Your Love Horoscope: Socializing and Social Awareness

Passion and Enthusiasm

Moon in Sagittarius puts a lively spin on romance at the start of the week. Friday’s New Moon in Aquarius ushers in a new cycle of socializing and social awareness. On the same day, Mars passing into fiery Aries (through March 8) will ignite your passion and enthusiasm for a relationship or something you’re focusing on. Best days for socializing: Tuesday evening, Wednesday and Saturday. Here is your love horoscope!

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Aries Love Horoscope

Mars moving through your sign will trigger your inner go-getter for whatever (or whoever!) you’re pursuing. Your heightened powers of attraction will kick in too, which  catches the attention of someone who admirers your fire. However, you’ll need to be patient with those who can’t keep up. Social activities will also improve after the New Moon in Aquarius.

Taurus Love Horoscope

The New Moon in Aquarius is bringing a new career cycle, which can also introduce you to new contacts and perhaps a lover! Mars moving through Aries will certainly stir up an unresolved desire or resentment with roots in your past. Therefore, taking some quiet time to get in touch with your emotions will give clarity.

Gemini Love Horoscope

Insights into your future will be the gift of the New Moon in Aquarius. In fact, trusting your inner guidance will lead you to people and situations that will broaden your perspective. You’re certainly drawn to people who tap into your intellect or interests. Connecting with your friends or doing a group activity can bring romance during Mars in Aries.

Cancer Love Horoscope

The New Moon in Aquarius encourages healing and releasing. Therefore, it’s an ideal time to let go of anger and heal wounds to your heart. Mars moving through Aries is also awakening your ability to take charge. As a result, you’ll want to make the first move with a potential love or initiate some sexy encounters with your sweetie.

Leo Love Horoscope

The New Moon in Aquarius is bringing fresh energy to your partnership. Therefore, you’ll be inspired to share activities with your significant other and work through issues. If you’re solo, you may be drawn to someone if your heart is open. Mars in Aries will energize your desire to explore, and travel, education or spirituality play a role in romance.

Virgo Love Horoscope

The New Moon in Aquarius will turn your attention toward your health and your work. Not the most romantic pursuits, but you might meet someone special. Mars in Aries, however, is all about passion. This influence can trigger your desire or anger, or both, so expect loads of intensity.

Libra Love Horoscope

A fresh cycle of romance will be the gift of the New Moon in Aquarius. The flow of love will certainly surround you if you’re open to sharing your heart. Revealing your playful, creative side will draw admirers. Mars in Aries will energize passion and/or arguments with your partner. If you’re solo, you may meet someone who is highly athletic or assertive.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

A new cycle of homey activities will be the theme of the New Moon in Aquarius. Having your date or friends over for food and conversation brings delight. You’ll be focused on family too. Mars traveling through Aries also accelerates your daily activities. You may find yourself attracted to someone connected to work or fitness.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

The New Moon in Aquarius is awakening your self-expression and intellect. Your braininess or humor draws admirers. Even better, Mars in Aries traveling through your romance zone will ignite an attraction with a new love or spice up your relationship. A creative project can spark your enthusiasm too. In any case, passion will be your motto!

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Expect a new money cycle from the New Moon in Aquarius. Now is the time to seek out opportunities and discuss financial matters. Home-related activities and family interactions get lively during Mars in Aries. A cozy tryst can heat up passion. Hosting a gathering of friends will energize you too.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

The New Moon in your sign is bringing a new personal cycle. This influence will heighten your chances of starting a relationship. Whether you’re paired or solo, you’ll be motivated to seek out new experiences. Mars in Aries will energize your brainpower. Your directness will have a motivating or irritating effect.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Clearing up the past will be the focus of the New Moon in Aquarius. This is an ideal time to go inward to heal emotional wounds, achieve forgiveness and get in touch with your intuition. A relationship from a former life may be revealed. Mars in Aries will motivate you to increase your earning power. You’ll be drawn to people who are highly practical and/or sensual.

One thought on “Your Love Horoscope: Socializing and Social Awareness

  1. Raynaldo medina

    Is my girlfriend marlette be. Sheeting on me
    And why can’t I make love to her like I use to me thing don’t even hits up. Why I fill she is


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