Your Weekly Money Horoscope for November 25 – December 1, 2013

Your Money Horoscope Calls for Renewed Enthusiasm

Now that we’ve seen the last of the Mercury retrogrades for 2013, the universe is about to give us a week that feels like a blast of fresh air. Whew!

On Monday, Mercury conjuncts karmic Saturn in Scorpio. When planets join together their powers are magnified. Embarking on a new financial adventure (a job, a partnership or financial plan) is not only favored, it’s also likely to be a commitment that lasts a good long while.

For those of us who live in the U.S., Black Friday comes on the day after Thanksgiving and traditionally the holiday shopping season begins. If you don’t mind crowds, it’s a good day to check off the items on your shopping list without spending too much money. Remember, gifts don’t have to be large or expensive—they just have to come from the heart.

Now let’s take a look at your weekly money horoscope for the week of November 25 through December 1:


Mercury meets Saturn in your house of money shared. It’s likely that you, your partner or both of you, could see a change in income—hopefully for the better. It’s meant to be.


It’s likely that you’ll be too into sharing the holiday spirit to ruin the mood with bothersome crowds. You’re more of a cyber-Monday shopper, so enjoy sharing the week with family and friends.


Monday’s conjunction involves your ruler, Mercury, and it happens in your house of daily work and routines. You’re embarking on a new financial chapter. Embrace it.


As Jupiter retrogrades in your sign, and with the help of Saturn, your money horoscope puts focus on creativity and how you can create the security you truly want.


The Mercury/Saturn conjunction plus Saturn’s favorable alignment to Jupiter retrograde will turn your attention inward, focusing on home and doing small things that make your den more comfortable.

Find out what the future has in store for you! Psychic Penelope ext. 5340 can tell you everything!


Shift happens in your house of communications. Word of mouth helps boost requests for your services. Whatever you’re selling, you’ve got plenty of takers.


Your money horoscope speaks of a memorable purchase that proves to be priceless—even if it’s just some food you share with a friend.


This week, ideas and creative endeavors help you formulate long-term plans with the goal of long-term results. Plan a getaway if you haven’t had a break.

Astrology can empower you to seek your true path. Get an astrological reading from Psychic William ext. 5131!


Last week the sun moved into your sign, and next week the New Moon will too. You might as well relax and enjoy the vibe—just don’t spend too much money.


Being seen and involved at work as well as in social situations gives you a chance to meet people who can help your career. You can secure your financial future just by showing up.


Your money horoscope transitions this week from a work-only orientation to a more social one. December holds new opportunities. For now, enjoy.


Life’s pace picks up, especially when it comes to your career. You may be learning something new or meeting new people who can help you reach your goals.

Talk to Psychic Shauna ext. 9010 for an astrological look at how to embrace your future!

21 thoughts on “Your Weekly Money Horoscope for November 25 – December 1, 2013

  1. LJ

    Dear Readers – especially Carole – Your Sun Sign horoscopes are for just that – your Sun sign. And as you all probably already know, there are 12 houses in every chart and many planets that can occupy them – each chart is unique. That’s why someone born on the same day as you may not be anything like you. Carole, I’m sorry about all of your troubles and I hope that December is better for you as well – there’s a lot going on when the planets move and without doing your personal chart I say much about where the problems stem from, but what I can tell you is that a Sun Sign forecast is an overview not a reading – and that nothing (good or bad) lasts forever. I know that may not give you the solace you seek, but even the law of attraction would tell you that if you concentrate on negative, you attract more negative. That is why it is so important to take stock at the end of each day of one or more things you do have to be thankful for. That can be hard to do, but once it becomes a practice it really does help to turn things around and also get us through tough times. All the best.

  2. Carole


    I’m an Aquarian, born February 14, 1962. I was prompted to write after reading my Money Horoscope here. Ironically, it said that there would be a positive change in my finances starting this week. Wellllllll, let me tell you…….it does not seem to be very accurate. Lets see. Aside from being under great financial strain already, Monday, I got a speeding ticket for S115.00. Tuesday, I had to borrow money to buy some needed items. Today, my vehicle just stopped working, and will hopefully only cost me a new starter. I’d ask what else could go wrong, but I don’t really want to know. I just hope that December will be the real improvement that was predicted this week.

  3. beverly m. panunciar

    Hello, Can i ask you a favor please help me give me my lottery number 6 digits from 1 to 55 i wish to win the lottery so that i can help my parents and family and to those who need my help. I hope you can give me a chance to win. My bday Dec. 20 1969 time 11:30 am.

  4. jasbir

    I am a divorce n have an adult daughter c is with her mother studying in medical. After giving all alomany to her mother c put case on me n demand huge amount from through court even an offen I have no job and other means.please;;help me out from this problem thanks.

  5. Deb Richeimer

    Will I ever know the truth about my husband nd his cheating nd sexual desires since I m guessing I didnt satisify him the 32 yrs. We were married. Plus will my son go to prison with the charges against for drug trafficking? Thank U,

  6. suzanne

    Is this a good time for me to ask someone for a gift of money to start my own business my birthday 03/19/1960 time of birth 3:38pm CST

  7. Lynda

    My grandkids needs a stable and responsible adult to raise them A.S.A.P I need financial blessing to have a 3 to 4 bedroom/2 to 2.5 bathrooms strong fenced in yard/ garage home in a safe neighborhood with nice size back yard to raise my grandkids who is very smart in school and love school lord bless us please.

  8. Lina

    I need to help my family’s in philippines coz there homes ate down from the typhoon and really want to big win lotary i need to help my family’s and othereople need my help. Plus I want my adoption son to be here coz I’m always worried all the if the have typhoons in Philippines, pleas help me, if u true this what my sign of life….thank u and have greet day !!! Wish u gave a good number to win…

  9. hemaxi singh

    hello respected sir
    are you providing any horoscope which contain next 5 year all major events like profession life,married like,education ,benefites and losses like provide in 500 rs only.if yes plz mail me.
    thank you

  10. Pamela Screen

    This month has not been especially good for me in reference to the present outlook for a potential career in my field after I finish next month and move to advanced education. Idont want it to feel like a financial waste for me.

  11. Kathryn

    Will my daughter and I reconcile and overcome the bad times in our past and wil we ever have that mother daughter bond again?

  12. Royston Ferdinands

    I am quite happy with the weekly money horoscope, and I’ll be looking forward to
    hear some good news about my job / finances.


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