Your June Money Horoscope: A Break From Big-Bang Mercury

YourA Break From Big-Bang Mercury

Your Money Horoscope

At long last, June has arrived and after the 11th we’ll finally see the end of a very trying Mercury Retrograde—whew! Many of us felt the effects of this powerful retrograde long before its actual start date (May 18). Another gift the June Money Horoscope brings is lucky Jupiter’s perfectly stellar angle to full-of-surprises Uranus on the 22nd. Make the most of this magically lucky day; these two planets won’t tango this way again until 2019. Let’s see what the June Money Horoscope has to say about your Sun Sign:

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Venus moves into your fifth house of fun and frivolity. Venus loves to spend and you’ll find plenty of chances to indulge her whims. When it comes to spending, you’ll likely have a deal-with-it-later attitude. Try not to overspend.


June offers you a few optimal days to cash in. Your ruling planet, Venus, makes it really easy for you to get noticed as well as monetarily appreciated—especially between the 5th and 10th. Try your luck at the lottery on the 22nd just for fun.


Venus moves into your house of communication—your specialty. Let her help you win clients, land a job or just show off your talents through speaking or writing. This is a great time to show the world that you can make money doing what you love.

Wondering how else you can boost your business, Gemini? Get a money reading with Psychic Julia ext. 9131 and find out.


Jupiter will remain in your house of money-in-and-out for a short while longer, making it easier to acquire funds. However this month, under the influence of Venus in the same house, spending will come all too easy. Stick to necessary expenses, and then close your wallet.


Your June Money Horoscope is all about Venus in your first house, attracting admirers and opportunities to cash in on your talents. Spend time doing things you love whether artsy or crafty and you’ll find not only joy but monetary value in your work. Be creative.


The mid-month New Moon in Gemini puts you and your career in the spotlight. With Mars also in your career house until June 24, you can gain leaps and bounds from such energy that can payoff later. But Mars may make you go a little overboard. Just keep cool.

You can make huge strides in your career if you learn to keep your cool, Virgo. Psychic Paige ext. 9158 can show you how.


Venus can get a little wild in Leo and as a result she’ll give you the urge to shop ‘til you drop—all in the name of making a good impression. Do yourself a favor and leave the plastic at home; just use cash. Besides, all you need to get noticed is that charming personality. The rest is just gift wrap.


The Sagittarian Full Moon on the 2nd puts a spotlight on your most-recent spending. Tackle bills as they come in and don’t let them wait, because they won’t. The sooner you put the bills to bed, the better you’ll feel.


Your June Money Horoscope brings a Full Moon in your sign on the 2nd, followed by Venus in fellow fire sign Leo on the 5th. As tempting as it may be, try not to spend money you don’t have. Instead, tap into your inner centaur and enjoy the greater (and free) outdoors.


When Venus comes to visit your house of joined finances and mixed-money, it’s time to collect debts you’re owed and/or decide how you and your mate will split the bills going forward. Don’t get soft when someone cries broke or you’ll be left holding the bill(s).


Between Jupiter in your seventh house and retrograde Saturn returning to your career house, you’ll feel like a movie star—pampered and popular. Use this energy to win a new job, impress the powers that be or change direction altogether—whatever pays you what you’re worth.


Lucky Jupiter’s angle to unpredictable Uranus on the 22nd could make your June Money Horoscope a real winner. Buying a lottery ticket may help you amass a small fortune, but gambling too much could send you to the poor house. Try betting lightly.

6 thoughts on “Your June Money Horoscope: A Break From Big-Bang Mercury


    Never thought the end of Mercury Retrogade would end…it seemed endless. Huge expression of Gratitude for helping to encourage that the light at the end of the tunnel….is not another train.
    Hoping the best is yet to come. FABULOUS INSIGHT. Many thanks,SHOSHANA 6497

  2. LJ

    Dear Psychic Quinn:
    Thank you for being a loyal reader of my column and an excellent psychic reader too!

  3. LJ

    Dear Valerie:
    Don’t fear what you don’t have. The law of attraction tells us that if we live in fear of something we’re basically keeping it from coming our way (so we won’t be scared). Instead tell the universe that you’re reading for all the wealth the universe wants to supply – in fact, put a dollar amount on it (so you won’t be short-changed). Good luck.

  4. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn 5484

    Thank you LJ for your informative information.
    It is always a pleasure reading my money forecast.

    Buddha Bless,

  5. Valarie

    I am disabled and i am an aquarius. I wish too God if i had any luck on any money plus hope my life gets better because i am in fear of becoming homeless unless there is some kind of luck for me


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