Your Money Horoscope for October 28 – November 3, 2013

Your Money Horoscope, Now and Later

While some weeks may be astrologically void of action, this is not one of them. The effects of what happens this week will be most-strongly felt in mid-November and for months to come.

First, Mercury forms a conjunction with Saturn for the second time this month on the 29th. This relates to the first conjunction which happened on October 8.

On November 1 the final Uranus-Pluto square of 2013 becomes exact. That same day, Mercury helps you get advice about your finances with the help of Mars and Pluto.

On Sunday, there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The effects of an eclipse can last for months.

Now let’s look at your money horoscope for the week of October 28 through November 3:


For now Mercury is still retrograde in your house of shared resources. Go easy on the home improvements.


Enjoy Venus’ last few days in your house of shared money. Venus is your ruler and she’ll possibly want to leave you with a parting gift.


The Uranus-Pluto square will be felt mid-month, so now is the time to have your budget in order. If you do that you’ll feel much better and you’ll also be in good shape.

Astrology can jump-start your career and financial path. Get a money and career reading from Psychic William ext. 5131!


As a water sign, last month’s Lunar Eclipse set you in search of financial security. This Solar Eclipse in the same sign, coupled with Mercury, will help you find big bargains on holiday gifts.


While Mars is in Virgo, you may have the urge to splurge and with Mercury in retrograde you might very well find some great bargains, thereby feeding that urge without breaking the bank.


Your money horoscope is giving you the green light to find bargains during the last days of the Mercury retrograde in November. Use the weekend to update passwords and shred old bills.


The New Moon Solar Eclipse is in your house of money gained but its effects aren’t felt right away or without the help of other planets. It’ll be worth the wait.


Having a New Moon in one’s sign is a special gift, but when it’s a Solar Eclipse it’s a gift with lasting value—for months to come. Your financial path is changing for the better.

“Know your intentions toward money and its ability to become abundant in your life.” – Psychic Jesse ext. 9027


Enjoy the last full week of Venus in your sign, because next week she enters your second house, and that is also a help to your money horoscope.


You feel like getting out and having a good time around the New Moon Solar Eclipse. The good news is you should be able to find the funds to do it.


Your career house has been and still is the focus of your financial world. That’s especially the case on October 29 and again during the Solar Eclipse. Answers come soon.


Venus has been blessing your money horoscope through your “career house,” and she’ll be especially helpful during the first few days of November.

What’s in store for your financial future, and how can you best capitalize on it? Get a money reading from Psychic Shelby ext. 5697 today!

27 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for October 28 – November 3, 2013

  1. Yolanda R.

    If your previsions are correct, this would mean that part of my (tough-luck) is leaving me for better grounds! Ho, how I wish you were “right”, and my future is slightly best than my past. Wishing and hoping that your grand be and stay true with you. My financial difficulties may improve as for the rest of my being, I am doing fairly well and that is a good thing.
    Thank you!

  2. A.B

    I have been ill 4 months now with a “tendonitis ” in my right hip .
    I am a professional painter , started working last week , so my money situation is fragile right now .
    I am a gemini , I expected a good year ?
    I am traveling on the 17-27 of November for art purposes , hope to make some sales on the trip .
    How do you see things ?
    I will appreciate your opinion !

  3. LJ

    Dear Readers – Wow, I’m always so honored and overwhelmed by all of the responses – let me just start by saying – Debbie, I hope you find what you’re looking for very soon, juggling three jobs is not easy and not easy on you personally … don’t give up. To all my “lucky number” friends – I don’t have a way of giving you what you want except to say, why don’t you read one of my numerology articles – you can use your birthday and your birth name to find numbers that resonate and numbers that repeat a lot – that’s just a clue that I would use. Thanks to Maria for liking the articles – there are many talented psychics and writers (some both) at California Psychics and I’m sure they appreciate your comments as much as I did. Sepideh – I’m glad you’re life is going well :). Juanita, I’d love for everyone to be debt free – I hope you achieve that soon for yourself. Dear George, if you have a passion, go for it – if you love something so much then you’ll surely be successful at it and that will make it possible to pay back any school loans.
    I wish I could answer all of you individually or that I even had answers for all of you … but I do wish you all good luck in all of your endeavors. And thanks for reading the Psychic Blog.

  4. george grund

    I want to know if I’ll get financing for University ? I want to take a course on environmental sustainability? Will I get to take the courses?

  5. Nellie

    Yes I would like too know if my new marriage is going to last for ever. And are we or I going to get a bigger place thank you for your time

  6. Paula

    Are trying to start a home-based business and things are not going as well as expected. Need guidance
    for help with $5000.
    Thank you

  7. Anita

    Thanks. My birthday is 11/8 and this week I am working on my marketing package, which has been going around in nowhere circles for some time. My book, God and Angels Speak: Divine Dictations for a New Age should be coming out in November if I can get the help I need from my publisher. Thanks for the good news.

  8. I Janie Ramirez

    I am trying to get a new job I work with superior that does. Not like me would not give hrs she give me hell what should I do

  9. Mandy

    Every Fridays I pick my lucky bonus, from 1 to number 35, so what will be my lucky number this Friday please, and so every fridays, can you let me know tomorrow or before thursday, so I can pay my bonus before friday.

    Thanxs and hope you will help me with my lucky numbers

  10. Randy

    William I hope the news is good been waiting for this for an eternity it seems. I am due an answer though and when it comes I’ll leave you the first message.

  11. Aora

    We have been playing lotto for years and the most we have won is 10 euros.
    We are planning to playone on the 2nd Nov,which lucky numbers should we use.
    Hoping to read from you soon.

  12. Tim Boyd

    Your about the third one to tell all that and all the signs I will ask you the same thing has got anything to day with powerball (lotto) cos it’s all was in front of me I play and never win just wondering

  13. Mohammad Ibrahim Kumbhar.

    I am playing digit game, so will you send me lucky four digit number for game of 31 october 2013. Waiting for possitive reply.


    I realy enjoy tour articles. They provide some understanding of the cosmos, thank you also for the good advice for each sign. Ihave hope to someday be able to afford a psychic reading. Maria.

  15. Debbie

    Hi .. I am hoping that there will be a new source of income for me soon… I am trying to obtain another job that will pay me what I am worth . I work 3 jobs at the present time… I would like to have a day off once in a while the 7 day a week treadmill is very hard at times.


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