “elders” include living parents & grandparents, or only spiritual ancestors? I find an increasing number of millennials on social media blaming baby boomers for all the world’s troubles and even going so far as to post comments like, “Kill all the boomers.” While I know that blaming the generation before oneself for everything has been a part of human nature for decades, (even the Bible says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”) I’ve never seen such vitriol and bloodlust attached to it.


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