Your Weekly Money Horoscope for August 26 – September 1, 2013

Your Money After the Storm

This week’s money horoscope begins with an ending and ends with the beginning of a brighter period. Go out and celebrate Labor Day weekend with a smile.

Like any hurdle we jump or any storm we survive, we review recent events and look for the best way to move forward. If you were left untouched by all the star-studded antics of the last few days, consider yourself blessed. The good news is, it gets better.

Mercury is communicating with financially savvy Jupiter on Friday, so if you have agreements to sign, wait until Friday and the days that follow for the best results. Sunday offers the best day to discuss finances with someone who knows their stuff.


Mercury and the Sun still favor your sixth house. If you weathered last week and managed career and financial obligations, it’s time to enjoy some of your money—take a day off.


Venus may have stirred up some work-related trouble for you last week but as this week moves forward things get better. Enjoy the long weekend ahead with good friends and family.


August may not have been the most fruitful month financially, but with Jupiter now well-settled in your house of earned money, you’ll soon start to see better days. Have a Labor Day party to celebrate.


You have until Tuesday to put a financial/career plan into action while Mars still occupies your sign. This week plant the seed that will grow your money tree in months to come.


Mars enters your sign on Tuesday and that is a boost to your money horoscope. Financial plans made while Mars occupies your sign tend to have universal support.


Your solar return period has just started but on a bit of a bumpy road. But there is good news. Not only does it gets better, but by Friday you may really enjoy a little relief and fun.


Mars leaves your career house on Tuesday and a very hectic period is coming to an end. Breathe a sigh of relief. It’s time to lighten up and let loose over the long weekend.

Find out what this last hectic period will do for your finances. Have a chat with Psychic Chastity ext. 5403.


The Sun forms a nice angle to Saturn in your sign on Thursday. Even if you’re on vacation, money-making ideas could become your focus.


With Mercury in your career house, you realize how far you’ve come career-wise this summer and how that has helped your overall money horoscope. Friday is stellar for fun and finance.


Your main source of money, namely your career, has been hectic and changes are still occurring, but remember you’re the one in control and you’re one heck of a time organizer.

“When it comes to your paycheck/money/finances, instead of thinking, ‘That’s not enough,’ think with the attitude of gratitude by blessing what you’ve got. Soon, a greater flow of money will come to you.” – Psychic Kallista ext. 9623


You’ve had plenty of financial and career decisions to make, and hopefully you’ve done your due diligence and gotten what you want. Splurge on a little Labor Day celebration.


Your money horoscope reminds you to keep a close eye on your financial information. Enjoy Labor Day without breaking the bank or the budget.

7 thoughts on “Your Weekly Money Horoscope for August 26 – September 1, 2013

  1. Linda

    Ive been going thru a bad financial situation for the past two to three the point where i was almost evicted twice..and now I might lose my there an end to this bad period financially..when will I be able to see the end of this..Ive been trying and trying but every way I turn there is a wall..what is going on? If i was superstitious I would think Ive been cursed..?? please..tell me what is going on?? I pray to God every day for a way out of this mess..

  2. c.wright.thru.u.

    Divine infinite blessings of gratitude, appreciation, love, and light.
    I AM infinitely prosperous. I AM infinitely wealthy. I AM infinitely abundant. ALL easily and effortlessly.

  3. Karen Brown

    I wish I could celebrate, but I am broke and living off of change. When will I see the money at the end of the tunnel?


    please please will you be my friend please do you know if some one will be comeing to my door with big check all i have bad luck all my life please will you tell me please mary will i get luck august 29th

  5. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    once again you hit it right on. a little bump in the road cant stop me –
    moving forward with renewed ambition.
    thank you as always for your wisdom.

  6. Harley

    Good morning , and happy labor day to you all !
    I just wanted to say I love this site ! I look forward to your readings every morning. You’ll never know how much you’ve help heal this ole heart of mine… Thank you !!


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