Your October Money Horoscope: A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

Your Money Horoscope

Now that we’re fully ensconced in fall energy, consider this time to be a cool, crisp breeze washing over your money, financial future and even your business. Your October Money Horoscope promises to be at least a breath of fresh air compared to September, so soak up the energy.

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Here are the notable dates for everyone in October: Look to the 8th and 9th when Venus enters Virgo and her energy stabilizes, and Mercury goes direct in Libra. Both of their retrograde periods are done (for now). Expansive Jupiter wants to help you get noticed and will bring you good fortune on the 11th. Actionable Mars works with Jupiter on the 17th to get your new money plans into action. Venus and Jupiter meet up on the 25th, allowing you to experience luxury and abundance. The Full Moon on the 27th is in money-attracter Taurus and it’s the most powerful Full Moon of the year. Let it illuminate your world.

Now let’s take a look at the October Money Horoscope for your Sun Sign:


Venus, Mars and Jupiter are all in your sixth house of daily work and reputation, helping you reach some career/money goals. Mark the 8th and 17th as your best days to show up and show off. The Full Moon in Taurus speaks favorably to your love of the finer things in life.


Your ruler, Venus, as well as other planets, light up your fifth house which affects not only your love life but your speculative abilities. Basically, you can take small gambles in money and love and you may just get lucky if you don’t go overboard. The Full Moon in your sign on the 27th will feel like a life-changer for the better.

Wondering what changes are coming? Get a life path reading with Psychic Chastity ext. 5403 and find out!


Your ruler, Mercury, should help you feel more stable in all facets of life compared to its recent retrograde period. The Full Moon in Taurus will empower you to continue on your path to financial success, but warns to keep your accomplishments quiet for now. No bragging allowed!


October is often a financially sobering month for you. Put your plans into action, speak your truths, but don’t gamble on your future. Decisive financial actions, including eliminating debts and fortifying your financial future, are supported. The last nine days of October are particularly favorable to marry your talents with your new financial savvy.

Can you make money doing what you love, Cancer? Find out during a career reading with Psychic Danni ext. 5193!


Your October Money Horoscope says that this is the month to get personal finances in alignment with personal desires. Several planets, including Venus, will be in your second house of money-in-and-out, and that energy will help you balance your debits and credits. Don’t sit back and wait for changes. Pounce into action and act like the king/queen of your financial jungle.


Mark the 11th on your October Money Horoscope calendar as a five-star day for your career when planets support your dreams and even turn them into financially viable pursuits—most especially if your work involves charities or the spiritual realm. Jupiter in your Sun Sign will form an angle to Pluto making it one explosively-expansive day for your career.


The Sun shines squarely on your second house of money-in-and-out after the 23rd. The second half of October, you’ll find yourself proactively organizing files and finances and paying off bills. Likewise, if anyone owes you money, you might decide to just forgive the debt. The New Moon in Libra marks your New Year. It’s all about clearing the path to your future.


Last month, taskmaster Saturn entered your second house for an extended stay through December 2017. This affects your money coming in and going out and this will help you/force you to spend wisely and decisively. Spend on necessities and bank what’s left. Frivolous spending will not be supported. It’ll all be worth it in the end.


Career and money go hand-in-hand in your October Money Horoscope. Rise to challenges and trials at work with professionalism and avoid explosive outbursts. Someone in charge is watching. If you manage to maintain your cool, you could see some financial reward during the second half of the month.


You work hard for your money and you love to watch it grow. If you hear about any speculative opportunities this month, don’t take action without research. Don’t take someone at their word. The first half of October will be particularly challenging in this respect. The bank may not pay well, but it is guaranteed.


Venus meets the Moon in Virgo on the 8th, putting a heartfelt spin on everything you do with regard to your eighth house of shared finances. Joint finances and estate matters will be highlighted. Later in October, you may finally have a shot at that raise or promotion you’ve been working toward.

Will you get promoted this October? Find out during a career reading with Psychic Royce ext. 5448!


Use the beginning of October (and possibly the help of someone in-the-know) to get finances in order—in everything from budget to taxes to investments. After the New Moon on the 12th, both relationships and joint finances will be on more solid ground, bringing you peace.

One thought on “Your October Money Horoscope: A Breath of Fresh Air

  1. Peaches P

    For some reason Taurus have been in a bad spot all year. Nothing positive or good happen for me all year . I really look forward to the positive outlook over the fall season. I now have something positive to look forward to. Thanks


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