Mercury Turns Retro

Mercury will be retrograde from today until September 12, 2010 at 4:09 p.m. (PDT). This influence, as you may know, can create chaos in communications, agreements and travel plans. Mercury is in Virgo, so your communications with coworkers and health professionals may be especially affected.

Still, because retrogrades pull us inward and into the past, it’s a good influence for analyzing (Virgo) your direction in life and taking care of unfinished tasks. You might also want to analyze your daily routine to see how you can put your time and energy to better use. Virgo is all about efficiency, after all. And if your diet/exercise regimen could use some improvement, now is the time to think about what changes you need to make (and then put them into practice after Mercury turns direct). Being of service to others may also be on your mind, so during the next three weeks, think about how you can make a difference in the world.

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