June 2009 Forecast

A combination of Air and Earth energies throughout June can turn your brainpower into practical applications. It’s time to put your ideas to work. At the other end of the spectrum, spirituality, compassion and ideals are heightened by the Jupiter-Neptune merger that continues through July.

It’s a great influence from which to view your ideals, dreams and destiny – if you don’t ignore reality by overlooking the facts.

Transit tales
At the beginning of the month, Sun in airy Gemini and Venus in fiery Aries make flirting fun. Romance has plenty of joie de vivre, but stability may be in short supply – until Venus enters steadfast Taurus on June 6, that is. Mars is already in Taurus, and when the two planets meet up mid-month for about 10 days, love gets an extra dose of sizzling sensuality.

Getting physical and enjoying the pleasures of the senses will fire up relationships, especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Mercury in Taurus from June 1-12 adds to the practical, earthy vibe in communications. Mercury transiting into Gemini on June 13 energizes discussions and travel, except when stodgy Saturn squares Mercury on June 26 and hinders communications and travel plans.

Planets in motion
Jupiter is retrograde from June 15 through October 12, which encourages introspection about your spiritual beliefs, education and long-range aspirations. Because Jupiter is in Aquarius, the sign of the humanitarian, it’s an excellent time to think about your role in making the world a better place. It’s not the best time, however, to start new business projects unless they have an altruistic focus.

Lunar magic
The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 7 energizes your sense of adventure. It may be time for a road trip, or at least a change of routine, so try something new. Taking a class can also expand your horizons. The New Moon at last degree of Cancer takes place on June 22. This influence brings a new cycle of energy to home projects and family activities. It can also heighten emotionalism, so strive to stay centered.

Planetary highlights:

June and July: Jupiter conjunct Neptune accelerates spiritual and philanthropic endeavors, and can help you see the bigger picture of your destiny.

June 3: Mars trine Pluto favors financial dealings, healthy endeavors and projects that require intense focus or physical strength.

June 5: Sun square Saturn is a speed bump that can hinder your activities, especially if you’re a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

June 6: Venus entering Taurus favors physical pleasure, art and environmental projects.

June 7: Full Moon in Sagittarius energizes travel, learning and spiritual activities.

June 8: Venus trine Pluto intensifies romantic and sexual connections.

June 9 – 10: Mercury square Jupiter and Neptune creates a clash between practicality and ideals, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

June 13: Mercury entering Gemini favors communications, travel, logic and learning.

June 15 – 25: Venus conjunct Mars in Taurus energizes sensual trysts, artistic endeavors and environmental projects.

June 15 – October 12: Retrograde Jupiter favors introspection about your spiritual beliefs, education goals and altruistic inclinations, but can be problematic for new business ventures.

June 17 – 18: Sun trine Jupiter and Neptune favors discussions about the future, and accelerates projects involving technology, philanthropy and spirituality.

June 17: Sun square Uranus is a wild card that heightens unpredictability and rebelliousness, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

June 20 – 21: Sun entering Cancer (Summer Solstice) launches the summer season.

June 21 – 22: Venus and Mars trine Saturn favors relationship commitment and financial transactions.

June 22: New Moon in Cancer brings a renewed cycle of energy to home and family activities.

June 23: Sun opposition Pluto can create power struggles, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

June 26: Mercury square Saturn can disrupt communications and travel, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

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