Your Money Horoscope for September 2013

Money Matters in September

The September Money Horoscope will have its ups and downs like any other month, depending on where the planets fall in your chart.

While there’s plenty of movement in the stars this month, one planet, energetic Mars, will be in impulsive Leo all month—think before making any financial leaps. September is one of those months that emphasize this year’s theme of keeping balance in our lives. Pluto (who goes direct on the 20th), Uranus and Saturn are slowly working their agendas behind the scenes but they are no less important to your overall financial picture.

A New Moon in Virgo on the 5th and a Full Moon in Pisces on the 19th is a nice combination (Earth and Water) that balances out other planetary commotion. Always remember to have an open heart and to keep your eye on the bigger picture—your financial future.

Now let’s take a look at your Money Horoscope for September:


Karmic Saturn is currently in Scorpio and your house of other people’s money and shared resources. Venus will enter Scorpio on the 11th followed by Mercury on the 29th. Even if cash flows readily, remember to budget for unexpected expenses.


You’ll certainly be earning your salary in September—work may be somewhat taxing. Your only money issue this month may be something that needs repair at home. With Mars in your fourth house it will be far cheaper in the long run to hire a professional.

Get better at saving for unexpected repairs and more. Psychic Reed ext. 5105 has some helpful tips for you.


The Full Moon on the 19th lands in your house of careers shining a light on all your efforts. Your ability to handle what comes your way with such ease could earn you some praise and possibly a raise during the second half of September.


Throughout September Mars will be in Leo, occupying your house of money and resources which basically means, “easy come, ease go.” You’re inspired to make money as well as spend it. Keep an eye on your budget and avoid spending sprees.


Both the New Moon in your house of money and resources (where you earn money) and the Full Moon in your house of shared resources and other people’s money (where you’ll want to spend money) will challenge your budgeting skills this month. Keep your eye on the bigger picture.


Mid-September, Mercury (the commerce planet) moves into your second house of money and resources and it’s important not to spend more than you make, especially when temptation strikes around the 15th. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Libra and sheds more light on your financial picture.

Avoid the temptation to spend money on things you don’t need. Psychic Shauna ext. 9010 can help.


Try to charge your batteries prior to the Full Moon in Pisces on the 19th when work will start to take up a lot of your time and energy. The payoff will be literal though when your extraordinary efforts could land you a better position and/or a raise. Continue taking time to relax to keep up with the pace.


All through September, Mars will be in your tenth house of career and status, giving you energy to burn when it comes to pursuing career success. You always do well when you focus, but the thing to remember is that a thriving career requires rest as well. Venus helps the financial picture after the 11th.


In September expect financial success when the New Moon on the 5th lands in your house of career and status, which could increase your visibility and paycheck as well. Meanwhile, Mercury in your house of unexpected circumstances will clash with several planets between the 10th and the 29th. Stay steady.


Your career house lights up with Venus and then Mercury making you an unstoppable force at generating cash in September. Mars in your house of shared resources puts emphasis on both spending and saving—budget for balance.

“Money is an energy and nothing more.” – Psychic Ariel ext. 9775


Your September Money Horoscope shines this month with the New Moon in your house of other people’s money/shared resources and the Full Moon in Pisces in your house of money attraction. You couldn’t ask for a better financial month.


Mars in your sixth house of daily work and responsibility will make for some tense moments at work. Try to go with the flow and not swim against the tide because the sixth house is also the house of undesirable events. Mercury also gets into the mix, so just keep steadfast with an eye on the future.

19 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for September 2013

  1. vera

    I’d always love to align my daily life with these guides…its amazing!!!Please help me address the offer with contract in Norway on SHP as Nurse for 2 years with rate of 500,000Noks per year…I already got at hand Offer EMployment Contact, Representation Agreement, Electronic Agreement,SPA for the procurement of my Residence-Work Visa which I have to meet before my contract date starts(January1,2014 ends on Dec 31,2014.

    I need your heartily coaching on this opportunity before my pen ends for conformation on the legal Docs…Thanks

  2. greeneyez

    will my financial status change… I have no job & my unemployment finish I dont want to get on public assistance but I am backed up in rent will I get dat paid with out asking the government for money for help will a prince be in my life and take control of all my troubles lol please say yes all ur wishes are granted imagine that

  3. Walter

    Your predictions or horoscopes of me are so far off it is not even funny like this one on my financial and money situation I am broke and have been looking hard for work and notjhing seems to work!

  4. Leah field

    I really liked your Aquarius information. It gave me hope as I have been without work for over 2 years and I am very broke. Is there any hope of getting a job or lotto win

  5. ashok pal shukla

    Medical expences of rs 2.0 lacs any chances for getting it as i have retired from GPILTD was working with Mafai ltd

  6. J. Allen

    I’m in a city with jobs in my profession I’ve gotten approval on a couple, but the background checks are taking forever and other managers seem interested but are “stand-offish”. When will this stop and work begin—Can You Help???

  7. LJ

    Dear Aires: I’m very sorry. It does seem that you have been caught up in the web of a negative vibe towards money. However difficult it may be, spend a few minutes perhaps right before you go to sleep and declare your gratefulness for all that you do have – and ask the universe for assistance and to guide you down the right path to achieve your goals. Be patient, be vigilant and be positive – nothing can stay the same forever. I wish you all the best.


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