What Is the Significance of the Hunter’s Moon?

A red moon rising in the night sky

Full Moons occur roughly every 29 days when the moon is perfectly opposite the sun. The Hunter’s Moon takes place in October, as the veil thins, and marks an enchanting time of release and manifestation.

In the Northern Hemisphere during mid-October, the air is crisp and the wind becomes stronger as the weather begins to turn. The last leaves on the tree limbs seem fragile, and the sky is often a dark and tempestuous gray.

What Is the Hunter’s Moon?

Native Americans named the October Full Moon the Hunter’s Moon, as it lit the way for hunters as the long nights closed in. This mesmerizing, giant moon is known for its luminosity and beauty. Like all Full Moons, it’s a time for release and change, but it also encourages people to look into the past as a way to receive guidance on the future.

The Meaning of the Hunter’s Moon

Many cultures have celebrated the Hunter’s Moon, including the Celts, Native American peoples, and rural tribes of the British Isles.

The Hunter’s Moon derives its traditional meaning from the rather harsh reality that animals after the harvest are hunted more easily than at other times of the year. As people prepared for the winter, furs and meat were often necessities for the colder weather, so hunting ramped up during this time as well.

In the modern day, this moon is metaphysically and metaphorically associated with more symbolic and complex meanings. In general, expect it to call upon memories or situations in which courage, skill, and strength have been (or will be) helpful.

The Effects and Spiritual Meaning of the Hunter’s Moon

The Hunter’s Moon affects people spiritually — as do all Full Moons in the cycle of the seasons — but with a greater intensity. It’s a strengthening Full Moon, awakening people’s inner willingness to fight and bringing an opportunity to grow your capacity for patience, courage, and power.

It is also especially potent thanks to its overlap with the thinning of the veil, an event that stretches through the month of October and the very beginning of November. It connects people with their understanding of the afterlife, bringing focus to drastic transformations such as death and rebirth. It’s a perfect time to connect with your deceased ancestors.

These transitions and connections require skill, strength, and courage — qualities which are often evoked in full force by the Full Hunter’s Moon.

How To Use the Hunter’s Moon

The Hunter’s Moon is a powerful source of energy. And, as the perfect time for rituals related to releasing, renewing, and manifesting, this moon has a special knack for helping you connect with other worlds and those who inhabit them.

Set up a space using the warm earth colors of orange, brown, and maroon. Have apples and other mid-fall fruits in the center of your table. Use a dark purple or greenish drape for your table. Stones like amber, hematite, and carnelian can also strengthen and ground your energy.

During the days building up to the Full Hunter’s Moon, meditate on what you are “hunting for” currently in life. Connect spiritually with your ancestors. Ask for their guidance and for them to infuse you with their courage and wisdom. Perform whatever divination work you most enjoy — Tarot, astrology, I-Ching, crystal work, or scrying practices — or seek out professional support with a psychic reading.

On the night of the Full Moon, go outside and gaze at the Hunter’s Moon itself. Gazing softly at the moon is one of the most subtle methods of connecting with your own intuition, and it is also one of the most powerful. Pay close attention to any symbols, colors, sounds, feelings, or words that come to you. Based on what you receive, set your intentions for the winter season ahead.

The Hunter’s Moon in 2024

The third of four Supermoons in 2024, the Full Hunter’s Moon occurs on October 17, and it will be the closest to earth of all the year’s Full Moons. Supermoons occur when the moon’s orbit moves closer to the earth than usual, making the moon appear even bigger and brighter. This also heightens the natural spiritual energy and influence of the Hunter’s Moon .

Arriving in the sign of Aries, the October Full Moon squares Mars and sextiles Jupiter, bringing a mix of assertiveness, aggression, and hopeful generosity. Open your heart to others, and think before you speak.

Learning How the Hunter’s Moon Affects Your Chart

To find out more about how the Full Hunter’s Moon affects your natal chart, consider speaking to an expert Astrology Psychic. By looking at your chart’s planetary aspects to the sign, house, and degree of this Supermoon, you can maximize its benefits, understand its meaning for you personally, and minimize any challenges that arise.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a Psychic Astrology Reading. Our Astrology Psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you. Learn more about our psychics from real testimonials and read through our Astrology & Numerology Blog. Want to read more about your personal birth chart first? Get a free birth chart report today! Find an Astrology Psychic or learn more about Astrology Readings.

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