Your Money Horoscope for June 2013

Mercury Does the Backstroke

All of the Mercury retrogrades are in water signs this year and June’s retrograde takes place between June 26 and July 20 in the sign of Cancer—a little longer than a typical three-week retrograde. How does Mercury affect your money horoscope for June? It can’t be said too often that buying big-ticket items, especially electronics, during a retrograde is not a good idea. Chances are it will have to be returned for one reason or another. If travelling, spend the cash on preventative vehicle maintenance instead of having a costly repair happen while on the road. Generally the three days surrounding the beginning and end of a retrograde are most powerful, but the old saying should still apply throughout—“Caveat emptor” or “Let the buyer beware.”

Mercury retrograde is not all doom and gloom though, nor is it the only transit to watch this month. Read your Sun sign forecast to see what the planets have in store for you.


Both Mercury in Cancer and the Full Moon in Capricorn appeal to your cardinal energy. Take advantage of your savvy sense to find bargains and spend the retrograde period spreading style throughout your home.


Knowing how you enjoy the finer things in life, have your fun at the beginning of the month, but make sure you keep a reign on your cash and cards. On the 19th lucky Jupiter conjuncts the Sun and a new client, a raise or even buying a lottery ticket could all prove lucky for you.

Don’t rely on the lottery to improve your financial situation. Get a money/finance reading from Psychic Aliza ext. 5844.


Mars and the New Moon in your sign give your finances a boost. All that hard work is finally paying off. Stick to your budget and save for a rainy day or better, a vacation. On the 25th expansive Jupiter moves into your earned income sector for a full year.


When Jupiter moves into Cancer you’ll be anxious to set a new money-making idea in motion, but Mercury retrograde puts the brakes on it for about a month. Go with the flow; your time will come soon enough.


The New Moon in Gemini makes this a social month but careful not to override the budget. Don’t promise to take on more responsibility unless it pays you for your time and doesn’t interfere with your plans, especially during the retrograde.


The New Moon in Gemini brings monetary rewards for your talents. Isn’t it nice to be in demand and to get paid well for all you do? Offers may come your way, but don’t sign anything until after the retrograde period; any postponement will work in your favor.

With multiple offers coming your way, which one should you choose? Psychic Saphira ext. 5243 has the information your need to make an informed decision.


Your June money horoscope is stellar. After the 25th, three major planets work their magic in your career and money sectors. Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn all highlight good financial luck; just don’t spend it before you get it.


Mercury and Venus in your shared resources sector, as well as Saturn retrograde in your own sign and Neptune in your house of daily work are a mixed bag of tricks. Let financial matters work themselves out this month.


Towards month’s end, both the Full Moon and Jupiter bring a chance for more money to come through your work, your spouse’s work or both. Don’t forget the Mercury retrograde though. Splurge on something small, but bank the rest.


Mars and the New Moon in your daily work sector means you’ll be in demand and probably paid well for your time. You’re smart enough to know that money in the bank means more than things you can buy.


Saturn retrograde in your career sector is holding you to a job or financial situation which is starting to bother you. Buying a few plants and putting your fingers in the earth will help ground you and work out any financial frustrations.

“When it comes to your paycheck/money/finances, instead of thinking: ‘That’s not enough,’ think with the attitude of gratitude by blessing what you’ve got. Soon, a greater flow of money will come to you.” – Psychic Kallista ext. 9623


Mercury, as well as Jupiter, help you to get out and make important connections that will make your June money horoscope an awesome one. Just don’t spend more on socializing than you can afford or than you can recoup through new ventures.

12 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for June 2013

  1. Tasha

    I personally find the readings here to be quite helpful and like how they come across. Things have been a bit stagnant in the career sector so will have to see how the new moon plays out.

  2. P.C.Rao

    Your weekly Love Cast proves to be very true in my case. But it is not with my love partner. When you say pleasant everything seems to be cool. When you say HEATING UP & STORMY I will be entering into an argument or I loose my temper and the colleagues feel that I am rude where as the same people are so comforting and understanding. I dont know whether this is the case with others or only with me.

  3. Aaron W. Ridley

    I have a question for you. Why is it that all of your readings are false and untrue? None of the readings or what is listed in the emails you send turns out to be accurate.

  4. Pingback: Your Money Horoscope for June 2013 | Articles, Advice and More

  5. Diana

    I have an investment that could make or break my family’s situation.
    But it is in the hands of a foreign country that is not consistent in their actions.
    Is this something that I should forget or continue to follow?

  6. linda

    i dont have a credit card,but besides this i wanna know how can i pay u through wht,coz i really like to have a reading on my money and finance.

  7. Glenda

    I am moving the end of June from AK to AZ….will all go well and will things be better when we get to Arizona?

  8. jean Heagerty

    I don’t have a credit card but I just retired and like to have a reading on my Money and finance soon. I like to know where my finance stands.


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