Your Money Horoscope for October 14 – 20, 2013

Your Money: Never Mind the Retrograde. Here’s the Eclipse!

In the week before the Mercury Retrograde, the cosmic climate is about to change. Technically it’s always in a state of flux, but as they say, “Forewarned is forearmed.” Check your money horoscope!

Let’s start with Tuesday when Mars enters Virgo. This week, your working life becomes a factor that directly affects your money. If tempers flare, walk away and be sure to think beyond the present moment.

After the Sun enters Scorpio on Wednesday, you may be ready to make some financial changes. It’s a good time to review credit reports and know where you stand.

Friday is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. If you’ve taken a good look at your finances, you may have found some surprises. But try not to let money matters stress you out. Instead, feel empowered with knowledge that will help you make informed decisions going forward.

On Saturday, Mars, the warrior, opposes Neptune, the King. Right now, it’s a standoff, so make sure you have all the facts and you know exactly why you’re at odds with people and/or financial institutions before you decide to enter into battle.

Now let’s look at your weekly money horoscope for October 14 – 20:


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign is your signal to start thinking about your financial future and where you’d like to take your money over the next year and beyond.


Most of your money has been spent on social pursuits and that trend continues, thanks to Mars in Virgo. During the eclipse, enjoy a little relaxation in between a heavy work schedule.


Mars in Virgo works with Mercury’s placement in your house of reputation, but more so after Mercury’s retrograde. For now, your only money focus may be on getting a job with better pay.

Astrology can jump-start your career and financial path. Get a money and career reading from Psychic William ext. 5131!


Last week Venus helped your money horoscope and now the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your career house could really improve your popularity at work, as well as your financial future.


Mars enters your house of money earned and spent—hopefully you’ve prepared your budget. When the eclipse comes, you might consider adding a short vacation into that budget.


After Wednesday, love is in the air and so is the urge to splurge on something to make life at home a little cozier, just remember to be a savvy shopper and stay within the budget.


Try to balance between taking care of financial business and spending time with the important people in your world. Having that balance will translate well into your financial decisions.


Mars helps you socially, so get out and meet new clients/potential employers. The eclipse gives you increased focus on the bottom line over the next six to twelve months.


Your money horoscope rocks this week. With Venus already in your sign and Mars entering your career house this week, you’re set for some financial recognition at work.

Learn how to negotiate at work without stepping on other people’s toes. Psychic Rianne ext. 9423 has some great tips!


When Mars moves into your house of unexpected events and long-distance travel, you’ll want to make sure you have money on hand in case something comes up.


As Mars enters Virgo, you or a spouse might be up for a raise or bonus. Or you might decide to get a home improvement loan. Just wait until Mercury goes direct next month.


Venus is already in your career house. Now, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will set the financial tone for the next six months or more so don’t let Mars rock the boat or your temper.

How should you approach your financial situation for the maximum benefit? Get priceless tips from Psychic Reed ext. 5105!

5 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for October 14 – 20, 2013

  1. christopher moore

    I am wondering will my money problems get better. I have a lawsuit going on with everything go well on the money side give me some solid feed back please.


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