Your Karma Horoscope for November 2013

Deeper and Deeper…

Now into the second half of its transit through Scorpio, the zodiac’s taskmaster refuses to relent. What does that mean for you and your karma? Read on to find out what Saturn has in store for you this month!


Celestial cords are being cut. Whether that means you lose a financial resource or source of moral support, the times are a changing and require you to adjust. Gradually however, you’ll find this new lifestyle suits you.


Your eyes are opened to truths you’ve previously avoided. While you might have been angry or frustrated before, now you feel compassion… or at least you should try to, as tolerance will behoove you in the long run.


Practicality may not be exciting, Twins. However, by focusing on how to juggle while maintaining personal balance (read: schedules are highlighted), you’ll find yourself that much closer to the life you’re craving.

“Astrology reveals your aspirations and goals, talents, hopes and wishes, as well as your challenges en route to your goals.” – Psychic Sonja ext. 5071


Success is in the stars this month, Cancer. All your patience will pay off provided you keep your eye on the prize. Continue giving attention to the creative and selfless and you will reap the rewards.


Karma is a bitch sometimes, lion, and if you’ve yet to heed her advice, this is one of those instances. If, however, you’ve taken to heart the lessons of the past and begun to make changes in your approach, you can begin making progress.


You’ve been expelling energy and creativity for months now, Virgo. Luckily, this month is about feeding your soul to put some of that back in. Whatever your resources are (media, literature, educational institutions), the stars favor learning.


Consistency is your key this month, Libra. While your goals can seem distant, they’re not as far as you fear provided you commit to gathering your resources. You’re not saving for a rainy day—you’re saving to make your dreams reality.


Between romance and creativity, Saturn has quite a month in store for you, stinger! You’re feeling alight with the possibilities, while still grounded in reality. Focus on tasks that will make you stronger and more solvent.

Ready to resolve that karma? Get a karmic numerology reading from Psychic Natasha ext. 5469.


By doing for others, you find yourself growing. All of this is in preparation for your own Saturn transit down the line. In the meantime, go with it. The connections you make now are helping to prepare you for changes to come.


Though it’s not happening quite as quickly as you’d like, you’re making steady progress on the professional front. By accepting that your ascent will take time and by continuing to get out there and network, you ensure progress.


Karma is at work this month and you will directly feel the consequences of your past actions—for better and worse. On the upside, whatever you choose to do with that information will form the basis of all future endeavors.


Expanded self-understanding as Saturn transits through your fellow Water Sign will serve you well. By this point, you’re beginning to see beyond the stone to the sculpture waiting to be revealed (and crafted) as you grow.

Astrology can show you if you’re headed on the right path. Talk to Psychic Quinn ext. 5484 and see what’s ahead!

One thought on “Your Karma Horoscope for November 2013

  1. snehalatavyas

    Your artical,satisfied me A little, Iam very depressed in my life.PLZ give me courages literature.That’s can give me soule.


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