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Mercury Retrograde makes three appearances in 2025. Known for its cosmic shifts and disruptions, each retrograde invites people to pause, reflect, and realign, and it offers the chance to navigate life with greater awareness.
So what does Mercury Retrograde 2025 have in store? Here’s everything you need to know.
What Is Mercury Retrograde?
When considering the transits of the planets in astrology, it’s helpful to think about it as a snapshot of the sky from the viewpoint of Earth. When Mercury is in retrograde, it’s not actually moving backward, but rather at a place in its orbit where it appears to move backward from our point of view.
Typically, a planet moves through the signs in their traditional order, but during a retrograde, earth overtakes it and it slides back behind us, appearing to retrace its path through a sign that it’s already moved through.
As the planet of communication, technology, and transportation, Mercury’s retrogrades can disrupt these areas. From technology glitches to transport delays, Mercury Retrograde is often blamed for many mishaps and misunderstandings.
Mercury Retrograde also has a shadow period (also known as “Mercury Retroshade”), a two-week window both preceding and following the main retrograde period. During this time, its effects are felt to a lesser degree, offering time to prepare for and respond to the lessons of the retrograde.
Mercury takes its name from the ancient Roman god Mercury — also known as Hermes in Greek mythology — and is, like its namesake, often associated with messages and movement.
Also considered something of a “trickster” god, Mercury’s influence might lend itself to slightly more chaotic methods in a variety of areas, especially when in retrograde. Mercury in positive and productive placements can create open and intellectual conversation, open doors for travel, and facilitate business opportunities. When it’s in direct transit, Mercury supports making deals, expressing your feelings, and moving through obstacles.
When Mercury is in retrograde, all these traits become more barrier than pathway, and things can get a little sticky. However, despite its reputation, Mercury Retrograde supports a variety of positive events and possibilities as well.
Mercury will be in retrograde three times throughout 2025, moving through a total of five signs in the sky. Each sign that Mercury enters will affect different aspects of daily life, though you can expect the themes of communication, decision-making, deal-making, and general movement to play a constant and recurring role.
What Are the Dates for Mercury Retrograde 2025?
Mercury Retrograde in 2025 occurs from March 14 to April 7, July 17 to August 11, and again from November 9 to November 29. Each of these transits will affect different aspects of daily life. Mercury will move through Aries, Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius, and Scorpio throughout this process, so you may feel these retrogrades more intensely if you have these signs in your birth chart, especially as your sun, moon, rising, or Mercury placements.
Spring Mercury Retrograde 2025
The first Mercury Retrograde of 2025 happens just in time for the transition into spring, beginning on March 14, lasting through the Spring Solstice on March 20, and concluding on April 7.
Mercury will travel backward and appear first under Aries, then under Pisces. Aries is a sign known for passion, fiery energy, and an increased potential for conflicts. During the first half of this retrograde, be careful not to jump to conclusions — both good and bad. Give relationships time to develop fully or heal before making rash or life-changing decisions, and be careful not to make assumptions without having all of the information on hand.
The second half of this transit will occur with Mercury moving through Pisces, an introspective and dreamy sign. This, along with the fact that retrograde energy already directs your attention inward, could cause more inner turmoil. Again, be careful not to jump to fantastical conclusions or, perhaps even worse, start doubting yourself and the value of your dreams and creative pursuits. This is the time to keep your nose to the ground and focus on facts, lay the groundwork for larger plans, and wait until the retrograde is over to move forward fully.
Summer Mercury Retrograde 2025
The second Mercury Retrograde in 2025 will happen in the middle of summer, between July 17 and August 11.
This retrograde will happen entirely under the sign of Leo, although some influence from Cancer may still be present.
Leo is a lucky sign, and Mercury often deals with luck as well, so this could be a time when a bit of “unluckiness” surfaces due to the nature of a retrograde. Avoid taking any unnecessary chances and, if possible, it may be best to wait on signing any contracts or major paperwork until this transit is over.
Those with major Leo placements will more susceptible to Mercury’s influence, and they may also find their words or personal image being twisted to a degree. Don’t worry, though. The truth will come to light as the planet rights itself.
Fall Mercury Retrograde 2025
The final 2025 Mercury Retrograde will occur between November 9 and November 29, starting in Sagittarius and ending in Scorpio. Once again, this will be opposite to the sun sign of the time, so while Mercury is in Sagittarius, the sun sign will be Scorpio, and vice versa.
Mercury is in detriment while under Sagittarius — meaning it’s in the direct opposite house to the one that it rules, in this case Virgo. At its best, Mercury in Sagittarius can lend itself to exploratory learning, open communication, and opportunities for travel. However, during a retrograde, all of these qualities may result in unexpected mix-ups. During the final Mercury Retrograde of 2025, be wary of travel plans, double-check dates and that you have your tickets, get the car checked before the road trip, and don’t put off your oil change. You may also find that it’s unusually difficult to communicate with tact, so try to have some grace and patience.
Once Mercury moves into Scorpio, it will be moving from a fire sign to a water sign. Things may not be exactly as they seem here, as Scorpio’s mysterious and enigmatic energy can obscure Mercury’s more clear-cut and direct influence. This is a good time to fact-check things, even when you feel certain, and to think things through on a logical and rational level, especially if you start feeling emotionally volatile.
If you have strong Scorpio placements, it might seem like you need to do some major restructuring, but hold off for now. The whole picture may not be clear until this retrograde ends, so just rest and relax for now.
How To Handle Mercury Retrograde
While there are things to be aware of during any Mercury Retrograde, you can also use this transit to your advantage. Though Mercury usually brings an external and outward-facing energy, a retrograde flips that energy inward. This is a wonderful time to dig deeper into your own ideas, truths, and dreams.
Speak to a professional Astrology Psychic for a detailed and personalized breakdown of how you can use Mercury Retrograde in 2025 to your advantage.
While Mercury Retrograde may not be a time for action, it’s a great opportunity to introspect, retrospect, gather information, and communicate with yourself about your higher needs. If you are on the side of caution, you could come out of these transits with a deeper understanding of yourself and a clearer path forward.
Ultimately, you can use Mercury Retrograde as a way to better understand yourself. Just pay attention to any potential signs and messages from the Universe. With an understanding of these powerful astrological transits and expert support from an Astrology Psychic, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate all of Mercury’s Retrogrades, through 2025 and beyond.
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