Jupiter Enters Capricorn: A Time for Presence

Jupiter Enters Capricorn: A Time for Presence | California Psychics

A Major Astrological Shift

Jupiter will be in Capricorn from December 2, 2019 through December 19, 2020. History and your personal memory will make 2020 a profound, pivotal year. The focus on planets in Capricorn during this period appears overwhelming, like all the energies are in a crowded room inside and outside of you. The voices within are learning to work together for your highest good and call on you to be present this year so that you take advantage of the gifts Jupiter in Capricorn are offering you.

An Event, a Dozen Years in the Making

Jupiter has spent the past 12 years circling the zodiac to return to this point. Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, where he spent 2019, he felt comfortable and at home; however, Capricorn does not offer the same hospitality. In Capricorn, mighty Jupiter isn’t recognized or celebrated. With Jupiter in Capricorn for a year, the energy is so potent that it will encourage you to take action and lay out a stable, abundant foundation for your future.

Jupiter will meet Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in 2020. It’s been 30-50 years since humanity has experienced this level of intensity. Structured, serious Saturn is meeting the volcanic, transformational flow of Pluto in Capricorn. These planets don’t kid around.

While it sounds frightening, volcanic flows create newborn ground, both physically and metaphorically in your life. Jupiter, full of optimism, is your guide in 2020 to see what’s available and to celebrate this massive, necessary transformation of old structures in your life.

Jupiter loves justice, as does Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Yet Jupiter soars and is expansive, while Saturn nails things down to be functional and safe. Consider yourself in this position – your naturally expansive nature has to find its workable boundaries, setting limits.

The Effects on the Signs

If you have strong cardinal signs in your chart – Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn – you’ll have both tremendous demands and opportunities. While life’s foundations may shake, you’re being maneuvered into an amazing new world. You’re at the cutting edge of what’s coming. It’s your nature to love life at the bow of the ship.

The fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius feel less fixed this year with Uranus in Taurus. You’ll find yourself acting more as change agents. While Aquarius is known to love exciting new things, you have the paradox of also wanting security. Jupiter’s interaction with Uranus offers earthy brilliance and enlightenment.

Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces continue surfing the flow of Neptune, occasionally wiping out. Confusion is followed by spiritual progress and creativity with Jupiter offering a boost. Early June 2020 will bring the eclipses to Sagittarius/Gemini opening you to your joyous spirit and new relationships.

Celebrate the Change

Remember that life is fluid, so when frustration seems overwhelming and stagnant, it most definitely will change. If the changes seem overwhelming, remember that they will eventually settle down during this process.

This is a good time to set budgets, career goals, and personal goals concerning home and family.  It’s also a time to focus on true leadership and strength – this is always in the manner of service and protection of the common good.

Days to Watch in 2019

December 2 – Jupiter enters Capricorn and a period of intense creativity begins.

December 15 – Jupiter trine Uranus, giving you the opportunity to step into your own power and prioritize self-care and healing.

December 26 – Take responsibility for changes in your life and your relationships that you would like to see with the help of the powerful Solar Eclipse.

Days to Watch in 2020

January 11-12 – Jupiter is joined by the sun, Mercery, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, which may create chaos in your life. Seek balance to counteract the effects.

March 20 – The season of the Ram is upon us with the Spring Equinox, but not everything is smooth sailing. This may prove to be a difficult period for many, so fight back with your creative instincts and sweet personality.

May 14 – Jupiter begins it’s five month retrograde, leaving you with a possible sense of FOMO. But don’t get too down on yourself; things are much better than they appear.

June 20 – The longest day of the year marks the Summer Solstice, which brings a torrent of emotions with it. Brace yourself for a roller-coaster of a day.

September 12 – Jupiter stations direct as the sun and Virgo trine, offering a positive shift in astrological energy. Better structures begin to take place in relationships, and we are encouraged to take a more responsible approach to our natural surroundings.

September 22 – As the Autumn Equinox ushers in Libra season, you may find many difficult situations melting away as Jupiter makes it’s final pass through Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn through the final months of the year.

December 19 – Jupiter will finally leave Capricorn and move into Aquarius, where Saturn is also residing, just before the Winter Solstice closes out the astrological year. This shift will amplify generosity, learning, and encourage us to break down barriers. A perfect feeling to take into the New Year.

Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

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