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Neptune Retrograde: Natal Chart, Effects, Meaning, and More
The Astrological Significance of Neptune
Neptune is the planet that helps keep us in tune with our emotions, sensitivities, dreams, and intuition. It also inspires us to live up to our own inner spiritual purity and beauty. Neptune rules Pisces, so its retrograde from July 2 to Dec. 7 will thankfully be fairly comfortable, since it will be in its own sign.
Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, moves through the zodiac at a luxurious pace, spending approximately 14 years in each sign. Neptune rules dreams, fantasies, and imagination, along with art, photography, films, and glamor. It holds sway over enchantment, magic, healing, intuition, spirituality, mysticism, self-sacrifice, transcendence, idealism, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and unification with Divine love. On the darker side of things, it can represent addiction, loss, illusion, delusion, and escapism.
The twelfth house corresponds with Pisces, which is ruled by dreamy Neptune. However, in traditional astrology, Pisces is ruled by the benefic Jupiter. That means that Neptune and Jupiter share a role as the ruler of Pisces. The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind and the hidden world. This is where we go to heal ourselves. Psychotherapy and psychic phenomena also fall into this house.
Traditional astrologers considered this the house of self-undoing, which encapsulates anything that we might do to undermine or sabotage ourselves. The twelfth house also rules large animals such as horses.
The Roman god Neptune (whose Greek counterpart is Poseidon) rules the sea, all other bodies of water, earthquakes, and horses (his favored animal). The powerful King Neptune carries a trident and rides in a chariot pulled by multiple hippocampi.
Neptune Retrograde is a phenomenon that occurs when Neptune appears to go backward. During this period, your intuition, dreams, and psychic perceptions will feel stronger than ever. However, at the same time, you may feel like you can’t trust yourself or your insights. You may be tempted to second-guess yourself, but this is exactly when you most need to trust your gut.
During Neptune Retrograde, you’ll also be asked to dive deep spiritually and revisit your dreams and desires. You’ll lift an inner veil and see reality for what it is, not just what you want it to be. Coming to grips with reality can be a bit painful, and you might feel the urge to run away. However, if you stick around, you’ll see that this is ultimately for your own good. The illusions will wash away, but the truth will remain standing. This can help you reset the course of your life and decide what you want to do.
Keep in mind that if something feels too good to be true, then it probably is, especially while Neptune is in retrograde. If things still hold up once Neptune goes direct, you have something real to work with. Remember that patience is your friend for the five or so months that Neptune goes retrograde each year.
To make sure that you get through these cloudy waters safely, listen to your heart, trust your feelings, and follow your hunches. If you can do that, you’ll reach the clear light of truth.
If your natal chart shows you were born with Neptune in retrograde, you’re fortunate, because you can swim through the vagaries of life with practiced ease. It isn’t easy to delude you, and you’re able to focus on your intuition and your psychic dreams because you’ve been developing this ability since you were born. You’re deeply compassionate, and you’re naturally drawn to become one with the sacred and the Divine.
You’ll feel most of Neptune Retrograde’s effects subconsciously, so this could be a confusing time. You may find yourself questioning your own judgment, and any illusions that you’ve been harboring can get swept away, leaving only raw truth behind. Old wounds may resurface, which could give you a chance to heal them once and for all. If you decide to trust your intuition ahead of time, you may be able to lessen your pain and confusion.
Neptune Retrograde in the Twelve Houses
Here are some brief descriptions of how Neptune Retrograde may affect you as it transits through each house:
First House
You’ve been prompted to find and nurture your inner Divinity. You’re also being asked to stop refusing to see yourself as you really are. For instance, maybe you’ve been beating yourself down by telling yourself things that aren’t true and causing yourself pain. This is a chance to view yourself more clearly and start speaking the truth.
Second House
Money matters get real as you take a serious look at where your money’s been going. You’ll be shown where funds have been quietly leaking out from under your radar. (This is an ideal time to check old autopayments for things like subscriptions. Make sure that you’re only paying for what you want to have.) You may be drawn to reflect on what you have and what you want, as well as how you can facilitate financial abundance.
