Your May Money Horoscope: Attraction and Subtraction

May Money Horoscope

Your Money Horoscope

A New Moon in Taurus will act as a money magnet for most Sun Signs in the May Money Horoscope. Meanwhile, Venus moves into home-loving Cancer and many signs will find themselves spending on home-related improvements, decorating and/or entertaining. The challenge this month will be keeping the balance in finances (not spending more than you make) thanks in part to the start of Mercury Retrograde. Let’s see what the May Money Horoscope has in store for your Sun Sign:

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Venus influences love and finances, so not surprisingly your May Money Horoscope finds Venus focused on matters of the heart and home. You’ll be spending more time and money on domestics and home-centered celebrations. While May won’t be too costly, it will be priceless.


Each year we get one New Moon in our Sun Sign, and for you it happens in May—it’s like your personal New Year. You may feel the urge to turn your money making gifts towards something entrepreneurial. Go for it, but don’t give up the day job yet. More support comes later.

Wondering where that support will come from, Taurus? Get a career reading with Psychic Charlie ext. 5277 and find out!


Your May Money Horoscope brings a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 3, putting the spotlight on your daily work life. You’re poised for more success at work as well as being noticed by coworkers and bosses alike. It’s a busy month that can also pay you handsomely.


Venus enters your Sun Sign on May 7, so the urge to splurge will be potent. Try to stay within your budget so you don’t fret about it later. If you do have money to burn, get out and enjoy yourself a little. If not, go out anyway—your giving personality prompts others to pick up the tab.


With Venus in the house representing all things domestic during most of May, you might find yourself spending money on items to decorate or organize your den. Alternatively, a family member may need your financial assistance.


After Mars enters your career house on May 11 you may feel all fired up about asking the boss for a raise. Alternatively, if you’re self-employed you may raise the rates you charge for your services. Astrologically speaking, waiting until next month’s Gemini New Moon gives you more support in this arena.

Is there a raise in your future, Virgo? Get a career reading with Psychic Emery ext. 6429 and find out!


Your May Money Horoscope helps you shine at work after Venus moves into your career house. Meanwhile the New Moon in Taurus may give you the urge to travel. Wouldn’t it be awesome to get a raise so you can fund that well-deserved vacation?


When Mars opposes Saturn mid-month, you may be at financial odds with a business partner. Alternatively, this opposition may throw a monkey-wrench in your plans to spend money on home improvements. Don’t overextend yourself. Better opportunities will present themselves soon enough.


May’s New Moon in Taurus is your signal to cash in on an idea or a hobby to make some extra money. This placement also suggests that you can get twice the work done if you take on a partner. Don’t overthink it! Take a proactive approach to finances.


May wouldn’t be a bad time to purchase a lottery ticket with your spare change, especially on the 17th and 25th. Also, when it comes to family-related expenses, you should expect the unexpected. This is the stuff rainy-day savings were made for.


Money-minded Mercury squares Neptune in your house of finances twice during your May Money Horoscope. This means you should keep a tight grip on your wallet for two reasons: one, you may spend recklessly and two, you may be susceptible to monetary fraud.

Having a hard time sticking to a budget, Aquarius? Psychic Darren ext. 6458 knows what being a better saver means for your future.


Last month you had plenty of opportunities to burn through your cash, so you may be feeling the aftermath this month. Luckily the New Moon in Taurus offers you plenty of ways to cover the bills. Venus will urge you to spend what’s left on things for your home.

3 thoughts on “Your May Money Horoscope: Attraction and Subtraction

  1. Quinn ext.5484Psychic Quinn ext. 5484

    as always LJ you get the Capricorn right on.
    love your wisdom and insight. let the rainy day come…. this cappy is ready.
    -Psychic Quinn ext. 5484

  2. Sancho Lanez

    To Darren,
    One years from now, I don’t have a job what happened in my life, I would life to go back my old job. I pray my god I wish take me going to heaven ,They have no future in my life because I old now no body hire for me.


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