Mercury Transits the Sun on 11/11

Mercury Transits the Sun | California Psychics

A Rare Astrological Event

On Monday, November 11, 2019, Mercury will transit the sun. This event will be visible between about five and seven and a half hours, from 4:35 a.m. to 10:04 a.m. Pacific Time. The planet Mercury will move directly between the Earth and the sun. It will look like a small black dot crossing the face of the sun.

This is an exceedingly rare occurrence, with approximately only 13 transits of Mercury taking place each century. In the US, it will be easier to see the transit around sunrise on the Pacific Coast, and you will be able to see the entire transit on the Atlantic Coast. This transit will also be visible throughout all of South America and Central America, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The best place to view this event in its entirety will be the eastern United States, Central America, and South America. (You can peruse a transit visibility map and more information here:

Numerological Significance

This particular Mercury transit across the sun begins on 11-11-19. The numbers 11:11 hold great spiritual significance. Anytime you see or experience 11:11 you are being Divinely helped to manifest your hopes and dreams.

According to Cayelin K. Castell on Mercury transiting the sun acts like a total Solar Eclipse. She talks about how Mercury represents communication, perception, and the mind, and how Mercury transits strengthen, accelerate, and magnify opportunities to connect with new ways of thinking, communicating, and speaking.

Castell mentions that on 11-11-19, the sun will be at about 19 degrees Scorpio, and the next November transit will occur on 11-13-32 at 22 degrees Scorpio. (Mercury transits tend to occur between May and November throughout the 21st Century.) November transits recur at intervals of 7, 13, or 33 years while May transits recur only over 13 or 33 years.

The Astrological Effects

Be ready, for Mercury in Scorpio during this transit will reveal important information and may do so in an intense way. Mercury in Scorpio brings the magic, the passion, and empowerment into your thinking and perception so that you may see and understand people and events in ways you never have before.

This visible passage of Mercury across the sun offers you protection and power in your communications, thought, and even your travel. You may have a special opportunity to rise up in your life into whatever stratosphere you are currently seeking, no matter the area of your life, which is part of the 11:11 Divine Power of Manifestation energy.

According to Vedic legend, Mercury is the child of Jupiter and the moon, so it has the characteristics of both of these planets. When Mercury is intensified by Scorpio and transiting the sun, expect a tremendous surge of abundant blessings (Jupiter) in your life as well as emotional healing (moon) through your communications and your thoughts (Mercury).

On Susan Miller gives some insight into what you can expect from Solar Eclipse energy, which is what Mercury transiting the sun is most like. These events are all about helping us create change; sometimes dramatically so. She calls eclipses “wild cards.” They shake us up and get us moving, sometimes in surprising ways. You can expect news of life’s big events, as well as something ending and something new beginning. (The Scorpionic influence of this transit practically guarantees some intensity to these changes, but at least the changes won’t be boring and will definitely be for the better.)

If you want to see where in your astrology chart this transit might affect you the most, check in with one of our expert Astrologers here on California Psychics.

How and Where to See it

While Mercury transiting the sun can’t be seen with naked eye, it can be seen with the proper viewing equipment. A great many people on earth will be able to see Mercury as a tiny dark spot moving at a very slow pace across the sun. If you wish, you could perhaps attend a viewing party at a local astronomy club or museum event.

As a warning to prevent serious and permanent vision damage, you must never look directly at the sun or attempt to view these kinds of events without using the proper safety viewing equipment. You need something that includes a solar filter to protect your vision, be it with a properly protected telescope or special glasses. (You can find several options for solar eclipse glasses on Amazon.)

Here’s a site to give you some info about the right stuff to use for viewing Mercury transiting the sun. Yes, it’s touching on the 2016 Mercury transit, but it will help guide you on your viewing equipment needs:

You can find some information on where to view this phenomenon live online via:

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Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. The planets are responsible for your moods, experiences and more, which is why you should get a psychic astrology reading. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you.

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