Third House
This is the time to observe how your communications affect others. You’ll see if your words have been too little, too much, too soft, or too harsh, especially with any siblings. You’ll find healing words to speak both to yourself in your mind and out loud to others. If you tend to daydream while driving and/or running errands, you’ll get a reminder to stay grounded in your body.
Fourth House
You’ll reach a realization about whether you want to stay where you currently are or get up and move to a new home. You’ll also see your family members as they are, not as they want you to see them. You may get closer, or you’ll get a reminder that blood doesn’t make someone family. If the latter happens, you could need to separate yourself from potentially abusive figures. It’s someone’s behavior that matters, and your friends can be family too.
Fifth House
It is time to take another look at that enchanting being who entices your heart. If you’ve been wondering whether that person is really The One, you may know the answer by the time that Neptune goes direct. You’ll finally have extra time to engage in creative pursuits, or you may find more ways to interact and play with your children.
Sixth House
If you’ve been pushing yourself, working too hard, and just generally overdoing it, this is the time to take honest stock of your health and emphasize self-care. Right now, extreme self-nurturing is necessary. Try to take catnaps when you need them. If you’ve been putting off a medical checkup, get one now. Take your pets to the vet for their yearly exam as well.
Seventh House
You may find yourself observing the people in your life with new eyes and seeing them for who they really are. The veil over your eyes will lift, and anything fuzzy or anything that you overlooked becomes crystal clear. This could be a time of reckoning and endings. Alternatively, you could fall even more deeply in love and develop a stronger unity.
Eighth House
It’s true that money makes the world go round. However, if it’s been turning your world upside down, you’ll now see whatever you need to do to bring it back into balance. This may require some sacrifice, but somehow, you’ll find yourself abundantly compensated.
Ninth House
If you’re preparing to take an exam, lock yourself down and study twice as hard as you normally would. You’ll be thankful you did because you might get some unexpected test questions. Check your travel plans carefully and be ready to pivot around unplanned changes at a moment’s notice.
Tenth House
If you’ve been laboring at a job or career that you’ve tried to make yourself like or have felt pressured to pursue, take a step back and evaluate whether this is the path you actually want to be on. What would you really like to do with your life? Look for and follow your heart’s desire.
Eleventh House
Are your friends who you think? Are they supportive of your life as it is now, and do you feel a true sense of unity with them? Or have you outgrown them? If it’s the latter, Neptune Retrograde will help you see who you need to walk away from so new friends can come into your life. This applies to your hopes, wishes, and dreams as well.
Twelfth House
Let the inner healing begin. If you want, seek out a good therapist, friend, or trusted psychic to help you let go of painful thoughts and ideas as they come up. If you’ve felt imprisoned by old attitudes or ways of thinking, reach around and unlock your cage. You’ll discover that you’ve always had the key to your own freedom.
Embrace the healing energy of Neptune in retrograde. Let it restore your hope and soothe your soul. It can help you cast out the things that aren’t worth worrying about or aiming for, allowing you to recalibrate your dreams so you can reach more fitting, solid, and rewarding goals. Give serious consideration to the new dreams that Neptune inspires in you. Remember, Neptune is the loving higher vibration of the goddess Venus, and it only wants what is best for you.
Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you. Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials and read through our Astrology & Numerology Blog. Want to read more about your personal birth chart first? Get a free birth chart report today! Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings.
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One thought on “Neptune Retrograde: Natal Chart, Effects, Meaning, and More”
wow kallista – thank you SO MUCH for such an informative and well written post!! you say a lot with little words that sink in very easily >insert clapping hands and a giant HEARTinsert exploding brain emoji<
One thought on “Neptune Retrograde: Natal Chart, Effects, Meaning, and More”
wow kallista – thank you SO MUCH for such an informative and well written post!! you say a lot with little words that sink in very easily >insert clapping hands and a giant HEARTinsert exploding brain emoji<